Chapter 4

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"That is a wrap!" I hear Matt yell out. I open my eyes and smile as I get out of the hospital bed. Alex embraces me and all I can hear are cheers echoing through the set. After another month of filming, we have come to an end. Alex and I are now best friends and we keep our Malex shippers happy with pictures of us and doing lives through Instagram. Even though we are pretending to be in love, I feel that I am falling for him. Not because of my role or that I have to, but because of him. Alex is kind and cares about me. Not to mention wicked hot. I notice that he stares at me when he thinks I don't see him and when we hang out, when I look in his eyes, I see love.

As I get changed into my regular clothes in my trailer, I hear a knock on my door. Once I put my shirt on, I open the door to see Alex standing outside.

"Hey," I say.

"Hi," he replies.

"Um, do you want to come inside?" I ask opening the door wider.

"Sure," he says, stepping inside. "Thanks."

I close the door and walk past him to pick up my uncleaned clothes that are on the floor. I toss them into my hamper and turn back to Alex, who is sitting on my bed. "What's on your mind?" I ask as I'm walking towards the bed.

"I have something I need to tell you, Millie," Alex says looking at me. He exhales and starts talking. "Over the last few weeks, doing the scenes with you and hanging out with you, getting to know you better made me realise something." "What is it?" I ask. He doesn't say anything but then kisses me. I kiss back for a second but then pull away. "Is this for our fake relationship?" I question.

"No, it's not. This is real, my feelings for you are real, Mills," Alex says softly. "I am in love with you, for real."

I blink and stare at him, mostly his eyes for anything to tell me that he is lying.

"How do I know that you aren't lying?" I question.

"You have to trust me on this," says Alex. "I haven't felt this way with anyone but you. Let me take you on a date, tonight. To show you that what I feel is true. To show you the true me that isn't in front of cameras."

"Okay," I say giving in. "One date, Alex."

Alex exhales and grins. "Thank you." He stands up and opens the door. Before he leaves, he looks back at me and says, "I'll pick you up at six and wear something fancy but casual."

I hear a knock on my trailer door and look at the clock to see that it is six o'clock. I look at myself in the mirror and see my reflection. I am wearing skinny jeans, a silk camisole blouse, and heels. My hair is down and my makeup is perfect. I sigh as I walk over to the door and open it to reveal Alex standing outside in a black leather jacket, white dress shirt, dark blue jeans, black Chelsea boots and an Invicta watch. "Hey," Alex says. "You ready to go?"

I nod as I close the door behind me and follow Alex to his car. He opens the door and I climb inside. After a twenty minute drive, we pull up to Milestones and he opens the door for me when we park. He takes my hand and we walk towards the main entrance.

"Hi," Alex says to one of the waitresses'. "I called ahead. I have a reservation for seven o'clock."

She nods and asks for his name. "Alec Holland," replies Alex. The waitress nods and beckons us to follow her. She leads us to a private area of the restaurant. Once we arrive at our table and sit down, the waitress lets us know that someone will be with us soon. I scan the menu and decide in the Mediterranean chicken. It has a skinless chicken breast, garlic, fresh black pepper, goat cheese and inside of the chicken was purple onion, baby spinach, grape tomatoes chickpeas and basil-infused olive and balsamic reduction for drizzling. "What are you planning on getting?" I ask closing the menu.

"I am thinking about getting the New York Striploin," Alex replies. "How about you?"

"The Mediterranean chicken."

Silence passes us for a minute until Alex asks, "Why don't we ask each other questions that no one knowns about us?"

"Sure," I reply. We ask a couple of questions before the waiter comes for our order. Once he leaves, I ask, "Did you already know how to play the guitar before this movie?"

"No," replies Alex. "I had to take lessons for both guitar and vocal when I found out that I landed the role."

I nod as he asks his questions. "Have you ever had a boyfriend before?"

"No," I admit. "I was focused on graduating and saving money in high school to date."

"No one asked you out?" asks Alex. I nod my head.

"They did, but I believe that they asked me out as a dare," I say. "To them, I wasn't pretty enough. I was a nerd who had her face in a book and studying."

"If only they could look at you now, Millie," Alex says. "You're beautiful." I blush and look down. When I look up, our dinner has been served. "Enjoy," the waiter says before leaving. I take one last glance at Alex and smile as I picked up my fork.

"So, did you enjoy tonight?" asks Alex as we walk towards my trailer.

"I did," I say. "Thank you." I turn to face Alex once we arrive at my trailer.

"Good night, Alex," I say, kissing his cheek. "Thank you for tonight. I had a lovely time." I climb the steps and open the door when I hear his voice.

"Millie, wait."

I turn around and look at him. He sighs, runs his hand through his hair and closes his eyes as he walks towards me. "You are an amazing person, Mills. You are beautiful, kind, selfless and one hell of an actress," says Alex. "I meant what I said earlier. I love you, and not in a best friend way. I am in love with you."

I watch as I see Alex Hall, the world's hottest man, standing before me, telling me that he's in love with me after two months of shooting The Quarterback. I can see that he is being himself, that he is telling the truth. And that's when I realise my feelings for him. That's when I realise that I am in love with him as well.

"You don't have to say anything," Alex says. "I wanted to tell you how I feel about you." I close my eyes and place my lips on his and kiss him. When I kiss him for filming, I don't feel anything. But tonight, right now, I do. Kissing him right now is how I know this is real, that this feeling that we share is real and not for publicity. I pull away and look into his eyes.

"Alex..." I whisper, but loud enough that he can hear me. "I love you, too." Alex lets out a small laugh and kisses me again. "So, will you Millie Greyson, be my girlfriend?" he asks. "For real this time?"


We stare at each other before saying goodnight. I watch as Alex walks away and heads into his trailer before I head into mine. I close the door behind me, lean against it for a minute and smile to myself. I take my phone out of my purse and fall onto my bed while waiting for Allie to pick up.

"Allie," I say. "Guess what?"


"I am dating Alex Hall for real."

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