#8 彡

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Anna's POV;
Breast fed? What? I don't even have big.. never mind that.., I'm so confused. I know her headspace is 0-2 but I didn't think itd go this far. Maybe I'll do some research in the morning and try to talk about it too her. In the meantime ill cuddle her and let her suck on a pacifier since she wants something to suck on.
-timeskip to morning-

I wake up earlier than her, the usually same thing I always do. She's fast asleep and I slowly grab my MacBook, I open it and go to google searching what I can do. And this showed up.

If your little wants to be breast fed, please go to a age regression doctor, they are located in all of America, you can find them if you search up "Medical Age Regressor Doctor Near Me" , many should show up. But usually it's signs that little wants milk, since she never got it as a child, or maybe it's her headspace. Please be careful with this, it can harm the caregiver if giving milk that cannot be produced.

Okay, I then search up the doctors and surprisingly there were a lot of them, I called the best rating one in another room,

"Hello, This Is Valley Care Love Medical how may I help you today?"
"Hi, I'm a caregiver and I'm looking too see if I can be able to breast feed my little girl? She showed signs of it last night and I did some research."
"Hi yes ma'am! We can do you in today at 2 if that's okay? If you have no plans, but if you do, we can reschedule!"
"Today is perfect, I want to do it as soon as possible since it could help her. Is it okay if I bring my little with me?"
"Yes ma'am, but she will be in a separate room filled with toys, she can either chose to be by herself or be with other littles. We don't want her with you and the doctor talking about adult stuff. It could scare her, or just be simply boring for her since it could be long."
"Oh okay!! I'll ask to see what her she wants"
"Alrighty! May I have your name and phone number please?"
"Anna Ramirez, and it's 700-321-590!"
"Okay your all set! See you at 2 Ms.Rameriz!"

I hung up the phone and heard my baby girl wake up, I come to her as I place my phone on the stand next to the bed.
"Hi baby, how'd you sleep?"
"Good mama! Me nice n comfy n me dream about rapunzel mama!" Miranda said in excitement as she giggled
"That's so cool baby! Okay baby, we have to talk about something after breakfast okay? It's nothing bad baby okay?" I said hoping not making her worried
"Otay mama! Uppies?" She made grabby hands
"Up we go my little mariposa!"
"Hehe mama!" She babbled shes my adorable little munchkin.

Miranda's POV;
I am terrified of the topic we're going to talk about, I'm really scared. Is she leaving me? What's going on?? I'm really scared and I dunno what to do.. please dear god let it be something okay and not bad.
I had blueberries and waffles for breakfast she fed it too me which made it even better and me had apple juice but me got the one where chu bite into the plastic n it makes a noise like chu is being into a Apple! Me couldn't stop doing it n she took it away from me n put it in a sippy cup n I got sad ):

"Mama apple!" I whimpered wanting the plastic container
"No baby, it can hurt your teeth, do you want to see the dentist?" She looked at me
"Nuuuuu me wan apple!!!!!" I whined out again and she didn't budge as I made pouty puppy dog eyes and she... didn't budge again, what's wrong with her!!!! Did my eye not work anymore!!! I whined and felt sad for a while but then I got apple juice n me felt happy!
Now it was time for da talk... eep.. very scary..
"Okay baby, so today Mama is going to go to a doctors appointment, no Mama isn't sick or anything it's just to see if I can breast feed you, because last night you were grabbing into my bra and you were showing signs of it. Now do you want to come with me, but you have to go into a separate room, or do you want to stay and have uncley come and baby sit you?" She asked, I let out a small sigh of relief when it wasn't anything bad.
"Can I stay wif uncley? Me scared of pweople n de outside world.." I let out
"Of course bun, let me call him." She said.
She dialed the phone and soon he answered, he said yes and would do anything to help her out. I got excited cus I got hang out wif him!! He is so nice n friendly n I wuv uncley! Nu more than mama doe!
I was soon dressed for the day, into something comfortable since I'd stay home for the day while mama got ready to go to the doctors check up! I was sleepy so I got put in something light like shorts and a tang top and she gave me a bottle. I sucked on it in her arms and fell asleep.

Anna's POV;
She was finally asleep and then heard a doorbell ring, it was Galvin, so I put her in her crib and played soft lullaby music. I then turn on her little bears on the top of the crib to move and went to go answer.

"Hey G, thanks for doing this again, I just gotta do whatever for her, she's my baby." I smiled nervously
"Of course An,I'm always going to be here, now I just need to check out the rules and is there anything you need to let me know?"

"Just don't spank her too hard, if she does act up, and don't go to spankies as the first punishment, write lines or time out. Text me before you ever want to spank her, please, she's been abusive before, and I don't want her more traumatic things to happen. She's asleep right now, I'm going to give her a kiss goodbye and I'll be on my way." I explain and let him in and go up to get my jacket, keys, and wallet and went to go kiss her forehead.

"Bye my lovebug. I'll be quick to see you again okay?" I smile and go and hug Galvin bye as I go into my car and go to see the doctor. Once I get there I park, and go inside.
"Hi I'm here for Anna?" I say.
"Hello! Just in time! Come follow me." The nurse says as I do, she checks my heigh, weight and everything and I get put into a room.
"She will be with you momentarily ma'am."
I wait for about 10 minutes and hear a knock.
"Hi Anna, I'm Doctor Rodriguez, so I heard, your little wants to be breast fed?" She asked.
"Hi, and yes, she showed signs of it last night, and I talked to her about it and she agreed."
"Okay, how old is your littles mentality?"
"Has she had any traumatic issues with parents?"
"Yes, her parents were abusive and never really cared for her."
"Okay, yes, since her headspace is 0-2 and she has dealt with that, she might need to be breast fed, it can help her. See, her we have two things you can Ms.Sanchez, if you don't have much milk, we can give you these injections to put in your boobs every night and morning, reusable ones, with milk, or if you are capable of having milk and even if you have small breasts you are able to do it, it's all just the matter of an X-ray. Can we do that today?"
"Yes, I'd like to know what to do, she's been through so much."
"Yes of course, now lets get up settled. Please remove your clothing and put this gown on, it shouldn't be less than 5 minutes max."
"Okay." I do as I was told and she put on some X-Ray stuff on me and took pictures telling me not too move.

Afterwards I put my clothes back on. I was so relieved to hear the answer.
"So, since the X-Rays showed milk, a lot actually, you'll have as long as you want to breast fed, you just have to take pills every morning it won't effect you or anything! This is all healthy and your Milk is very healthy due to signs in the X-Ray. So we will prescribe you medicine that you need to get from the pharmacy!"
I'm able to come home to good news for my baby girl!!

Hello loves!! I hope you all are staying safe and doing okay!! It's really rough at home for me currently,, I'm not doing well mentally and it's just been harder now when your stuck at home, well california is currently still ahhh, but thank you for 7k views!! It means so much to me!! <3 -angel💗

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