Chapter 17

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Earth-38, National City, 57th Street

Supergirl and the Flash were running/flying to attack Purity, while she was trying to attack them with her cry, both of them got hit making them go backward, after a few seconds both of them got up, they need to make a plan or else this "Purity" will destroy them.

"Flash, we need a plan and fast!"

"You still got the earbuds we used against Shrieky?"

"I think so, let me ask Winn and if he knows then you will go and get them,"

"Okay, while you ask Winn about them, I'm going to distract her"

"Okay, be careful please"

"Always," he said winking his eye at her, making her blush but be preoccupied about him

"Winn!" She yelled at the comm

"Ow! my ear, don't yell I can hear you clearly when you don't yell"

"Sorry, Winn do you know where are the earbuds we used against Silver Banshee and Live wire?"

"Let me check," he said starting to type as fast as he could to check were did they left them

"Find them they are at the Cave of the DEO on the storage behind your pod"

"Thanks, Winn tell them the Flash is going to grab them so they don't attack him"

"Yes, already told them, now go get her,"

"Flash you hear?"

"On it," Both heroes move fast so Purity couldn't attack more innocence lives, while Supergirl was using her heat vision and freeze breath to win some time for Flash, he was running as fast as he could so he could continue fighting Purity.

Somewhere, DEO Cave Facility

The soldiers at the facility's cave were already searching for the earbuds then the Flash was standing behind a Lucy Lane, he was looking stressful

"Blu- I mean Flash the soldiers are already searching for the earbuds if you-"

Suddenly there were streaks everywhere for seconds finally he went the streak was gone but he left a note saying:

'Good seeing you Lucy hope we could talk but Kara and I need to stop Purity, take care and hope we could talk later :)' -The Flash/Barry

National City 57th Street

Supergirl and Purity where still fight but Supergirl was starting to lose the fight, there punches, loud cries, heat visions, and freeze breath but neither of them could get the other if Flash wasn't here in any second she might lose the fight. Purity still screaming got Supergirl, the hero was on the ground almost passed out, but then someone got her on the back, it was Mon-El, again saving the girl he loves.

"So I need to come here so you won't get killed?"

"Not now Mon-El we are in the middle of a fight" when she finished talking the Flash was back already having his earbuds and handing them to Kara, Mon-El with a curious look was looking at the earbuds

"It's to cancel the cry of Purity, and we just have two so you need to go if you don't want your ears bleed," the Flash said

"I will stay if I want to" Mon-el started to get in front of him

"Look, dude, I don't want to fight you, we are in the middle of a fight against a villain and I just wanted to-"

"You started this fight by staying on this earth and falling in love with Kara," he said, Supergirl was hearing everything, so she went to the guys and separate them

"Mon-El, can you please stop! I'm not anyone's owner I can fell in love with who I want, and with that personality, you are having you are not helping yourself" When the three heroes were arguing a reporter and her cameraman were recording everything the heroes were doing, she had a great idea for the title 'Supergirl and her love triangle'.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a car flying and smash her and the cameraman, but before it hit them Supergirl and Mon-El stopped the car, she could only see the Flash running to the person who threw the car being Purity.

"Go to a safe place and don't leave until is over," Supergirl told them

"Thank you Supergirl" Both of them run to a place safe and follow the instructions the hero told them don't get out until is over,

"Robert," The reporter said

"What do you want Adry?"

"Send the video of Supergirl and his two lovers to the Chanel"

"It's already sent" Adry just smile, she was going to be famous by showing the love triangle of Supergirl, everyone will want to know more about that she could only think.

Meanwhile, the heroes now using the earbuds against Purity, Flash started to run in circles so he could finally throw lighting to Purity but he didn't notice that next to her there was a big rock, she threw it near the civilians that remained hidden, so he had to save th civilians since Supergirl and Mon-El were fighting her. But Mon-El also flies to save them just to bother Flash.

"What are you doing? Go help Supergirl I got this"

"Oh, you just don't want to lose against me?"

"Mon-El this is serious, I don't care right now if you win me or you win Kara's heart, right now it's to save people and win against Purit-"

There was a loud cry, Purity had enough of everybody, so she just yelled until she faint of the effort, the problem was, she yelled at Supergirl throwing her to a building knocking her out. Barry runs to Purity checking her if she wasn't dead and then ran now at Kara. He saw Kara bleeding, just by the nose but she was bleeding, at this point, Barry was pissed off.

"Is she ok?" Mon-El's voice said from the back, Barry just turned around not saying anything, then he punched him on the jaw throwing Mon-El to the ground. Everyone at the scene was watching the Flash punching Mon-El, then the Flash carried Kara

"I will take her to the DEO and check what happened to her, stay here until the DEO agents come and take Purity if you even try to follow me I will punch you again but not just in the jaw, you screwed everything," He said and finally run back to the DEO

After what happened with Barry and Mon-El he decided to stand up and check on Purity, what he didn't know was that she was no longer to be seen he started to look around to check if she was running or flying where he could watch her, but she just disappeared...

AN: To any Mon-El fans that are reading this... Sorry for making him a dick but later on you will see he really change after this... (Or not ;) you will find out later)  Don't forget to vote! And thanks to everyone that is reading my fanfiction it means a lot, see you next chapter :p!

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