Chapter 11

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Noah and I talked and agreed that Noah will meet my parents and Allie for three days. That'll give me a chance to show him around Toronto, where I am from. I want to show him the CN Tower, Scotiabank Arena, the Eaton Centre. I want to show him where I grew up. Afterwards, we fly to London, where I'll meet his family for three days. Then on the last day of our break, we fly back to LA early in the morning.
    We are on the plane heading to Toronto early in the morning. It's a six-hour flight so I tell him everything there is to know about my parents, Danielle and Allie. In return, he tells me about his parents and his younger brother Charlie and his best friend, Jacob. Half ways there, we practise our lines for episode three for when we return to LA.
     We landed at Toronto Pearson Airport at one o'clock in the afternoon. We rush out of the airport to avoid the paparazzi and take an Uber to my parent's place in Toronto. Noah pays the driver as I grab our suitcases and walk up to the door. I take his hand and knock on the door. My parent's house is huge. A two-story grey house with grey garage doors that attach to a storage unit, three windows in the front of the house and a grey door. My dad is a lawyer who works at Costa Law Firm and my mom is an ophthalmologist who specialises in eye and vision care and works at SickKids.
     My father opens the door and smiles once he sees me standing outside. "Millie!" he exclaims, opening the door wider.
"Hi Dad," I say, letting go of Noah's hand so I can hug him. "How have you been?" I step inside the house with Noah behind me. "Busy, but good," he replies closing the door. He looks at Noah and back to me. "Who's this, Mille?"
"Oh, sorry," I say, chuckling. "Um, Dad-" I take Noah's hand into mine and look back at my father. "This is Noah Eaton, my boyfriend."
    My dad's eyes widen and looks at me like I have lost my mind. Silence fills the room until Noah speaks up.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Greyson," Noah says as he holds out his hand. "Millie has told me a lot about you." My dad stares at his hand before grasping it and shakes his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you too, Noah."
     "Where's Mom?" I ask as we walk into the kitchen.
"She had an emergency shift but she should be here in a half-hour," Dad says as he stares at his phone.
"What about Danielle?"
As if on cue, I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and see my nineteen-year-old sister. "Millie!" yells Danielle, who hugs me tightly. "Hey sis," I say hugging her back. "How are your university courses?"
    Danielle goes to the University of Toronto so she lives at home. "It's been stressful. I have a bunch of papers due, two essays, and I have an exam coming up." Danielle is studying to become an architect.
"That sucks," Noah says behind me. Once Danielle sees Noah, she starts to freak out.
"You're Noah Eaton!" Yells Danielle. She turns back to me with wide eyes. "How do you know him?"
"He's my boyfriend." I simply say. Danielle's jaw drops and she stares at me. "How long have you been dating him?" She asks. I look at Noah, who has his arm wrapped around my waist, for clarification.
    "Almost three months," Noah says as he kisses my forehead.
"Are you British?" Danielle asks. Job laughs and smiles at her before replying, "yes, I am."
Danielle turns back to me and says "so not only have you landed a role in one of the best and award-winning show, but you're dating a hot British guy?" I look at Noah and back to my sister and smile. "Yup, that sounds about right."
     Suddenly, I hear the door open and I run to the front of the house it sees my mother walk In. "Millie!" My mother says hugging me. "I didn't expect you to be here so soon."
"Sorry, mom. I just landed about an hour ago and decided to say hi before showing Noah around and introducing him to Allie," I say.
"Who's Noah?" Asks my mom, confused.
"I am, Dr. Greyson," Noah says as he walks out to us. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Noah," my mother says. "How do you know my daughter?"
"Mom, he's dating Millie!" Yells Danielle forms the other room.
"Is this who you said when you texted me you had someone you wanted me to meet!"
"Yes," I say. Dad then shows up, kisses my mother and asks Noah if he could speak to him alone. Noah nodded, kisses my cheek and follows my dad outside.
"How long have you and Noah been together?" Mom asks when she sits on the couch in the living room where Danielle is on her phone.
     "Almost three months," I reply.
"Do you love him?" She asks. My family knows the behind the scenes with Alex.
"I do," I say. "He loves me too."
"Does he make you happy?" She asks smiling at me.
"Very," I say. "He makes me feel happy. I can tell him anything and know that he won't judge me."
"He sounds amazing," Danielle says, looking up from her phone.
"He is. Noah makes me feel the happiest girl whenever I am with him and makes me feel good about myself. He is kind, considerate, and an amazing person. But mostly, he is my best friend. He encourages me to go for things that I want. He listens to people and doesn't judge people right away. That is what I love about Noah," I say smiling at the thought of him.
     "Hey," Noah says as he sits beside me.
"Hey," I say as I put my head on his shooter. "What do you wanna do?"
"I was thinking maybe you can show me around Toronto? Maybe introduce me to the infamous Allie Harper?" chuckles Noah.
"Sure," I say. "Want to meet her now to tomorrow?"
"How about tomorrow? I want to spend the rest of the day with you?" Asks Noah. I nod and pull out my phone and text Allie.
"Hey, guess where I am?" I say.
"Where?" she replies instantly.
"How long are you home for?!"
"Two days."
"Can we hang out before you go?"
"Of course! And I have someone I want to meet."
"Is it a boy?"
"Yes, my boyfriend."
"Ahhh! Who is he?"
"Noah Eaton!"
"The Noah Eaton? The one who plays Troy Davis?"
"Ahhhh! When can I meet him?!"
"Tomorrow morning first thing. We are going to show him around Toronto."
"Can't wait, see you tomorrow."
     I stand up and grab Noah's hand and lead him to the front door. "I'm going to show Noah around Toronto!" I tell over my shoulder as I open the door.
"Okay! Be back before six!" yells dad. I open the door and get in the car. I put the car in gear and back out of the driveway.
"So, what do you want to see first?" I ask as we get on the highway.
"How about your favourite place in the city?"

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