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gosh dangit how long have i been away??? slept longer than lucas fr

i am truly overjoyed scrolling through the whole list of notifications i got when i opened wattpad again for the first time in ages!! it is great knowing that my stories are still reaching people <3 i just wanna apologize for disappearing all of a sudden without a word... i'm sorry... life doesn't alaways go the way we want yk, everything suddenly went downhill and i just left my internet self alone, not tending to myself anymore, to the point i wanted to fake my death but hey that didn't happen alright i'm back now ^^

also, i re-read wmmap (i miss them sm) and thought "maybe i should really finish my wmmap fanfics"

so here i am, attempting to continue Crepe! howeverrrrrrrrrrrr i seem to have forgotten what i have written myself, so i read some(not all) chapters before writing this note. i'm gonna list down some key points below, for those who have been waiting(if there's any), yall probably forgot the story too, so let us review it together, shall we?!

- Lucas and Ijekiel works at a crepe store
- the crepe store is nearby their school
- Athanasia and Jeannette are besties and often go to the crepe store after school
- Athanasia usually gets the strawberry crepe
- the last chapter (13) was about Athanasia's birthday!
- yes, Diana isn't alive
- chapter 13.5 was about Athanasia opening her presents (from Lucas, Ijekiel, Jeannette < in order)

might be important in the story later on:
-  Lucas' gift was a scarf
- Ijekiel gave chocolates
- Jeannette's was a friendship bracelet!

*seems like there were some grammar/spelling mistakes (doesn't affect the story) in my previous chapters too, i managed to fix one. i found another but because i didn't fix it right away, i have no idea where to find it back now... might fix it when i properly read it again

this should be all i have to say for now? not sure if i left out anything

ah and i won't be around tomorrow, so sorry i can't upload a new year's chapter... (i need to go all out studying today cuz exams are in.... 3 DAYS???!?$?%?^#?^%?$#? WHAT WHY IS TIME MOVING SO FAST NOOOOOOO)

**seems like my reason for hiatus is always exams (why am i always having exams) even my friend questioned it but oh well :)

***once again, i'm sorry for everything. i truly am. i really tried to upload at least once, but i just couldn't. i will try today since my mood is slowly coming back up, but exams are priority. still, i will try, i will. really.

thank you so much for reading up until here. if you're an "old" reader who has been waiting for who-knows-how-long, thank you so much for staying. if you're new here, hello ^^ i am so glad yall enjoy my story,  i will try my best to deliver my best !!

until we meet again in the next chapter,


lin <3

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