Chapter 42

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Earth-38, National City, Barry and Kara's Loft (End of May 2017)

Today, Barry and Kara are going to the ultrasound to see the baby, and check the gender of the baby, she was waiting for him since he is fighting crime early the day.

Kara decided to left a note saying to Barry that she meet him at the hospital since it was almost late for the appointment.

She opened the door to live when she saw Alex about to knock

"Hi, sis, ready to go?" Kara asked

"Sure let's... Wait where is Barry?"

"He had to go to his earth, he had to fight crime early, but he'll meet us there," she answers

"Okay, but if he doesn't arrive on time I will go with you and I will torture him for not arriving," Kara just rolled her eyes

"Relax, first is not his fault someone wanted to attack Central City, and secondly he is going to arrive on time," she said

"You know his on "time" is always five or more minutes  late right?" Alex responded

"The point is, he is going to arrive, I know him. Now let's go so we don't lose that appointment," Finally they left the loft.

National City, Hospital

Kara and Alex arrived five minutes early to the hospital, so they went to the waiting room. Still waiting for both the doctor and Barry. Kara playing with her ring she started to imagine his or her future child playing around with her while Barry is making them dinner.

But then she remembered how the crisis was going to take her husband and the father of his or her child away.

She was really concentrated with her thoughts that she never noticed Barry arrived, or the secretary calling her name. She pulled out of her thoughts thanks to Barry

"Huh? Oh hi, Barry I never see you enter,"

"Babe, you're okay? They have been calling for you since I arrived,"

"Oh sorry, I was just thinking..."

"It's alright, don't worry. Now let's go and meet our baby," he said smiling, but he started to concerned about her wife.

When they entered Kara and Barry's hands started to sweat, they were excited but preoccupied with the kid, since they thought he or she could be sick or have a disease. As she started to lay on the place the doctor moves her, Barry starts to grab her wife's hand.

As the doctor explains the couple what's going to do and how is the kid going to appear on a screen, the couple is still holding their hands.

"Okay, now that everything is set, I'm going to check what's up with the baby," he said as the both of them nodded

While the doctor is starting to check the baby Kara and Barry are staring each other, as they try to calm each other the doctor starts to see something odd, and the couple starts to get worried

"What happened, doctor? Is my kid alright?" Kara asked

"Congratulations! You are having twins!" he said and their faces started to show a perfect smile,

"Twins?" Barry asked as the doctor nodded

"We are having twins Barry," she said already having tear on her face

Earth-1, December 2018, Space (Waverider)

"Okay, now that everybody understands, the plan needs to be done, we are using the towers that I showed you before so the antimatter can't get us, but the ant monitor is going to attack so I need two teams to take care of them, as the other at going to work on something to get the anti monitor out so we can attack him and if we can defeat him," Harbinger said

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