#11 ◡̈ & ☁︎

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Anna's POV:
I've been through this before, periods, every girl/women/lady has been through it and it's horrible. Miranda told me she doesn't have her periods often because they come very late. So her cramps are really bad. I told piper to watch Miranda while I went to the store. I got some pads, more diapers, and nursing stuff, some dark chocolate with caramel, because my baby thinks dark chocolate is yucky so her favorite thing is caramel and It'll make it better. So then I got her some baby things just because she's been a good baby and deserves things. I got her some baby food and som stuff for dinner. I then pay and go home getting her a hot chocolate. I get home to see my baby sucking on some warm milk.

"Hey baby, I got you some warm hot choco, do you want it or your milk?" I asked kneeling in front of her with the chocolate in my hand.

"Ywes pwease..." she reached for it but I went to go pour it in a sippy cup and gave it too her.

"Baby can you be a good girl and take these yummy grape tablets for your cramps?" I gave her three chewable tablets that are for cramps and she took them wanting more since they were tasty.

"ah ah, no baby, you can't have anymore. now drink your hot choco and I have a little surprise for you!" i smiled grabbing the bag,

"wot is it mama?!" she said excitedly
I pulled out a little my melody plushie and a kpop album and a manga book (for her when she's big.) and some small baby toys for her

"THANK CHU MAMA!" she smiled n hugged her and after continued to drink her hot coco hugging the my melody plush.

"of course my little angel, your so strong princess!" I smiled and pinched her cheeks.

"okay baby, today we're just going to be you and me, and we're gonna cuddle all day!! and do everything youd like!"

"otay! we can watch disney movies!!" she jumped a bit before going back down noticing she can't do too much because of her cramps.

"yes baby, i got you some carmel chocolates!! your favorite! keep the heating pad on you. and i'll go get them my love." i grab them giving it too her, as i gave her two to eat right now and the rest later.

"thank u mama" she smiled with chocolate all over her face and a little bit of carmel.

i wash her face, with a baby wipe and smiled "thats it baby, there you go." i coo, she's all clean and now were watching cinderella.

"mama wook! da buue birds me wike dem!" she giggled

"yes baby you love them. and cinderella, your just like her, kind and beautiful my angel."

she smiled and hides her blush as i pull her closer to me. i love this angel with all my heart and soul. i will do everything to protect her.

Pipers POV;
i was cleaning the baby's rooms, and i get call from unknown. i start to panic because i have really bad anxiety. i answer.

"is this piper gomez?"

"no you have the-"

"don't lie to me my love. you remember me don't you? remember the fun times we had? the ones where you were my adorable cute pet? until you went with that b!tch boss of mine?"

"omar, please leave me alone, don't you want daisy now or something? please just leave me alone. your sick."

"no you idiot. i want miranda as my little slave, my puppy, my kitten. to serve to me. if vanessa doesn't give me miranda, and her f*cking brother to back off, we're gonna have a problem. i'll take miranda and do whatever i want, i know how much you care about her too piper, i won't hesitate to hurt her just for you all to surrender her."

and then he hung up, i gulped. i loved miranda, not in that way of course but as a little sister, she's so adorable and nice to one another. i want to kill him. god he's so sick. i want to tell vanessa but once miranda takes her nap i will.

time skip

Anna had put our miranda to sleep, this time with a bottle, and she was placed in the crib so she could sleep.

"hey, an.. can we talk..." i gulp, i'm scared to tell her.

"yes of course piper what's up?" she says smiling

"uhm, i don't think i told you but i used to be omar's submissive, his kitten basically, and he called me today, he really wants miranda and if we don't surrender, he'll hurt her until we do." i started crying as if this was my fault, i feel like it is for answering him, but if i wouldn't, i wouldn't have gained this information and i needed it warn An.

"thank you piper, for telling me. i will take care of it i promise, i will hire more guards, and put more cameras and alarms, and some strong glass, alright? i won't let him hurt her i promise. neither you."

"thank you An, i see her as a little sister, and i hope they don't do anything. i'll do anything for him not too. he's sick to the brain An."

"i know, i promise he won't. now go take a bath or something to relax okay?" she smiled and i do what she says going into one putting a bath bom and sleeping for a bit.

Mirandas POV;
i wake up in my crib and i call out for mama because i want her n my cramps went away for a little bit but i wanted to play and color.

"maaaamaaaaaaaaaa!" i whimpered

"hi yes baby? what happened my love?" she cooed picking me up.

"wan pay!" i jump smiling

"baby you can't play today, you can hurt your tummy and it can get worse my love. not today my love, want to watch youtube or some more movies?" she asked but i felt fussy. and wanted to play
i pouted, along with a whimper, "me wan pay! me wan pay! p'ease! nu wan be boooed(bored)" i start to fuss and almost about to cry from not getting what i want.

"baby, behave. if you keep being fussy it'll hurt mama's feelings and she loves you very much, she just wants what's best for you my angel. behave my love." she tells me and i start crying thinking i hurt her feelings and she giggled a bit.

"baby, your okay, just don't be fussy because you can't play my love, only for today and tomorrow and the other days you get to play okay?"  she rubs my back as i sniffle into her shoulder.

"wes mwommy i sowwy mwommy" i sniffle and she jumps me up and down.

"good girl baby." she keeps doing this until i'm sleepy again and she puts me down on the couch this time and calls ashley to hold me.
i was rocked into ashleys arms and fell back asleep.

Anna's POV;
i give her to ashley because i heard a knock on the door. i go to the door, and look through the little hole. it's galvin. i let out a small groan and then contacted the guards.

"who let him in?"

"i'm pretty sure it was one of the new guys who didn't know ms.sanchez." one of guards spoke.

"tell every guard, who should and who shouldn't be allowed, or else you all are cut from your paycheck. you hear me?" i yell a bit not too loud to wake up my baby.

"yes ms.ramirez."
i hung up, and then spoke through this little whole so galvin could hear and i didn't have to open the door.

"what do you want, you moron."

"i came here to make a deal."
what the f!ck is going on.
HI GUYS! i'm so sorry, i havent uploaded in a month.. gah.. let me explain! i have been going through rough times right now, i'm struggling with my body and i've attempted (TW) su!c!de twice, along with self h!rm. it's been getting really bad. i cry at night seeing girls who are skinny and pretty, because i want to be like that, and i feel alone and when i'm little i think "if i'm a princess, i'm not a pretty one then." and i just want to be in a poofy dress, watching tangled. i'm not doing well at all, physically either. i have really bad stomach problems, i can't eat sometimes because of it, i'm scared to eat because i'm scared of a tummy ache ): but gah this got too personal. but thank you all for fixing my mistakes and telling me what to do for cramps, you all are so sweet n just gAH I LVOE U ALL! mwauh kith kith! but thank you for the views comments n everything!! they make me really happy :) thank you so so much. remember it's going to be okay, and if anyone needs to talk to me, i'm here.
- princess 💗

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