#1 ☼ ♡

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Miranda's POV;
Another day, Another week,Another month here with these parents. They never cared for me, if they were so happy to have me, why don't they treat me like a miracle to them like when I was born? My parents hate my guts. They punish me, bruise me, hit me, and sometimes cut me. I'd cry, but I have a nice job with wonderful people, And I make as much as I could over there to buy locks and stuff to protect myself. But I also buy things for me...

My alarm went off. Time for work.
I soon get ready, put on my uniform, do my hair. Today I decided I wanted to look cute with the uniform so I grabbed my two blue and pink bows and put them on my two pigtails, matching my blue and pink job outfit. I've been working at this job for about, 4 years, since I was 13. They didn't accept thirteen year olds, but I was an acceptation because I was there favorite helper who always helped without being paid. They were all so nice to me like a family. Something I have never felt before. I go to work in my small car, It's my dads I use it just to go to work or else he'll hit me. But, don't tell him, I go to the mall on break to look around and sometimes when I have enough I would buy something! Oh well, it's time to go!

I headed out, going to get gas and then heading to "Space 101 diner!" It was a cute name okay, don't get mad that your diner isn't as cute! I started to serve people as a strange pair of siblings walk in.

Anna's POV;
That feeling when your clients can't do shit. I told them to send the files yesterday. They sent them this morning. The due dat was at 12. THEY SENT IT ONE HOUR BEFORE. How the fuck does that make me look? Like a lazy piece of shit trying to take care of animals for no reason?

"I told you Omar, to send it by the end of the night. Not the deadline. I swear. If this ever happens again, you won't see the light ever again. You don't know how fucking important those files were to be turned in by that night. You clearly said fuck that and put everything to the side and said 'let's turn it in at 11:00 before the deadline!' NO. Those were files on what to do when your animal has cancer.

This patient had an animal with cancer coming to me for help and you blew the fucking job. I sent them a check, at least to buy a cat or puppy, their animal was supposed to be a service pet. Jesus you can be so ignorant-" I exclaimed, being so furious my blood was boiling. I was soon interrupted by him, he made me want to fire him but I'm not going to do that. I'd feel bad.

"Ms. Ramirez I'm sorry I had to go for a family emergency and I did all the work there and I didn't manage to have any wifi, I'm really sorry please forgive me." Omar said nervous
"Omar, don't ever interrupt me. That's disrespectful in my work place. You are forgiven just please don't do it again, and email me or contact me if anything comes up so I can handle it and do it how I want it to be. Your dismissed." I said furious and he left. I heard whispers from him but who cares.

"Fuck this fucking place you bitch." Omar said under his breathe. My brother, Galvin, told me that. I swear he has one more fucking strike. The reason I know this is because my brother came in.

"Hey An..wanna go get some lunch?" He asked sweetly.
"Sure G, lets go." I said, this might relieve my stress for a bit.
We soon go to "Space 101 diner!"
"G, what the heck type of place is this?" I ask annoyed by the kids name
"An, It's just a diner, they named it because their youngest member named it when she was 13. she is very cute too, I've been here once but I tell you, there were a lot of cute girls here. Especially one that stood out too me. I don't remember her name but she was a cutie. She looked like a little by her little bows in her hair and her way of walking down the hall. She was adorable and such a sweetheart. But An, you got get over your ex, she was a liar little and a bitch too. I know you'll find someone." He said worriedly

I smiled "Yeah I know, I just want too find someone not here for my fucking money." I really just wanted one for who I am not my company or money. We soon walked in, and the first girl with two pigtails and bows. She's adorable.

Miranda's POV;
My friend, Daisy saw the two come in, both wearing suits and both seemed to be new to the work place.
"Dude! Look! Aren't they good looking..?" Daisy said eye balling over them already.

"Daisy, you can't just like someone for how they look like. There's a personality attached to them dumb dumb." I giggled tapping her nose and she laughed.

"Well go serve them!" She exclaimed smiling pushing me to them. I fixed my outfit and stuff. The girl looked cute, she looked like a dom and just the ideal girlfriend for me. I shouldn't think this soon though, she probably has someone or maybe she's not a good person? Maybe she is and she can be my caregiver- No Miranda stop thinking like this. She's a customer.

"Hi there cuties! Welcome to Space Diner 101! Can I get you started with some drinks?" I asked with a smile
"Hello there sweetheart, I'll get a water please, and You G?" The girl asked the other across from her, but I have too say, her calling me sweetheart made me melt and made me feel little.
"Uhm I'll have a Sprite please, thank you doll." He looked at me, and I replied
"Okay, That'll be right up!"
I wrote it down on my notepad going to go get the drinks.

Anna's POV;
I couldn't stop staring at her, she was beautiful. She skipped down the hallway to grab our drinks, she couldn't be any more perfect her,smile her, tone, her everything.  I was infatuated with her. I wanted her to be my little. She seemed like a little right? Then my thoughts got cut to my brother calling me.
"An? An? Anna? Hello?" He asked waiting
"Yes hi, what's up?" I asked back
"I see you like the one I like too huh?" He smirked
Fuck me. He likes her too?
"Uh? Who?" I acted stupid
"The one who just served us dumbass. But I'm not complaining or being jealous, if she is a little we can share her or she can pick who she wants I guess but I've liked her for a long time. She's amazing I know it." He smiled. My brother was always a sweetheart. I was too until my ex broke my heart to pieces. I became cold and numb.

I didn't know what to do. But this girl, could change my life forever. As she skipped back to take our order giving us our drinks.
"Here you both go, A sprite and a water. Are you both ready to order?" She smiled with the cutest living fucking smile ever it made me blush. So I drank water nodding as my brother answered her
"Yes please, may I have a burger with fries on the side, no ketchup please." He said as she wrote down the answer in her book. I said my answer.
"I would like the supreme burger please, no fries but instead of fries may I get a salad?" I asked
"Yes of course, with ranch or any cheese?" She wrote down
"Just ranch angel." she blushed a red. It made me want to kiss her.
"Okay coming right up!" She left soon after that. Bringing our orders in 40 minutes. Damn I missed her for that long? How long will I miss her for the rest of the day. I cant get this girl off my mind. She's beautiful. I want her. I need her. We soon ate our food and then we got our check from her.
"Here is your check, Do you need any boxes?" She asked
"No we're fine." Galvin said.

I quickly paid for the stuff as Galvin got mad but it was my chance to slide my number in there. I did so and gave her a 50 dollar tip.

I hope she contacts me. We left "See you soon little one." (Miranda didn't hear what they said!)I went to me and my brothers bmw and we headed back to our office.

Miranda's POV;
"Have a nice evening!" I smiled going to grab the check going to pay and seeing the tip and went to go stop them. They already left and gave me a 50 dollar tip? Why? That was way too much! But this can go to my savings. If they ever come back I'll give them my thank you. I saw a note slid down the check. I quickly picked it up

"Hi there beautiful, my names Anna, heres my number. Please contact me little one." I stuck it in my pocket. How does she know I'm a little?? Anna was gorgeous though, I couldn't say no. After my shift I'll text her and tell her my thank you. I have to tell Daisy about this! She's my best friend and knows I'm a little so is she. But we haven't had a daddy yet or mommy which was sad. But now I wait till the end of the shift. Excitement filled me up wanting the shift to go by quicker.
Hello loves! I felt so happy making this story so please give it some love too! I hope you all enjoy and I'll post next chapter tomorrow or after that! Bye bye!- angel 💗

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