Chapter 3

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Earth-1, Central City, STAR Labs

Seconds after Barry arrived there was a Meta alert, Barry went to the cortex to check what was going on, when he arrived he saw that Cisco and Wally were already talking about the problem.

Cisco and Wally were arguing so much that they didn't realize Barry was watching them with a weird face.

"Wally you need to understand that this guy is new, we don't know what could happen if you go out there alone," Cisco said.

"Fine, but Barry is still on earth-3 we can't ju-" Wally was saying until Barry interrupted him.

"Wally don't worry, this might be the last Flash and kid Flash for the month since I'm taking a little vacation so I can clear out my mind"

"What?" Both Cisco and Wally said in perfect unison.

"We will talk about it later, Kid Flash let's go" without saying anything more Barry changes into his suit and he just leaves in a Flash, meanwhile Wally was beside him in his Kid Flash suit.

Central City's streets

"Where is the Flash!" there was a samurai shouting.

"Looking for me?" Barry finally arrived in his Flash suit and besides him is Wally with his arms crossed.

"What do you want?" Wally said before Barry could ask the same question.

"Just want to prepare you for someone you will not want to fight." the samurai said before taking out his sword and throwing it to the speedsters.

"Kid Flash watch out!" Barry said, but before Wally could do a move the sword went right into his leg.

While Wally was screaming out of pain, then Barry took Wally besides a cops car and question him if he was alright. 

Wally just nodded and then said "Get that stupid samurai and show him that you can't mess with this city."

Barry finally nodded and start to run around the samurai, then he threw a lighting bolt taking the samurai a few feet of the floor. The samurai finally stood up and took another sword he had started to run to fight Barry, but it was useless, Barry already took the sword from the samurai's hand threw it to the cops, finally Barry punched the samurai a few times, and knock him out.

Barry went to check who he actually was when he finally took the samurai's mask, there were just wires and a voice amplifier before he was turned off the samurai said "prepare for what's coming Flash..."

STAR labs

Cisco and Caitlin were already in the med bay waiting for Barry and Wally after a few seconds Wally was laying down on the med bay and Barry was beside Cisco, that made Cisco jump

"After four years working with you Barry I still can't get used to when are going to appear," Cisco said almost as he just saw a ghost Barry and Caitlin slightly chuckled for their friend.

After a few hours Caitlin, Cisco, Joe, and Wally were waiting for an explanation for why Barry was going to earth-38.

"Guys I already told you, I just want to relax, and clear my mind a little" Barry said for the third time.

Finally, Joe took Barry's shoulder and said "If we need you you will come back ASAP?"

"Of course Joe don't worry," Barry said with a big smile and hug his foster dad.

"Well.... then if you are going to earth-38 you might want to take your suit, maybe you will use it, but before you take the suit I just made and upgrade" Cisco added.

"What upgrade are we talking about?" Barry asked

"This upgrade," Cisco said while throwing a ring to Barry. "It's still your suit (Season 4 suit) but now you can take it out from the ring," Cisco said in a geek tone everyone started to laugh.

"Thanks, Cisco I will miss you man," Barry said while hugging Cisco.

"Me too, take care and come back soon ok?" Cisco said returning the hug, Barry just nodded and then hug both Wally and Caitlin.

Finally, Cisco opened a breach and Barry passed through it saying goodbye.

Earth-38 National City

"Kara there is something going on in the outsides of National City," Winn said through the comms breaking Kara out of her thoughts

"Uh.. sorry, ok I'm going right now", she was still thinking why on one version of her thoughts she saw Barry.

Outskirts of National City

Barry finally arrived at earth-38, he arrived at the same place he and Karar first met but it was really dark because it was already night. Barry was about to run when she heard a familiar voice.

"Barry?" Barry turns to see his superfriend, Kara Danvers.

"Uhh... Hi! I was about to search for you but I guess you already found me" Barry said, and Kara for the first time since the incident of Mon-El slightly chuckled.

Both heroes went for a hug after a few seconds Kara finally talked

"What are you doing here?"

"Well... I wanted to clear my mind" Barry said a little sad

"Why?" Kara question him

"Something happened on my earth and... " Barry was saying but Kara saw that Barry couldn't continue.

"If you don't want to talk about it is alright," Kara said

"It's fine, but can I talk to you in another place?" Barry said and Kara slightly nodded

"Ok, wait... do you have a place to stay?"

"I was about to say if I can stay at DEO so I can't bother you," Barry said while he scratching his neck.

"No, don't worry you can stay with me," Kara said while playing with her hair remembering her dream of her and Barry holding hands and walking through Krypton

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, don't worry I've got a lot of space"

"I will not bother Mon-El?" After that Kara's smile turns into a sad face, Barry noticed his mistake and he started to scratch his neck again.

"I'm sorry I didn't "

"No, don't worry you didn't"

"know," Both Kara and Barry said at the same time while looking at each other eyes,

Finally, Barry cut the tension saying "If you want to talk about it you know I'm here ok?"

Kara just nodded and hug his friend letting a few tears drop.

Kara finally break the hug and said removing her tears "Well let's go, have you already eat?"


"Well, while you put your things, I will get potstickers and some pizza alright?"

Barry nodded and said "Race to your house?"

"You are on"

"Ready to lose Girl of Steel?"

"Just see Scarlet Speedster"



"3... Go" And so both heroes went to Kara's house without knowing something will change.

Earth-1 Central City, STAR Labs, Time Vault

The time vault was with the lights off and there was a clear silence, it was night so no one was at STAR Labs right now.

Suddenly Gideon starts to talk

"Alert! Alert! There is a new change to the timeline!"

Suddenly the Newspaper starts to change, Finally, it had the same topic of "Flash Vanishes in Crisis" but the byline change from Evan Gibson to a new Allen... 

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