Chapter 21

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"You're pregnant?!" Ethan yells at me, throwing his hands in the air. I nod my head and look to the ground. "How long have you known, Beth?"
"Almost two months," I say, looking at Ethan. "Two months," repeats Ethan, rubbing his face and closing his eyes.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I've kept this from you," I say, my voice wavering.
"You can't afford a baby, Beth. You just got out of school," Ethan snaps.
"What do you mean that I can't afford a baby?" I ask, looking at Ethan with teary eyes. "You're not going to help me?" Ethan shakes his head and grabs his jacket that is hanging on the coat rack. "No, I'm not the one who is carrying it."
"It's your son or daughter!" I yell.
"I can't be with you anymore, Beth. I can't have a baby ruin my future, not when I'm so close to achieving my dream job," Ethan says, shaking his head as he puts on his coat. He places his hand on the handle and was about to walk out before I call out to him.
"So you're leaving me?" I ask Ethan, staring at him in disbelief. "After all we've been through together?" Ethan turns back to me, staring at me like I have lost my mind. "Yeah, I guess I am. Good luck, Beth. You're going to need it," Ethan says before leaving the room, before leaving me.
"And...cut!" yells Mark, the director of the movie. "Great job, Millie. You're done for the day."
I nod as I leave the set. Two months have passed since my birthday. I got offered a movie the day after the party and I took it. Noah has been busy trying to land a role in a movie, but so far no luck. Noah asked me if I wanted to move in with him and I said yes. I moved out of my small apartment and moved in with Noah. The movie is being filmed here, in Los Angeles. I changed into blue skinny jeans and a white T-shirt. I hear my phone ring and grasp my phone off of the table and glance at the caller ID before responding. "Hey, Noah. What's up?" I say as I grab my purse.
"Hey, um. Can you meet me at Starbucks in ten minutes?" asks Noah.
"Sure. Why?" I ask as I leave the studio and walk to Starbucks.
"Mills," Noah says softly. "We need to talk."
I see Noah sitting looking at his phone with a baseball cap covering his face. I walk in and see that Noah stands up. He smiles slightly and walks over to me. "I like the jacket," I say after we kiss. "Thanks. I just bought it," Noah says. He's wearing black jeans, a plain white t-shirt and a black leather jacket. "Um, do you want to grab a drink?" Noah asks. I nod and follow him to the cashier. "Hi, I'll have a black coffee and she'll have a Chai tea," Noah says as he grabs his wallet. A couple of minutes after we got our beverages, I ask, "So what is it that you wanted to tell me?"
"How about we take a walk after we are finished?" Noah says, drinking the rest of his coffee. I finish my Chai tea and follow Noah out of Starbucks. "Where are we going?" I ask shouldering my purse.
"How about we drive to the Hollywood sign?" Noah asks taking out a pair of keys. "Please don't tell me that you brought the bike," I say, sighing.
Last week Noah bought himself a red Honda CTX700N DCT motorcycle. He convinced me that it was safe and that it was meant for cruising and not for sports. He took me on a ride and I hated the bike so much that I swore that I would never get on it again.
"I did," Noah says, sighing.
"Noah." I groan, leaning against his shoulder. "You know how much I hate the bike."
"Just this once, please?" begs Noah. I sigh as we walk towards the bike. "Fine. Just this once," I say as I sit on the seat. He hands me a helmet and puts his on before sitting in front of me and turning on the engine. I hear the loud roaring of the engine and wrap my arms around him tightly.
"Hold on," Noah says as he revs the engine before driving. As I got used to the bike I started to enjoy riding it. Feeling the wind in my hair, feeling the breeze and looking around me as the city disappears.
"We're here," Noah says, turning off the engine.
"That was fun," I say. My eyes widen at what just escaped from my mouth. I look at Noah who is smirking at me. "So you finally like the bike?" teases Noah. "I don't like the bike," I point out earning an eye roll form Noah. "But I do like the feeling of the wind in my hair and watching the city disappear."
We walk up to the sign and sat down. "Are you going to tell me why you dragged me out here?" I ask, teasing him.
"You know how I've been looking for a role?" Noah asks, pulling his legs to his chest. I nod. "Well, I got a role in an upcoming movie that is based on a true story."
"That's amazing, Noah. Congrats!" I say. Noah's face hardens as he stares at the city. "Noah?"
"I'm sorry, Mills," Noah says. "This isn't going to work."
"What isn't?" I ask, moving closer to Noah.
"What are you talking about?" I ask.
"I leave for New York in two days to film part of the movie then I'm flying to London. The movie takes place in New York, London and Toronto," Noah says.
"So?" I ask. "I can visit you."
"You are filming a movie here, in LA," Noah says, sighing. "Our schedules aren't going to match."
"We can try long distance?" I suggest.
"You know that never works, Mills," Noahs points out. I close my eyes and sigh. My shoulders shake and I cry quietly. "Hey," Noah says softly, pulling me into him. "I know that we don't want to break up, but it's for the best." I nod into his chest and let tears slide down my face. Noah kisses the top of my head before saying, "If we are meant to be together, we will find our way back to each other. I promise."
"I love you, Noah," I say, wiping tears away. Noah lifts my head so that I am looking at him.
"I love you so much, Millie. Words can't describe how much. You mean so much to me."
"No matter who I meet, you have a piece of my heart that belongs to you, Noah Eaton," I whisper. Noah kisses me and sighs. We watch as the sun sets and keep looking at each other. "Hey," Noah says, turning off the engine. I turn around and look back at him. "I have a feeling that we will see each other again." I smile slightly and nod my head. "Good luck in New York," I say.
"Good luck on the movie," Noah says before putting his helmet on his head.
"I love you."
"I love you too." With that, Noah kicks the engine to life and leaves me behind in the dust.
I walk into my trailer and sigh as I collapse on my couch. I get a notification and pull out my phone to see that Noah tagged me in a post. I swipe my screen to see a picture of the two of us along with a long paragraph.
Millie and I have decided to go our separate ways after spending almost two amazing years together. I don't regret anything. She is my best friend and will always be the love of my life. She has changed me into the man I am today. She will always have a special place in my heart. I will always love her, even if she's married with kids and when I am an old man. Please respect our decision and continue to support us.
Millie Greyson, you are an amazing woman. You are destined to do great things in this world. You are going to leave a mark on everyone you meet. I know this because you have left a mark on me that I will never forget. You deserve the world, but this world doesn't deserve you because you are one of a kind. I'm sorry for taking this from your post but, I loved you yesterday, love you still, always have, always will.
Reading Noah's paragraph made me cry. I post the same picture on my feed with a long paragraph.
It breaks my heart to write this but Noah and I have split up after almost two years together. I am so grateful for the time that we spent together. He didn't do anything wrong. Noah will always be the love of my life, no matter what. He will always have a special place in my heart that belongs to him. Please respect our decision and continue to support us. Noah Eaton, you are an amazing man, a true gentleman. You're one of a kind. You can't find boys like you anymore. You are going to do great things in this world because you deserve it. You are going to get an Oscar for your upcoming movie, I can feel it. You deserve the best things that this world has to offer you. You are every reason, every hope and every dream I've ever had. Every day that we were together, it was the greatest day of my life. To quote Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape; After all this time? Always
The second I press share, that is when I know that we are over, for good. Noah Eaton will always be my first love because of what he did. He loved me unconditionally. He made me feel special, made me feel loved. I turn off my phone and fall asleep crying. Noah left just as quickly as he entered my life. He walked into my life and made the last two years unforgettable and magical. He may not know it, but I owe him a debt of gratitude for the rest of my life.

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