Chapter 45

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Earth-1, Central City, Main Tower (December 2018)

"No!" Kara yelled with tears in her eyes, while her husband and everyone was still on shock,

"Ollie? Please answer..." Thea said on the comms

"You poor creatures, now without your "leader" the multiverse will be mine!" The Anti-Monitor said raising his hand from were Oliver was, Barry, sped to see at least if his friend did something to escape, but the only thing he saw was the bow of Oliver on the ground with blood, but the body of his friends was nowhere to be seen.

"I-I" he was interrupted by a scream, as he turns around he sees Kara flying to the Anti-Monitor while the other was just walking to the Main tower to finally destroy it.

"This is for Oliver!" she yelled. When she hit him, he didn't felt anything, he simply gives a small hit with his finger and she flew away,

Barry saw everything and sped away to catch his falling wife, as he catches her, every hero that can still fight, try to stop the Anti-Monitor, but he feels tickles as every punch they give him.

"Are you okay?" Barry asks

"I'm fine. He is really powerful, what can we do?" she said

"Reverse Flash took me to a place, he said that's where I die... It's like a cannon, but it holds antimatter..."

"No, don't you dare go there, Oliver just die, I can't lose you too," she said

"Let's figure out something right now. Of there is no other way... I'm going to run there and stop it, but it looks like I'm going to-" he was stopped by a hand on his mouth

"No. Let's continue this fight, I don't want to argue with you right now," she said flying away he just sighed and continue to attack the villain

After some fight that didn't have any success, the Anti-Monitor hit the ground and people started to fly everywhere, as they fall to the ground Alex fell to a wall as an Iron stick passed her chest

"Alex!" Kara yelled before flying beside her

"Barry, we need to take her with Gideon..." Kara said with some tears in her eyes

"I-I'm okay sis..." she barely said

"No you're not!" she yelled as Barry arrived

"Cisco I need you to open a breach. Fast!" he yelled as he grabs her bridal style and then saw his wife with a frown

"Don't worry, she's going to be fine, I will not let her die. Guys, we need one bed on the medbay, Alex is in bad shape, she is losing a lot of blood," he said speeding away, not so fast or he could hurt Alex

Supergirl really pissed flies and started to use all her powers, she was hitting him and it was successful

"Guys! Where the hell is the Monitor? Isn't he supposed to help?" Diggle asks while he sees Kara hitting the Anti-Monitor with all her might

"We don't know, we haven't seen him since this started," Cisco added

"So we are alone?" Sara said

"Guys, let's focus on this, we need to do this for the many earths that are not here now, for the people that aren't here anymore," he said as everyone started to  nod and fight, this time some of the hits started to work but others weren't that effective

"Caitlin, is someone ready to fight him?" Sara asked

"No, they are not, give us time," Ava said

"We don't have time!" Barry yelled, trying to punch the Anti-Monitor various times.

Suddenly the ground started to shake, but this time the Anti-Monitor didn't do anything, everyone looks around to check what's going on, some of them fall to the ground, others struggle to stand up

"What's going on?" Kara asked

"We don't know..."

"Mobius!" someone yelled

"It's over! You will not win this fight!" the Monitor yelled getting near the everyone

"Oh Mar Novu, always so foolish, do you really think you are going to win?"

"Yes," he said as he shoots his counterpart with a blast, which the counterpart didn't wait for a second to respond

"You heroes! Since he took almost every earth he's too powerful, you need to destroy the antimatter cannon, so he will lose some of the powers, If not he will win this battle!" He yelled as everyone see each other, but most importantly, Kara saw Barry and started to said no

"No," she started

"Don't you dare..."


Kara started to deny "No, not you, if you go I will lose everything, Alex is severely hurt, Oliver is dead, I don't want to lose you too," she started to cry, then Barry grabbed her face

"I need to do this babe," he said

"What about the twins? I don't want them to suffer the loss of their father" she said still with tears

"Don't worry about them, they have a great mother, and a great family of heroes that will take care of them, just tell them every day, every night, that daddy loves them, and don't forget that I love you, with all my heart, you will not lose me, I will always be here, " he said putting his hand on her heart

"I love you so much Barry, please don't go..." she said sniffing

"Remember what I told you the day before we defeat DeVoe?" he said smiling

"That you will always do anything in your power to take care of me," she said doing a sad smile

"And that's what I'm going to do, I love you Kara don't ever forget that"

"I will never" and so they share a really passionate kiss, knowing it was their last

"I have to go, I love you," he said, and then sped leaving Kara behind, she was going after him but Mon-El stop her

"No, Barry!" She screamed with all her power, while Mon-El was hugging her, and all the heroes were watching, all with tears in their cheeks and trying to do something to stop Kara

"No!" she yelled moving Mon-El and fly trying to catch Barry, Mon-El starred to try and caught Kara

"Kara. No!" he said as Barry, Kara and he started to arrive where the antimatter cannon,

Antimatter Cannon

As the Kara and Mon-El arrive they saw Barry circling the antimatter cannon

"Kara, stop," he said as he tackles her

"Why are you doing this? Don't you want to save him too?" she said with some tears, while her husband was still circling

"He told me to stop you..." he answered

"Why?" she started to cry as Barry was slowly disintegrating

"So you wouldn't do something you will regret in the future..."

While they were discussing Barry was looking at what was happening he started to smile as his face was disintegrating, then he smiles

"I know you can hear me babe, and I just want to tell you... I love you..." and finally the body of Barry was gone, as the cannon of antimatter destroyed

"No..." Kara said getting to the suit kneeling down crying

"Barry... I also love you..." Mon-El was back not happy with the decision he made, while Kara was hugging the suit where the body of his loved one once was...

AN: Please don't kill me :( I hope you love this chapter, this chapter I had already thought about it since the start of this, don't worry, this isn't over... Don't forget to vote! :p

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