Chapter 10

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"You ready for ComicCon tomorrow?" asks Maddie as she and I are in makeup preparing to shoot the second episode of season two.

"Kinda," I reply as I close my eyes as Emma applies makeup.

"Why kinda?" she asks as she applies blood dripping down from her forehead.

"Don't get me wrong," I say as I thank Emma. "I am excited, but I swear if someone asks me if Noah and I are dating for real, I will scream." Maddie looks at me with a confused look on her face.

"Whenever I do an interview, I get asked if my relationships are real and it's getting exhausting," I explain as I grab my outfit for the day off the rack. "I have another life outside of dating my co-stars. I am hanging out with you, Caleb, Hunter and Noah, I'm calling my parents and Allie, asking them how they are doing." I sigh as I emerge from the dressing room.

"I get it," Maddie says to me as we leave and head to the set. "I would have the paparazzi ambush me in the middle of the street and ask me a bunch of simple questions."

"How did you get them to stop?" I ask as we look over the script.

"I told them that I didn't appreciate the questions," she replies sombrely. "They still come up to me, but they don't surround me. However, they still ask if they can ask me questions."

I thank Maddie for her advice and memorise my lines before Dylan yells out that they are shooting in a minute. I only hope that the fans tomorrow don't ask me personal questions unless I want to answer them.

Hunter, Caleb, Maddie, Noah and I walk into Los Angeles Convention Centre at eight o'clock in the morning. We have a half-hour before fans proceed through the doors so we find our table and sit down in our allotted places. I sit between Caleb and Noah and talk with them until the doors open, revealing thousands of people. Noah is wearing a red plaid collared shirt with blue jeans and I am wearing a blue dress which according to Noah, looks amazing on me and brings out the hazel of my eyes. I sign posters and take pictures with fans for hours. I look at Noah, who looks exhausted. Lately, Noah has been working early in the morning and late at night since season two revolves around him.

"You okay?" I ask taking his hand. He nods and smiles a little before signing a fan's shirt. "Just tired," he replies. "I didn't sleep well last night."

"I'm sorry," I say, looking at him as I sign a poster. He shakes his head and smiles tiredly. "Don't be. I just need a good sleep tonight."

I hear the host call out our names one by one as we make our entrance on stage. I step out when my name is called and sit beside Maddie and Noah. In front of me are a microphone, a glass of water and my name tag. I look out into the crowd to see that every seat is taken. I look over to Maddie, who gives me a reassuring nod. We are answering any questions that fans may have about the show or our next possible project outside Into the Unknown.

The first person comes and speaks into the microphone, asking Dylan what is the plan with Into the Unknown.

"Well," he replies. "We are renewed for a second season which is going to coming out July 4th." Everyone cheers loudly as the person who asked the questions sits back in her seat. The next person steps up and asks me a question.

"Millie," she says. I look at her and smile at her."I know that you appeared in the season finale. Are you going to be coming back?"

"Yes, I am," I say, smiling.

"Is there anything you can tell us about this season?"

"Just be prepared for some Trelle moments and an amazing adventure," I say winking at Noah, who smirks at me while everyone squeals in excitement.

The fans ask each of us a question that lasts for an hour at least. One fan asks Noah the question that I have been dreading. "Noah," a girl says. "Are you and Millie dating?" I groan as Noah looks at me frantically and I give him a look that is telling him it's okay to let them know. Honestly, I don't care what people think when I date my co-stars. I mean, Alex and I weren't even a real couple whereas Noah and I are.

"Um," Noah says looking at the crowd, who is at the edge of their seats, waiting for his answer. "We are. We have been for the last couple of months." Nearly everyone in the room cheered and clapping. Noah and I share a look, a look that states we have to try and avoid paparazzi. Our third month anniversary is coming up in about week. I love Noah, don't get me wrong, but sometimes I wish that we weren't famous. I wish that we could date and not have the press and fans breathing down our necks.

After the questions ended, and ComicCon was over, I get a text message from my mom, asking me when I am coming home. It has been almost a year since I was in Canada. I reply with this week and that I have someone that I want them to meet. Dylan told us that we have a week break before we film the third episode. After we return, it's going to be filming for seven hours straight due to the deadline for editing, combining effects and CGI of the episodes and watching the episode to make sure that it flows. This season has nine episodes that are fifty minutes long.

"Hey," Noah says coming up to me, kissing my cheek. "You ready to go?"

"Yes." We wave goodbye to Maddie, Caleb and Hunter as we walk out of the centre and climbed onto his car, which is a Tesla.

"Remember when Dylan said that we have a week off?" I ask, trying to ease the news that my parents want to meet him.

"Yeah. What about it?" asks Noah as he drives on the highway back to the studio.

"How do you want to spend it?" I ask.

"Hanging out with you obviously and just chilling," Noah replies.

"You may want to change your plan," I say carefully.

"Why?" He asks as he pulls into an empty parking space in the parking lot.

"Because," I say as we walk towards the trailers. "My parents want to meet you this week."

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