#5 * ˚ ✦

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Miranda's POV;
Ann- I mean Mama, took me to the mall, I was stuck in the backseat with an adult car seat and Once we were there, it was a ddlg mall! so there was a whole bunch of things like a bouncy place for littles and cgs n other stuff! It wooks so nwice! We go inside and mommy sees her coworker in there, me didnt know his name but mama was vv mad that he was there. But he was with.. Daisy?! what's going on..

Anna's POV:
Why the fuck, and I mean why the fuck is Omar here?! What the fuck?! He's supposed to be at work. He's fucking thinking he's getting the light weight after this. I swear to god.

"Baby, can you do me a favor and go to the little play palace over there with the jumpy houses and arcade? Mommy has to make a call okay? Mommy has to deal with something."

I say taking her too the play palace with jumpy houses.

"Wes Mwommy just pwease nu weave me for two wong or me will gwet anxiety.." she said shaky a bit. I kiss her cheek and place my hand on her cheek.
"I'll be back in 5 minutes okay?"

"Otay!" She smiled.
I tell the worker to give her the smallest amount of time so she can come back quickly, which was 30 minutes. I paid and told Miranda I loved her and I'd be back. I have to handle this, I call some body guards, some security.

"Hello. This is Anna, Omar is supposed to be at work, why isn't he not?" I said sternly
"Ma'am he said he was on his lunch."
"His lunch is at fucking 4 it's fucking 2!"
"Okay We weren't aware of that, do you want us to go get him?"
"Oh no shit Sherlock, I want him here for the rest of day doing nothing what so ever!! Yes come get him. I'm at Caregivers and Littles unite mall, I'm going to fire him if he pulls one more stunt."
"Yes Ms.Ramirez, on our way." They said as I hung up. I then go back to the play palace to go get my little girl when I see Omar and a blonde haired girl talking to miranda, my little girl...

Omar's POV;
I fucking hate that bitch, she gets on my fucking nerves. I used to go to space 101 diner to eat and liked this girl, not the one I'm with, for fucks sake she's just a toy, I'm looking for her friend. AND GUESS WHO HAS HER? ANNA. I'm so fucking upset with this bitch she takes everything away from me and always does this shit. I'm a Dominant, I'm not into this ddlg shit, but I heard from a little birdy, aka Daisy, that she was with Anna at this mall. I want to talk to Miranda, Hopefully take her away from Anna, So Miranda sees how awful and cruel she can be.

"Daisy, I'm going fucking insane where is Miranda, you said she'd be here with that bitch Anna."
"Yes I know their coming here she texted me. And told me about Anna. I know, I'm so stupid for pushing Miranda and letting her be her waiter, she's such a bitch."

"Ok I get it, stop drooling over Anna, I'm trying to see if their here. Fuck."

I saw Anna and the cutie Miranda.
Anna glared at me and told Miranda something and took her to the play palace and then made a phone call "FUCK" I said outloud.
I said as we go to the play palace.
"Hi, I'm looking for a little named Miranda? She's my Littles bestie!" I nudged Daisy so she'd go along with it.
"Wes! Me wooking for bwestie!" I cringed hearing her.

"Uh, Miranda? Someone's here for you!"
A brunette came with two bows in her hair
"MAM- huh..? who is chu..? n daisy wots chu doing here?" She looked scared, my poor baby, I wish she knew how much I wanted her.
"Listen here you little shit, i don't get why you have Anna and I don't? what's so special about you anyways?!" Daisy blurted out.
Miranda got tears in her eyes and ran away to a far jumpy house.
"Are you fucking idiotic?!" I yelled at daisy
"May we go in-"
"No, your not going anywhere near her you fucking prick. I heard everything you fucking piece of shit. And you, you blonde haired bitch, I don't ever want to hear you say my name from your ugly mouth. Now leave." Anna came and pushed both of us going in. The security getting us and taking us back to work. I fucking hate her.

Anna's POV;
I saw them, and I got even more angry and heard everything. I told them off and ran, and went to my baby girl. I see her crying in the corner of a bouncy house. My poor baby..
"Baby girl.. hey.. it's me.. the meanies are gone baby.." she looked up at me and got out of the jumpy house and hugged me.
"That's it baby girl.. come here.. have some hugs baby." I hugged her tightly and then raised her chin kissing her tears away.
"They were meanies mama.. big meanies.. Daisy used to be my best friend and now she's a jealous bitch.." she whimpered
"Hey, princesses don't use that pouty mouth baby, but it's okay, I won't ever let them touch you at all." She smiled at me and replied,
"Tanks chus mama, chu is me hero.." she sniffles.
"Okay baby lets go shopping now okay? Let's get our mind off them okie?" I take her hand and put on her shoes and put her in a one of those carts for little kids and took her to build a bear and she picked out a stuffed animal, I bought it for her, and she thanked me many times, she's such a grateful baby girl..
I took her to many places getting her pacifiers, sippy cups, pjs, clothes, socks, binkies, and blankets, and I ordered a new pink high chair, a new pink crib, and another one for the living room, a dollhouse, some other essentials.(Coloring books, colors, books, dolls, toys.) Without her knowing of course.
(Damn Anna rich rich....)

I then let her play with my phone since I don't allow her to be on her phone or tablet distracted and not listening to me, so I give her my phone when I got to the caregiver section grabbing some things as she watched peppa pig holding onto her new stuffie and sucking on a new pink pacifier, I hear a faint whimper and look back to see her trying to grab her stuffie that fell, I smile and grab it for her buckling the stuffie in too.

"Now your stuffie is buckled up okay? Now he won't fall he's safe and sound just like you pumpkin, here, let's put your peppa pig back on baby" I said as she smiled and watched it and then after a while I see her sleeping, awe my baby, it's passed her nap time, we need to go eat first before she sleeps though, I take my phone and nudge her softly.

"Hey baby, we have to go get you something to eat okay..? You have to eat before you sleep." She woke up a bit nodding and I smiled
"Good girl, lets go to the food court."
We go to the food court, I get her Burger King, and get her a small strawberry baby food just Incase she's really little. I pick her up and put her on the high chairs at the mall. She whimpers not having her stuffed animal with her.

"Princess, after you eat you will have your stuffie okay?"
She whimpered but nodded. I fed her, her chicken fries and her baby food and gave her a bottle afterwards I take her outside with the cart, she was already asleep, so I put her in her car seat, her stuffie next to her and her bottle in the little cup compartment. I put all of the bags in the car and put the cart back. We go back home safely. Tomorrow everything should be delivered and we can do many more things together that are going to fun while she's in little space.

Miranda's POV;
I wos asleep for most of the time but just Daisys words really hurt me.. It hurts knowing a friend that I've had all my life hurt me like this.. but it's okie! Cus me has mama and mamas the only one me wants!
Hiii loves! I'm trying to post more often I know I'm getting bad at posting I just have online school which is taking a toll on me! But i hope you all are staying safe!! Love uu ! 🍓- angel💗

Yes Mommy? Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora