Chapter 8

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Earth-38, National City, Kara's Apartment

It was 10 am and Barry just woke up, he didn't saw Kara anywhere until he saw a letter saying that she needed to go to CatCo and beside the letter, there was the cellphone she lends him. After that he remembered everything that happened a few hours ago he also remembered how Kara's head was on Barry's shoulder, the smell of her hair was still on his shoulder he was thinking about her.

After a few minutes of showering and changing he thought it would be a great idea to take Kara to somewhere to eat thanking her for letting him stay in her apartment.

National City, CatCo Media Tower

He sped off to CatCo when he arrived he search for her everywhere but she couldn't find her, then he saw Kara's friend James Olsen, so he went to ask if he knew where Kara was.

"Hey James"

"Wow, Barry! What are you doing here?"

"Uuh... Vacations you know?"

"Okay... what can I help you?"

"You know where Kara is"

"She was called at you know..." He said trying to not tell that she was at the DEO

"Oh, ok..."

"she is already coming back if you want to wait here or if you need to go somewhere else I can tell her you were here."

"I'll wait for her thank you"

After he said that he was going to the lobby until he saw Kara on the elevator, they both saw each other, and Kara runs to hug him.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, I have nothing to do in your apartment,"

"I'm sorry I left you really early but National City needed you know..."

"Don't worry it's fine"

After a few seconds, both said at the same time

"Do you..."

"Do you..."

Barry laughed and said, "Go first"

She also laughed and said, "Alright, it's my break and I was thinking if you will like to go somewhere to eat?"

"Miss Danvers, you read my mind, so shall we go?"

"Just let me take my purse and we can go"

Barry went to the lobby to wait, Kara, while she went for her purse when she got all the things, she was about to go when she heard someone behind.

"So the speedsters back in town?" She turns around to see James

"How did you know?"

"He came to me to search you"

"Oh, well yes he is back, he might stay for a while..."

"Why, what happened?" he said in a jealous tone

"First, are you really jealous about him we are not even a couple, and second I can't say that he needs to tell you that's not my story."

"I'm not jealous, it's just that I care about you, I don't want you to suffer like Mon-El or me"

"James I don't need you to protect me and besides I don't think he likes me,"

"But you like him"

"Since Mon-El I don't like anyone," She said fixing her glasses

"Yesterday you were still the cold "Supergirl" but he arrived literally hours later you look really happy if nothing really happened, not even Clark made you that happy after the Daximite problem, but if you say so, let your mind fool you, I need to work, see you later Kara"

Kara started to walk to the lobby to see Barry but she started thinking about James and if what he said was true... Is she feeling something for Barry? When she arrived where Barry was he noticed something was off from her.

"Are you ok?"

Kara just stare, she didn't answer she was just seeing his green eyes, she got lost in his green eyes for a while until Barry started to shake his hand in front of her face and started to say

"Hello... Earth to Kara Danvers"

"Uh... sorry I-I just uh... started to th-think if I forgot something... But I was wrong I-I have everything"

"Okay, shall we go?"

"Yeah" when he turned around she felt her face turn red as her cape

Streets of National City

Barry and Kara were walking to a new restaurant that opened a month ago, she didn't want to seem so shy so she started talking to him while they get to the restaurant

"So... What did you do while I was away?"

"Almost nothing, I just shower, change and clean the couch, there was some popcorn from last night and I think also weeks ago" when he said that they both laughed

"I'm sorry I wasn't expecting a guest, also I told you I should sleep on the couch"

"You actually slept on the couch"

"Oh, you are right... I'm sorry if I bothered you when we were sleeping"

"Don't worry It's fine you didn't bother"

They both remember that they were cuddling and that made them blush, so they look away for a while until they arrive at the restaurant

"Guess we arrived"

"Yeah it looks nice, thank Rao is Tuesday and almost everyone is working if not we could be here for hours, they said their burgers are really good"

"Well let's see if they are right"

They were there for half an hour eating and talking, they were catching up somethings that happened besides Mon-El and Iris, after a few minutes of eating 3 burgers each the check arrived, Kara was about to pay when Barry stop her

"I'll pay, this is a "thank you for letting me stay on your apartment."

"No, Barry I'll pay it's ok" When she said that the waiter was gone with the money Barry gave him she just look at him

"Don't worry Kara it's okay, besides he is gone with my money so I win"

"Fine, but thanks to that you will sleep on my bed"

"Wait what!"

"That's for being nice and paying the food," she said winking an eye

"Ugh fine, but next time you sleep on you OWN bed I'm the guest I'm supposed to sleep on the couch"

"Well too bad next time you let me pay for the food"

"You are a really nice couple"

Then the waiter arrived giving the change

"Thank you for coming"

They both blushed by the waiter's comment,

"We are not a couple"

"We are not a couple"

They both said and the waiter just look at them not believing it

"I'm sorry, you just look like one" with that the waiter left

When they were going back to CatCo there was an explosion, they both look at each other and went to an alley so no one can notice them. A few seconds later Flash and Supergirl were heading to the explosion, what they did not know is that this fight affects the whole future...

AN: Hope you like the new cover of the fanfic :D

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