Chapter 6

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Catching up with work was the worst. The reason why she had to catch up with work was because Kol had given herself a brief holiday to visit her family and friends back in her home country. She had stayed for nearly two weeks, and because of that, she was paying for it. She was up to her neck with business meetings and photo shoots.

Because of her lack of time to have meals, she resorted to smoking a cigarette whenever she got hungry and there wasn’t enough time to grab a quick bite.

Niall had been away inconsistently as well. He tried flying out to see her occasionally, but the time interval was usually three days or less, and he would have to fly back to wherever One Direction needed to be. The same thing went for her, but when she went to him for visits, it was an unsaid thing that she would also be working in whatever city they ended up in. Granted, not all cities were fashion-centered, but she had videoconference meetings through webcam, sometimes boarded a train to where she needed to be, or going through different offers that she was receiving via Maria. Maria would also have notes with pros and cons that went along with prospective projects that Kol could decide, before sending them back to whatever agency of hers that was handling it and would either approve or decline it.

It was a very taxing process. There was the concept of keeping up her image as well as maintaining exclusivity. Add the events that her other manager Ricky was selecting for her to attend. Maria had hired Ricky because there had been a lot on her plate. Kol wasn’t the only model she was the agent of, and Maria was still working for the agency that had launched Kol’s career.

Ricky was better at choosing the events that he deemed important for her to attend. Kol was invited to a lot of parties and events, but that didn’t necessarily mean that she went to all. Going to an event meant that she was supporting that, thus rendering that certain event having free advertising from her. This was why Ricky and John worked together on choosing the events for her. Kol didn’t have the judgment or time to do it herself.

Kol’s drinking increased as well, to the point where her body started getting used to the alcohol and her allergies didn’t act up as much.

Her drinking was fueled by her depression. It was a coping mechanism with her when it came to stress, missing Niall and her family.

While Niall drank to feel happy, Kol ended up drinking because of negative implications. It wasn’t very healthy.

“Kol, you need to eat something,” Niall said, pushing a plate of fries toward her while they were having lunch.

At the table, Josh and Sandy were playing cards, while the boys and some of the crew were eating with them. Kol had just come from a quick smoke outside with Zayn . She was resisting her hunger today particularly because she had a nude shoot today and she didn’t want to have too much Photoshop done on her body, however inevitable that was.

“After the shoot,” Kol said, pushing it away as she closed her eyes briefly. She hadn’t been sleeping properly either. Her sleep had been considerably better when she slept beside Niall, but only by just a little.

Her eyes felt like they were going into her skull, and her skin was breaking out. She wasn’t feeling very attractive for the past few weeks, and it came across with how she was interacting with people.

“Kol the car is ready for you,” Chelsea, one of the One Direction managers said as she came into the room. “Niall, I know you requested if you could go to the shoot with her, but you’ll only have two hours. The car will take you back because we still have to do interviews and sound checks.”

“All right. We best head out then,” Niall said, standing up and chewing the last bits of his meal as he stuffed everything into his mouth.

Niall helped Kol with her jacket and they went out of the private room in the hotel restaurant. The car ride was silent, due to the fact that Kol was in one of her moods and Niall was concerned that she might just burst out at any of his random comments and they might just have a fight.

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