#6 ༉‧₊˚✧

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Anna's POV;
I wake up the next day, she was still asleep in my arms, so beautiful, she was peacefully asleep in my arms, I wanted to do something for her, she deserves it. She went through something horrible yesterday, going through her friend saying those harsh words to my baby girl, my poor sensitive baby.

She deserves nothing but love, she's such a sweetheart and everyone takes advantage of it. I quickly get up so she doesn't wake up, pick her up, and go to the kitchen. I placed her in her crib in the living room, so I can at least keep an eye on her. I make her blueberry pancakes and gave her some orange juice in a bottle. I hear her wake up and clean up and go back to her.

"Good morning baby, how are you feeling?" I asked, caressing her cheek.
"Mama.. mph.. seepy mama.." she said in a tired voice yawning.
"You have to get up baby girl, today we have a big day! All of your stuff comes in and we can decorate the house and stuff okay? Now cmere love bug, lets put you in your high chair and lets feed you."
"Otay!" She smiled,
I picked her up, she giggled and i put her in her hair chair. She then was distracted by peppa pig on the tv, I pull her chin towards me softly
"Baby, it's time to eat, you need to eat then you'll watch peppa okay baby?" I said softly
"Nu! I wan watch Peppa!" she fussed.

Uh oh, she's fussy, if she crosses the line im afraid ill have to punish her.
"Baby, I can pause it and afterwards you can watch peppa baby, not right now, you need to eat, it's blueberry pancakes baby!" I say getting a piece of the pancake, and make airplane motions.
She giggled and ate it and i gave her some juice wiping her face. She then got distracted after a while, and got fussy again.
"Baby, your almost done and then you can watch peppa. Okay?"
"NU! I WANNA WATCH PEPPA!" She shouted, whimpering too.
"Miranda. Don't. Make. Me. Punish. You." I said sternly, making sure she understood, she stuck out her tongue at me.

"That's it, no peppa at all then." I turned off the tv "And you'll be writing lines now angel, for your behavior, be a good girl for mommy okay?"
Miranda whimpered when I turned off the tv, she then nodded not saying anything afterwards.
"What was that?" I asked
"Yes mommy..." she said
I put back peppa on the tv after she finished eating. She was smiling and giggling. I lied about making her write lines, she just needed a warning. she's my good baby.

Miranda's POV;
OK THAT WAS S C A R Y . I thought I was going to get a spanking out of that one! But mama would neva do dat unless it wos rweally bwad! I gots to be her good baby! After me ate me watched peppa den me crawled to mwe room n me got me coloring book, it wos hwello kitty! me wuvs hello kitty! me wanted to color it for mama she deserves one for me being bratty! as I colored I head mama argue on de phone but she came in n put BTS on, butterfly to be exact, that song makes me feel comfy n safe. I kept coloring and couldn't hear anything but da moosic!

Anna's POV;
THESE A S S H O L E S. I ordered three things that are supposed to come today and now they aren't here, I'm very angry with how they've been doing this, I specifically told them, I need it by today, no other today. I called them and we had an argument, their on the way but just traffic, I said they better make it or else they'll be come consequences.
"If you don't make it, best believe I'll make you want to quit your job instead of being fired, understood?" I said sternly

"Yes Ms.Ramirez were very sorry."
"If it comes damaged, broken. You won't ever, ever, and I mean ever, be stable financially. Now, hurry the f*ck up." I ran back to my baby girl who was coloring.
"Hi baby, what are you coloring, do you like the music I put on? That's your favorite correct?" She smiled at me nodding and took off the ear phones and showed me her drawing, it was a hello kitty one. How much cute can she be! I cant take the cuteness. I smiled and hugged her .
"It's me prwessent to chu for being bad mama!"
"Awe baby, you aren't bad you just were bratty, your my good little girl." She smiled "the best little one I could ever have."

She kissed me and we heard the doorbell ring. Fucking finally. I went to the door to see Galvin.
"Hey An, im here to meet your little and help you with your things." He said with a warm smile
"Hey G, yeah I'll introduce you and they haven't came yet, maybe we can start on something else like painting the room and taking it all the stuff?" I said
"Yeah, and what the fuck, they should've been here by 4 it's 5- we won't even get done with it coming later than now." He put his hand to his chin
"let's just work on the room, the little isn't going to help right, she has a deep age mentally right?"
"Yeah, she 0-2, she seems quite sleepy so I'll give her a bottle and let her sleep for a bit. But first let's let you meet her." I went to go get miranda and she was sleepy and I picked her up

"Baby can you use your words for me? I want you too meet my brother, his name is Galvin, and he's a very nice guy, he will usually take care of you when I'm gone, which is hardly ever okay?"
"Wes mwommy!" She smiled at me and i took her to him,I put her down and he waved at her "Baby this Galvin."
"Hewo Gwalvin" she said waving behind me.
"She's a little shy I see." He giggled
"Yeah she's my shy little baby, it's okay princess, he won't do any harm to you." I smile
She comes out more n waves, she's beside me and looks at him holding my arm.
"Chu is nwice me wike nice pweople, can I call chu uncley?"
"Of course cutie!" He smiled "I think you should have your nappy now! You look very tired!"

As they talked I was in the kitchen making her a bottle and I came and scooped her up feeding her the bottle and put her in the crib that was in the little room. she felt very sleepy after the milk, I put a pill too sooth her and calm her down, not in a bad way just to make her sleep longer so we can fix her little room and give her a big surprise. She fell asleep so quiet and soft, now it's time to work on my baby's room!

hello loves! school is very hard n it's just taking most of my time, my mental state isn't doing well too since my family fights constantly and it sucks to hear and listen to them. but i hope you all are doing well and thank you so so so much for 1k reads!! it means a lot too me thank you so so so much💗- angel🥺

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