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Countdown to Athanasia's birthday:

0 days



She turned off her alarm clock by her bedside that woke he up from her dreams.

"It's finally time."

The girl got up from her bed and went to clean herself. She took a shower and blew her long-blonde hair dry before tying it up with a hairband. Just then, her phone rang.

"Hey birthday girl, make sure you're awake by now. You wouldn't want penalty for being late to school on your birthday, right?"

"You sure know how to wake someone on time on their birthday huh, Lucas?"

"Hurry. I don't want to be late because of some birthday girl who slept in."

"Fine. Go without me, then. I might take a while."

She hung up her phone and wore her school uniform. Then off she went to the dining hall downstairs, to have breakfast with her father.

"A feast is prepared specially for you today, Princess. Please enjoy before heading to school."

Woah what is this? Turkey? Isn't too early for that... And... Pizza? In the morning??

"Thank you, but this is too much. I'll be late to school if I don't leave soon."

The girl drank a cup of milk and ate some cereal. She went back to her room to take her bag and left the house.

"Took you long enough."

"I told you to go on without me."

She waved at her father who was sending her off at the door and walked to school like other days, with Lucas, her childhood friend.

While on their way to school, he took out a gift from his bag and gave it to the girl who was walking with him.


She looked at the gift he gave her....

"Happy birthday."

...and the smile he had on his face. It's a very rare chance to see him smile so sincerely like that.

"Thank you."

Lucas' smile turned into a smirk immediately and said, "of course you have to thank the great Lucas."

Ahhh!!! Why did I believe his smile just now?

Athanasia kept the gift in her bag. She planned to open it when she get home after school. Who knows if it was some surprise box which messes the place.

Not long after, they reached the school gate. This time, both of them were on time. They went to their respective classes to get ready for homeroom, as usual.



"...and that concludes our lesson for today. Thank you, class."

"Thank you, Miss Eli."

All the students went on their way home. As for the four friends, as usual, to the crepe shop!

"Come to think of it, I think the manager said we're having a limited-edition flavor today."

Like any other days, the shop is always filled with young girls, enjoying their crepes. Athanasia and Jennette look at the menu while Lucas help out in the kitchen.

Obelia Bakery: CrêpeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora