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"So do you want to tell me what's going on?" Gina asked, taking a seat on her bed

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"So do you want to tell me what's going on?" Gina asked, taking a seat on her bed. "I mean only if you want to."

"Well it all started almost a year ago when my dad died, we were all having a hard time especially me and my mom," Soul explained, taking a seat on the bed next to Gina. "But my mom coped differently, always went out to bars at crazy hours of the day and that's how she met Jeff."

"Jeff?" Gina questioned, causing the girl to nod in response. "Is that her boyfriend?"

"New husband," Soul said, causing Gina to make an 'oh' face. "Yeah, after 2 months of being with him, she finally told us about him. We then met him 2 weeks later, and the following week they went to the courthouse and got married in secret."

"So they're in love." Gina asked. "Isn't that a good thing?"

"They're far from love." Soul explained, letting out a scoff as she looked down at her hands. "I mean the first few months they seemed like they were in love until Bad Jeff came out."

"Bad Jeff?" Gina questioned, confused. "Was he the one who hit you?"

"No, but I'm getting there," Soul said, causing Gina to nod once again. "Sully came up with the name bad Jeff. It's who Jeff really is; he yells, screams, throws things, breaks things, he's always drunk."

"I'm so sorry Soul, that must be awful," Gina said, putting her hand on the girl's shoulder, causing her to look up at her. "How come your mom is still with him?"

"She claims he doesn't mean it and that she is 'in love' with him," Soul explained, letting a couple of tears fall. "She has a drinking problem and when she drinks she's really easy to persuade and Jeff knows it so he uses it to his advantage. So he was calling me all these names and she was just backing him up and I said something she didn't like and that's when she hit me."

"Your mom hit you!" Gina exclaimed, raising her voice, causing her mom to yell. "SORRY MOM!"

"Yeah, she got upset when Sam asked why she didn't say anything after Jeff always calls me all these horrible names; dramatic, immature, overreacting, crazy, useless..." Soul listed, getting quieter with every word and letting tears fall. "All she said was that he was right, that I do act childish and that I'm always in my room and then she brought up my dad..."

"Soul..." Gina said, rubbing the girl's back. "You can stop if you want."

"I told her if she didn't jump into a new marriage so quickly after my dad died and allowed herself to grieve, she wouldn't have become such a stone cold bitch." Soul explained. "Next thing I knew she slapped me, I told her I hated her and stormed out."

"I never knew your life was so hard," Gina said, smiling lightly. "I thought my life was hard."

"How could you've known if I wouldn't have told you." Soul explained, causing Gina to nod. "Your life seems hard with what you've told me; only being you and your mom, always moving. It must be hard always being the new girl."

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