Chapter 6

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Earth-1, Central City

Barry saw Savitar slay Iris's heart, he ran as fast as he could but it was too late, he could just catch Iris dead body, but before she closed her eyes for one last time she said, "It's all your fault, Barry, you will never be fast enough to save someone you love" and with that last words Iris closed her eyes.

Barry took Iris's body and took it to STAR Labs, everybody there was really mad at him including Joe.

"Caitlin, please do something she can't be dead... not her," he said with tears in his eyes.

"I can't do anything she died 5 minutes ago," she said in an angry tone


"I can't do anything ok! she is dead and it is all your fault."

Barry was shocked that Caitin just said that he didn't expect that. He was about to speak but Cisco interrupted him

"Caitlin is right, It is all your fault, you started this, it wouldn't happen if you didn't create Flashpoint."

"Why you guys are saying this?" he said with more tears on his cheeks and he voice was about to break

"You kill my sister..." Wally started

"Our friend..." H.R, Cisco and Caitlin continued

"My daughter..." Joe said

"Joe..." He was about to say something but someone took his shoulder so he could see him

"Our wife..." Savitar said with a diabolic grin

Then Barry turn around to the med bay but there was no Iris, he then turns to were Savitar was and saw Iris

"Thanks to you I'm dead, you actually didn't care about me..." Iris said

"No... that is not true..."

"It is Barry... It's all your fault." Iris started to say

Then everyone else started to corner him saying. "It's all your fault it's all your fault.

Barry just stared and started to cry thinking about it was all his fault and it would be easier if he wasn't the Flash anymore...

Meanwhile... Earth-38, National City's streets

Kara was fighting Rhea until Kara decides to make the bomb explode, everything happens as it happened the before but then Kara didn't want to let Mon-El go so Alex decided to talk to Kara before it was too late.

"Kara there is no time if you don't let Mon-El go he will die, just do it before it is too late."

Kara finally let him go, seconds later Kara turn around to see a deadly Mon-El laying on the ground, Kara immediately went to check what happened to him, when she arrived she talks to Alex through the comms.

"Alex, something happened, Mon-El is still on earth, and the spaceship is gone"

"What?! I thought you let him go, dammit Kara!"

"Alex... it wasn't my fault..."

Before Kara could finish Mon-El tried to take Kara's shoulder but he didn't have enough strength to do it so Kara took Mon-El's hand instead

"Hey, hey it's ok I'm gonna take you out of here ok?"

Mon-El was about to become dust but before he dies he said his final words that make Kara cry more than anything.

"It... It w- was all yo-your fault..." After that Mon-El turns into dust, Kara started crying knowing that he was right, if she didn't fell in love with him he would still be alive and with his family all together.

Seconds later she Kara went back to the DEO, but everyone there was mad at her, there was a silence that you can hear gunshots coming from Keystone City

"Why didn't you let him go? I thought you love him?!"

"I do! I let him go! I saw how he went to the spaceship and then flew to space!"

"Then why did you told us he was still here on earth and that he turn to dust?"

"Because when I turn around I saw Mon-El on the ground about to die!"

"Look, Kara, I don't know what you saw or what you did but if he is dead it's your fault"

"Wh-why my fault"

"You made the decision of turning on the bomb and you-"

"Yeah because if I didn't everyone on National City would be dead by now."

Alex just nodded, then there was an earthquake on all National City, Kara, and Alex went to check the computers to see what is happening when they read what happened they went to check outside if that was true. When they saw through the windows they saw a Daximite space ship then it some hologram of Rhea.

"If you humans hear this, this means I'm dead and also my son! congratulations Supergirl you save the day! Now since you kill me I'm gonna kill everyone from National City!"

Then the spaceship flew to Jupiter and went back to earth with a lot of speed, Kara then flew to try to stop the spaceship or even destroy it. she uses her heat vision and her fist to destroy it but nothing worked then she tried to enter the spaceship when she enters she tried to destroy everything so she could stop it but nothing was working, then she decided to try to at least slow it down or stop it.

Meanwhile in National City Alex evacuate every building so no one could get hurt, there was a place so they could hide and not get hurt from the explosion, but it was too late.

Kara couldn't stop the spaceship and the spaceship hit on the center of National City, Kara tried to look for her sister or anyone that could be alive. She had tears in her eyes, she is telling herself that it was all her fault.

Finally, she heard someone talking screaming for help when she arrived she saw Alex on the ground and there was a lot of blood on her chest, Kara was crying not knowing what to do.

"No Alex please I don't want to lose you to... "

"Hey, it's ok... just remember..." Alex started saying

"Remember what?" Kara said with tears on her cheeks

"It- It's all your fault..." and with that Alex closed her eyes

Kara knew that Alex was right... It was all her fault it would be easier if Kara Danvers has a normal life, maybe she can just hang the cape and everyone could be alive...

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