#14 ೫˚∗:

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Anna's POV;
once i saw omar i quickly get out of line. and he notices us and he comes up to me and i sigh.
"uhm sir, what do you want?" i'm not going to act like i know him. he doesn't deserve it. he's a stranger to me.

"hey anna, i'm sorry for everything... i swear.. can you please take me back? maybe we can be friends-" he says but i cut him off. "yeah no. you tried to do so much things at my own company and tried to get my little as your pet? what's wrong with you." i tell him scoffing as he sighs. "look i'm sorry. i was stupid, vanessa please forgive me." he keeps pestering me, i rub my chin and take miranda's stroller to a different worker. "hello miss, your worker right there is bothering me and i would very much like it if he stopped." she nods and apologizes as she lets me pay for the stuff and put the bags in the stroller compartment.

i smile and take her too the car and put her in her seat. i put the bags in the trunk and go in the front seat. i see miranda reach for the ipad and i take away, "okay baby, you can't play on your ipad, you've had too much screen time for today. play with your rattle toy baby, and when we get home you can play with your toys." i smile and she nods whimpering.

Omar POV;
i saw that b!tch with my pet. why does everyone get what i want? and her stupid brother texted the wrong person making it clearer that he wanted miranda too. can people back off? Anna's stubborn as hell and it'll be hard to just get her to budge to get my job back. i'm working at this little store that's so f!cking annoying. i hate agere and the whole thing. it should be pets and slaves. not this. god, i should've been there first for miranda. i'm so stupid. daisy was my friend, for all this time. she's a little but i tell her to be a pet, it's better. she doesn't budge. maybe if i ask her to be a mommy, and i'll be a daddy for miranda.. now i'm starting to see that i like this community more.. i'm going to talk with her soon.

Miranda's POV;
i saw omar and i internally started to panic. thank god anna was there or else i would've passed out. i was put in the car seat and played with my toys since i couldn't play on my ipad. i keep rattling it and giggling and then asked mama "mama where are we going? nu home?" i ask her and she pulls up in a burger kind drive through and she asks what i want and i think for a second. "can me have a chickey fries n a uhm.. sprite!" i smile hoping she would say yes. she smiled and nodded and ordered what she wanted and she got me a toy too and i smile and got my stuff as she paid and went to our house and she got the bags and put them in and then got me.

"mama? can me play on ipad nows?" i asked her because i love to draw, rather than play on the game apps. i usually love to play animal crossing but i did my to do list for animal crossing already so i have time! she sighs and says yes and i grab my glove starting to draw and end it with a signature and then i'm done putting it too charge. mama then takes me to go change my diaper. i hate having to change it. i get red and start to blush knowing mama is looking at my kitty! i look at the mobile and get distracted as i'm handed a bottle. "baby it's time for your nap okay baby?" mama tells me and i nod but nodding doesn't always get its ways. she sternly says "use your words miranda." i gulp and take out the bottle "wes mwommy" and she smiles. "good girl." she picks me up once she's done changing me and she rocks me in the chair as i fell asleep and i'm placed in the crib.

Anna's POV;
shes beautiful. yes i know i say that a lot but, she's the most beautiful,kind, loving,sweet person. i want to keep her safe with me always. i go to my office to do some work, and i finish up around 3 in the morning, i finish for the week so that's good. i go to take a shower and go get a snack and check on her sleeping. she's fast asleep and i smile. right as i was about to go to sleep i get a text from one of my coworkers saying i have someone i need to interview. i sigh and reply with "when, what time, and why the occasion?", they replied with "in two days, 3:00pm, and to replace omars job with someone new." i sigh and reply "okay. tell them i'll see them there." i turn off my phone and head to sleep.
its been two days.

it's the day of the interview and i start to get ready and miranda ready since she's coming with me, i put her in something cute, her diaper, then i go to go get her backpack and put some extra toys, i put the backpack on her and we start to head out and i go in he car with her. we already ate breakfast and lunch so i packed some snacks and fruits. this is her first time in my workplace. i'm pretty sure. "hold my hand baby? i don't want you getting lost." we go to a certain floor and i greet everyone and everyone awes at miranda and she hides her face in my chest. i smile at how flustered she is. and i set her in her playpen in my office.

she plays with her toys and watches the tv by her and i do my work for a bit and then i call in one of my coworkers who works as a little babysitter to watch miranda. "hey baby i'll be back in a little bit, if your an extra good girl, you'll get a toy on the way home!" she smiled and nodded "wes mwommy!" she jumped and waved to crystal, which was my coworker who was looking after her. i go to the interview room with my paperwork and i sit down as he's already there. okay, he's not bad at time. "hello you must be aaron, are you?" i smile holding out my hand. he shakes it and nodded "yes ms.ramirez , i'm aaron garcia." he says as i fake smile, because his last name is the same as omar's...
HEWOSS! i'm sorry it's been hard doing stuff recently cus i lost some friends and stuff and it was bad really bad so it effected me in a harmful way ): but i'm okay!! n i hope you all are too!! n ugh.. is aaron omar's brother? cousin? gah! we'll find out soon! bai bai! i love you all mwauh! :D - princess💗

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