Chapter 23

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Earth-38, National City, CatCo

Kara was about to attack the new Worldkiller since she was about to hurt Lena, but then a streak pass near the hero's friend, in a blink of an eye also Kara was gone as the employees of CatCo, then the streak arrived near Kara.

"Ba-Flash! Where is Lena?"

"She is at with the police, the police is guarding her,"

"Now go and hide," The Flash said winking his eye meaning another thing

"Will do Flash" When she finished saying that every employee ran to hide, and that was the perfect moment for Kara to become Supergirl, but first she needs to check if Lena was ok when she saw her friend as Barry said near the police, that relief her not as much as she wanted to but she was a relief.

Kara ran to an alley to finally change into Supergirl. While Kara was changing, the Flash ran to check CatCo, and if there wasn't anybody left on the building, after checking 100 times he was going back to the streets and search for the villain that attacked CatCo, and he found her... Well, she finds him, the Flash saw the woman, she had large nails, and as he saw, her nails are her weapon, he was evading every scratch she aims. Then he decided it was his moment to attack her.

He hit her on the stomach more than anyone could count, but it looked like it wasn't doing a lot of effects his punching, so he decided to move to the roof so he could use more tactics to knock her out. So he zoomed to the roof, while she just punched every floor until getting him.

Kara was searching for his boyfriend and the villain, she started using her x-ray vision, when she saw both of them running to the top of CatCo she was mad, she wanted to attack her, she was about to fly there, but what she didn't expect was someone grabbing her boot, when she looks to check who was holding her a fist met her face, she was sent really far when she saw who finally was, she was preoccupied, it was Reign and Purity, she was going to use her heat vision, but Purity's cry stop her attack, all she could do was cover her ears.

When Barry heard the cry, he saw Supergirl fighting against Purity and Reign when Pestilence saw him distracted, she started punching him, she was going to scratch him, but when her nails met his face he was vibrating, so the nail didn't do anything to the hero, at the confusion of Pestilence, Barry zoomed down to some floors and with enough force, he swung to where Purity was punching her, and knocking her down, the only thing that was wrong with his calculation was that now he was falling and in a few seconds he will go splat... And that was bad.

When Kara didn't hear the cry anymore, she saw Barry and Purity falling and Reign about to punch her, she didn't care about Reign at that moment, at that moment she just cared about Barry, Reign's fist was going to meet her face, but she took Reign's fist like it was just a rock, as fast as she could she throw her to Pestilence who was coming to help Reign. After throwing her she flew as fast as she could to save Barry, thanks to Reign she just lost a few seconds, which concerned her, she didn't want to lose someone else she loves, so she sped not caring about anything else but Barry.

Barry was 10 feet from going splat, he started to close his eyes, and just let his mind g back to everything that has happened in his life, suddenly someone or something stop him and they were hit with some walls when he opened his eyes he saw the girl of steel hugging him

"You Mr... You are really crazy for doing that, She said getting up and helping him to get up

"Well, you are the one flying to caught me when we were 10 or 9 feet from meeting the floor." He said kissing her

"Well both of us are crazy is that ok?" she said after kissing him,

"Now let's finish this. You take Reign and I fight her sidekicks,"

"Deal, but be careful," She said kissing him again

"Always," And so, the heroes went to attack the Worldkiller. What they didn't saw was Andry and Robert filming what just happened

"Robert... I'm going to be famous," Robert just rolled his eyes

Streets of National City

"Where are they?!" Reign said through the comms

"They are near a building, Reign gives Pestilence the other comm, so she could hear what I'm saying," Marlize said, and Reign made what she was ordered to

"Okay, listen to me, Reign you are going o fight against The Flash and Pestilence and Purity you are going to go against Supergirl, you understand?"

Before they could say something Reign was nowhere to be seen

"Girls!" Someone said behind them

"What about a handicap fight you and you against me?" They just saw him,

"No, just do what I told you!" Marlize yell

"We do what we want," Pestilence said, and so they fought against the scarlet speedster

Kara and Reign were fighting on the skies, the fight was tied, no one was falling and they didn't want to fall until the other one does, Kara started to use her heat vision, which was the same idea Reign had, they were getting near each other, when they were head to head reign started to punch the girl of steel, but the girl of steel didn't stay behind, they could stay there for hours until the other gives up.

While they fight Supergirl and Reign had, The Flash was not having the same luck Supergirl had, the cry of Purity was really bothering him, and Pestilence always trying to scratch him was even more difficult. Finally one of the cry's of Purity hit him and he fell back, he just heard a scream, and it wasn't Purity, it was Pestilence running to finally hurt him.

When he saw Pestilence he was going to run, but the cry hit him near a building, and the problem was that some parts of the building fell, and one of them was in his feet, he didn't have time to move his feet and attack her, he was going to vibrate but he couldn't have the time to vibrate and let his feet move hit Pestilence without receiving the cry of Purity.

When Pestilence was near the scarlet speedster, she jumps, and it was a high jump, in mid-air an arrow hit her, and in a few seconds, the same arrow explode. When the Flash look back he saw, The Green Arrow, Speedy, and Spartan shooting to the Wroldkillers, and he just smiles at what he is watching.

"Flash, I thought to visit you in your vacations"

"Well thank you for passing by..." The Flash said

AN: Well that's another chapter, I hope you are really liking it like I am. Don't forget to vote! And thanks to everyone that is continuing the story! See you on Wednesday! :p

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