Chapter 32

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Earth-1, Central City, Stagg Industries

Bodies of security, scientists, were lying on the ground without a soul, DeVoe was searching for one more thing to finally get out of that place. When suddenly he finally found what he searches for.

"My dear wife, how's my plan going? Are the heroes finally on their knees?" He said arrogantly

"Dear, I was going to talk to you actually..."

"What's going on Marlize," he said now with a frown

"You were right, the speedster wasn't someone we could trust..."

"What did he do?" He asked getting angry

"He told The Flash where you at, and the worldkillers are down, Mr. Queen had a kryptonite arrow that made Reign a human again, and they are going after you, you need to get ou-" The comm went off

"Marlize? Darling?"

"Oh don't worry about her, I just cut her communication, she's fine, well I actually don't know since I don't know where she is or what she's doing but I guess she's fine, well..." someone said through DeVoe's comms

"Oh Ms. Smoak, I guess I forgot your values as a hacker..."

"Yes you did chairman," Felicity said

"That's an insult to my codenames, so please don't you ever tell him that again" Cisco yelled from the comms

"Oh Mr. Ramon, you're here too,"

"Well pal, I wasn't going to miss the beating of your life" Cisco replyed

"You're funny Mr. Ramon, I guess that's the only good thing you are... a comedian"

"Hey!" someone said behind DeVoe

"He is better than you in many more things," The Flash said

"What do you want with those things DeVoe?" Green Arrow asked

"That's my secret Mr. Queen" Both Supergirl and Flash looked surprised, Oliver was surprised from the inside, but he didn't want to show this villain that he was surprised

"How do yo-" Supergirl was going to say but The Thinker interrupted her

"I know you, Ms. Danvers and Mr. Allen are a couple, great couple by the way, better than you and Ms. West" He pointed to The Flash "And you with the prince of Daxam" now pointing to Supergirl

"You're passing a line, and if you continue with this, you're going to-" Barry said

"To what Mr. Allen? You don't kill, neither of you kills, or you started to murder people again Mr. Queen?"

"No, but I can start again, and you could be the first one," He said, and that makes DeVoe laugh

"Well enough of laughing and doing childish things, who wants to start the fight?" And The Flash was the first one to go and attack him, but when he was about to hit him a force field stopped him

"The hell?" He said

"It's a forcefield Mr. Allen no one can touch me" DeVoe laughed once again

"We'll see about that" Supergirl said using her heat vision while Flash was punching some places so he could enter, and Green Arrow was shooting some of his arrows to see what he could do against DeVoe when it hit the forcefield, it did nothing it just stays there

"Please don't make me laugh, you three are pathetic, you need something different to destroy this forcefield"

Suddenly DeVoe started to attack them while they still try to destroy the forcefield.

"Barry, we need to do something, what can destroy the forcefield?" Kara yelled

"I don't know, we have done everything," He responded and that's when it hit Oliver

"Not, everything..." Oliver said

"What do you mean?"

"Do you think a supersonic punch and one great punch will work?" Oliver said

"I don't know it will work."

"It actually might work," Cisco said

"How Cisco?"

"Well it will not break the forcefield completely but with that force, you might open a bit of the forcefield, but just a few seconds, so Oliver can enter, but you have to look see if DeVoe doesn't attack you before it closes up," He said

"How sure are you?" Kara said

"70-30, that's my shot"

"We need to try it," Barry said, and Kara glared at him while Oliver tried to distract DeVoe

"No, last time you did that, you hurt yourself, and bad" Then Barry took Kara's hands and he put them on his cheeks

"I know it might be dangerous, but it's worth the shot... I'll do anything to protect you, don't ever forget that, and if I get hurt it will not matter, what will matter is that you're okay, so it's worth the shot" all that Kara did was caress his cheeks

"I need you to come back, to me..." she said

"I'll always go back to you, and don't worry, I will just be unconscious for like 10 minutes, I hope so" He whispered the last thing but he knew she heard it

"You're not helping your cause Mr." And then Barry kiss her

"Don't worry, I'll be fine just trust me"

"Remember what I told you when the aliens came to your earth?" She asked

"That you will always trust me," He said grinning

"That's correct and don't forget that okay, now go I will hit him some times and when I see you get near enough we will hit the forcefield at the same time okay?" He nodded and then kissed her

"That's lovely, and that's a thing we don't need right now, now go, Run, Barry, Run," and in a blink of an eye he was gone

"You will never stop what's coming next, you understand?" DeVoe yelled

"We will, and that's a promise" Then she started to hit the forcefield countless times, and it started to open, enough for Atom to enter, but sadly he isn't here

"Okay, I'm going now Kara!"

"Go!" When he heard that he felt lighting going from his head to his feet, then he closed his eyes to concentrate on what's he's doing, he opened his eye and felt lighting in his eyes, and soon he left, but this time it wasn't 5 miles, it was 20 miles. He was going to this right, he sped until his body can, Kara was watching from the skies, every time hitting and then going up, he hit 3 more times, when he heard glasses break near and near he knew who was it, and with the last hit, she flew high enough, to hit with great force. And that's when the two heroes flew/run to the forcefield and they hit the force field, the explosion was heard as far as STAR Labs was.

"Oh God," Felicity said...

AN: Don't forget to vote :p

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