Chapter 1

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I wake up to the sound of my ringtone that is blasting in my ear. I grasp my phone off of the nightstand and glance at the caller ID before responding. I look at my clock and groan.

"Hello?" I ask, drowsily rubbing my eyes.

"Hey, Millie," says my manager, Sam Westbury. "I have great news."

"Sam." I groan sitting up. "Why are you calling me at seven freaking am on a Saturday?"

"Because Millie," she says. "I have landed you part in a movie." I sit up straighter at the last part.

"A movie?" I ask, for clarification.

"Yes," Sam replies. "Why don't you meet me at the office at nine to discuss the contract and details?"

"Y-Yeah, sure," I stammer out. "Thank you so much, Sam."

"What are managers for?" Sam asks before hanging up. I just sit in bed, gazing at my phone before smiling.

I chuckle to myself and FaceTime Allie, my best friend who lives in Toronto. I see Allies face come into view and notice that the room is pitch black. As soon as I see Allie's tired face, I cringe. I completely forgot about the three hour time difference.

"This better be good news, Millie," grumbles Allie, who yawns tiredly before sitting up. "It's four a.m here."

"Sorry, Allie," I say. "But guess who just landed a role in an upcoming movie?"

Allie gasps and squeals happily. "I am so happy for you!"

"Thanks," I answer, climbing out of bed.

"What is the movie about?" she questions.

"I don't know yet. I am meeting with Sam soon to discuss the details," I reply as I make my way to the bathroom.

"Let me known how it goes," Allie says smiling.

"I will, I promise," I say smiling back.

"Until then, Mills, good night," Allie says laughing as she crawls back into bed, under the covers.

"Sorry," I mouth before hanging up.

I rub my tired eyes before turning on the water and strip off my silk pyjamas and step into the shower. I close my eyes as the warm water touches my skin. I stand still for a couple of minutes before grabbing the shampoo and washing my hair. After 10 minutes, I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around me. I pad across the room to the sink and grab my brush and comb my hair as I stare at my reflection. I am 5'3, my shoulder-length brown hair that has an ombre that has caramel in it, my hair is styled so it falls to the left side of my head and my honey coloured eyes shining brightly.

I have moved to Los Angeles two years ago after graduation to pursue my dream of becoming an actress with my parent's help. My parents, Ava and James Greyson have been happily married for twenty-four years. They met at Queens University in Canada and got engaged after many years of dating. They got married, had me then two years later, welcomed my sister Danielle to the world. When I was nine, I participated in my school's plays and went to an acting camp.

When my mother asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I told her I wanted to be an actress. So she flew me to Los Angeles and helped me land a bunch of small roles in famous TV shows like Dungeons in the Underworld and Castle Neverland. They wanted me to have a normal childhood so they stopped signing me up to shows but when I was 18, I told them that I wanted to move to LA after graduation to pursue my dream. They agreed and helped me save so I could. When I told people what I wanted to become, everyone laughed at me and told me that I would never make it except for one person, Allie Harper, my best friend of nineteen years.

After graduation, I said goodbye to everyone, moved to LA and met with a ton of managers before settling on Sam. I got a job working at a local diner to pay bills and sent out audition tapes, hoping to get a callback. This went on for months until I gave up, until this morning. I got dressed, left my small apartment, and walked to Sam's office. I knocked on the door and saw Sam look at the door and waved me in. I sit in front of her desk and wait as she finishes her call.

"So I guess you want to hear about the role?" asks Sam smiling a little once she ended the call.

"Yes," I say. "What is the movie about?"

"It is based on a book that has recently become New York Bestseller," explains Sam. "What the story is about is a young man who's named is Nick Evans transfers to East Shore High School for his senior year after he escapes an abusive household at the hands of his father. The second Nick steps on East Shore's property, he's the popular quarterback, he gets the girl and he's living the American dream."

"That sounds like an amazing book," I say. After a couple of minutes of silence, I ask, "What role will I be playing?"

"You are going to be portraying Lauren Bradford, Nick's girlfriend," Same says looking at me. It takes me a minute to think things over until, "I got one of the lead roles," I breathe out.

"Yep," Sam says smiling. "Congratulations, Millie."

Sam hands me my contract and holds out a pen. I grasp the pen and say,

"Thank you for everything," as I sign the contract proudly.

I look at Sam before asking,"Where is the movie being filmed?" I stand up and grab my purse.

"Lima, Ohio," replies Sam as she follows me to the door. "You leave in two days so here is everything you need."

She hands me an envelope full of papers that contain the script, plane ticket and set information. "Thank you," I say again.

"Don't thank me yet, Mille," Sam says smiling. "Thank me when you get your first award."

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