Chapter 48

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Oa (The Day of the creation of the Anti-Monitor)

Outside in the woods Constantine, Alex, Caitlin, Thea, Diggle, Nate, and Ava appeared looking everywhere to find Oliver, looking at one place he started to talk

"That place is where the Anti-Monitor is created, you have 30 minutes to stop the people of Oa before the cycle continues, and we will lose," he said still looking at the building

"Sure, not any pressure..." Constantine said, then Oliver look to the team, but specifically Thea and Diggle

"Good luck, when you finished with the mission I will take you to the Dawn of Time," he said, and everyone nodded

"Bye Ollie," his sister said

"Good luck with the other team," Diggle said as the Spectre nodded

"Bye Speedy, bye Diggle," he said and in a flash of light the Spectere was nowhere to be seen

"So, do we start?" Caitlin said transforming into Killer Frost

"We need a plan before entering that place, no one knows the security of that place..." Alex said

"We need one, fast," Nate said

"Okay listen..." Alex started the plan while the team added or took something of it, everything was happening while Constantine started to light up a cigarette...

Dawn of Time

Meanwhile, the other team appeared in the Dawn of Time, as they appeared there was no Oliver, but in front of them was the Anti-Monitor

"You fools! You thought coming here will stop me?" he yelled

"Yes! We will stop you! I will destroy you!" Supergirl said flying to tackle him, but she stopped thanks to the screams of the Shadow Demons

"While you fight with my Shadow Demons I will spread my Anti-Matter so then you will not be able to stop me!" He said walking away, Kara flew tried to catch him but the Shadow Demons started to attack her unable to get her hands on the Anti-Monitor

"Kara, calm down, we need to take down these things before we attack him!" Sara said she didn't want to admit it, she sighed and then she used her heat vision to take some of them as Superman flew next to her cousin

"Don't worry cus, we are going to get him," he said while he hits some of them

"We need to hurry, if not I'm going to attack him no matter how many Shadow Demons are following me," she said as she flew to another place to take down some of the others goons

"Rao, help her..." he whispered looking at her cousin with a worried face


"Okay, now that everybody understands their roles, prepare for anything, and I mean anything, we don't know what they are or if they have powers," Diggle said as everyone nodded

Some of the team started to hide while Constantine, Diggle, and Nate walked near the large building. As they walk, Thea, Alex, Ava, and Killer Frost are in the woods. If someone gets near them they would attack them.

"Stop!" someone yelled behind the team

"Report yourself!" The man said

"Hey pal, we are just here for a tour... we lost our tour guide, so you know where he is?" Constantine said

"I'm sorry but this is-" before he could finish his answer an arrow went through his shoulder before he could shout Diggle hit him in the head knocking him down

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