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Normal: Athanasia
Bold: Lucas



"Are u going to school tmrw?"

"Well ofc"

"Good. Wait for me at the school gate when u reached"


"I wanna pass something to Ijekiel"

"Since when did you two get so close?"

"Blame Jeannette for that"

"Eh? Why?"

"Well we always go to the crepe shop and we'll meet him"
"So are you helping or nah"


"Yay thanks ^v^ "
"See ya tmrw"

"Good night"

"Good night"

Last seen just now

"Heh, it's so rare for her to offline immediately"

Lucas stared at his phone and kept refreshing the app.

Last seen 1 minute ago

Last seen 2 minutes ago


Last seen 1 hour ago

"Woah already an hour?" Lucas looked at the clock. "I should sleep"

He off his phone and tucked himself in.

The next morning, Lucas woke up, sleepy. He couldn't sleep last night due to his excitement of meeting her.

"What am I thinking. It's not like this is the first time meeting her. Gosh"

He cleaned himself up before going to school. When he arrived at the gate, Athanasia just came down from her car. He saw her looking around, looking for him.

'Pfft. So cute.' He wanted to watch her looking for him like that forever but he felt sorry for her fragile neck turning around. It might break anytime.

Athanasia finally found Lucas when he waved at her. She ran towards him and passed him a box.

"Ijekiel bought this from my father. He said he'll pay tomorrow so don't worry about that."

'Tomorrow, huh.' Lucas spaced out for a while.

"...cas? Lucas? Lucas? Hello" Athanasia waved around his face before he finally responded. "Hahaha I thought you were dead"

"Don't curse me"

"I was joking. Remember to give him okay?"


"Then I'll be heading to class. Bye" Athanasia waved and went to class.

Lucas waved at her when Ijekiel suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Woah." Lucas jumped despite knowing he will come out of nowhere.

"What? Is something on my face?"

"That's because you always appear out of nowhere. Can't you appear like a normal human?"

"How rude. I walked in from the gate"

"Oh yeah? Here, take this." Lucas passed the box to him.

"Oh did Athanasia give you this?"

"Well duh"

"Say thank you to her for me" Just then, the bell rang. "We should head to class"

They went to class and their teacher came in.


After school, Lucas went straight home while Ijekiel went to his crepe shop as usual. Athanasia and Jeannette? Well, they went to get some strawberry crepes.

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