Chapter 27

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Earth-1, Central City, STAR Labs

Barry and Oliver where on the time vault, not sure why they were there Barry with a confused look asked

"What's up? Why did you want us to get privacy?" Oliver just look at where it used to be the place were Reverse Flash Placed his suit

"Look, we both know this is dangerous we don't know who this new guy is," Oliver said

"Yeah, what's up with that? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, remember when you told me about you vanishing?"

"Yeah, it was here where I showed you..."

"Can we see the news?" Barry looking a little concerned about his friend went to where Gideon is

"Gideon?" Suddenly a blue head appeared

"Yes, Mr. Allen?" The AI said

"Can you show me the news where I vanish?"

"Of course" Then the AI disappeared and a photo of news appeared but it looks different, and Barry noticed it, still looking at where the suit is supposed to be Oliver talked

"What is different about this?" Knowing the answer but he tried to look surprised

"I-I am married to... Kara? Wait why Kara is living on this earth? Isn't she supposed to be on her earth? Who did you know all this? Wait the year... it also changes" Oliver just stood there

"What's all this Oliver?" Barry said

"I don't know... before we went to Kara's earth I enter here, just to check what's going on, and when I entered I saw this..." Oliver said hopping his friend believed on his lie

"Why did you enter?" Barry said

"I needed to check what was going to happen and when is supposed to happen your vanishing, but I saw that it was different... And I needed to talk to you about this..."

"Okay... this is between us for now... my relationship with Kara just started and I don't want to scare her by saying "You know I'm going to marry you so be prepared" it's strange you know... it happened the same thing with Iris... but this tule I feel it's real, that this relationship is going to be good, I felt something I didn't felt with Iris, something I have never felt until I met Kara and kiss her... it's weird..." Oliver just went with his friend and put his hand on his shoulder

"Barry... I know this is so weird, and I understand I do, but at some point, you will have to tell her."

"I know, I know, just give me time, it's so much for her and me," he still grabs his friend shoulder

"Okay, if you need help you know I'm here... Let's go" When they left the news of Barry were different as they saw, the year was different, it was early 2018 to be exact, and the name was Kara Danvers-Allen...

When they left the time vault and when they arrived at the complex Kara saw the face of his boyfriend and she started to worry about what Oliver said to him, then they went beside him

"Are you okay?" She said

"Yeah, don't worry I'm fine," he said faking a smile

"If Oliver told you something if you want I can melt his face if you want to" He started to laugh

"Yeah I'm fine, don't worry" when he said that Joe started to see at them

"Barry it's my turn to talk to you, can you come" Barry nodded at him and hug Kara before leaving

When they went to the speed lab Joe just crossed his arms.

"Yes? What's up"

"Are you okay? What happened on earth-38?" He asked

"What didn't happened on earth-38?"

"Well you can give me a summary" And so he started, after explaining what had happened on earth-38 with Kara, the worldkillers, and now this, Joe look shocked, but then he smiled, and that confused Barry

"I'm really glad you are now happy,"

"Really? I thought you would be disappointed about letting Iris go"

"Look, Barry... sadly we have to move on she would want that, and she would want you to be happy and if Kara makes you happy I'm glad that she is with you, and I know that you make Kara happy so no matter what I'm glad you have someone" Both of them hug feeling like it was an eternity, after a few minutes Kara went to check on Barry, since everyone wanted to rest so they could clear their minds so they could work better for the next day. And when Kara arrived he saw Barry still talking with Joe, she was about to leave, so they could have some time alone, she could wait for a few minutes until they finish, but Barry saw her

"Kara? You wanted to talk?"

"Sorry I didn't want to bother both of you it's just everyone is leaving so they could rest, and I wanted to check on you so we could go, but I can wait outside while you two talk" Barry was about to say something but Joe interrupted him

"Don't worry Kara, we were finishing, and besides it's too late, and tomorrow I have work to do, so you can take your little boyfriend to his house" at hearing this Kara tensed up

"Look, Joe..."

"It's okay Kara, don't worry, Barry before going to your earth he was really sad and we were concerned about him, and when he told us he wanted to go to your earth we almost throw him so he wouldn't change the idea of going, and I'm sure Iris is glad that you're the one dating with Barry, you are a really good person, and I know I haven't been with you for a talk, I know you are just like Barry, and I'm glad you're dating him, and I know you're going to take care of him as he would do to you," she smiled

"Thanks, Joe, it means a lot, can I hug you?"

"Of course you can" and both of them hug and Kara was seeing Barry smiling, and that makes her smile even more

"So, guys I gotta go, see you tomorrow" when he left, the couple started to get closer until they kissed

"Thank you," He said

"For what?" She asked

"For being with me" she smiles and kissed him again

"I will always be with you, no matter what"

"Let's go, we can continue on my loft, maybe I can give a tour, and then continue this" She started laughs

"I would like that" And so the heroes left STAR Labs not knowing that the war was about to start...

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