Chapter 7

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It has been about two months since I got the news that I landed the role of Elle Harrison. I was overjoyed and told Alex who was pleased that my career was taking off. But, I heard a hint of jealousy in his voice and saw his facial expression turn into anger and jealousy. I moved out of his apartment and into the trailer at the set a couple of days after the phone call. The cast welcomed me with open arms and complimented on my movie, telling me how much they loved it.

I have been hanging out a lot with Noah, the actor who plays Troy Wilson since I started filming. He's British as well and has black hair, green eyes, clean-shaven, very handsome, very muscular, and is 6'2. I have only been apart of the cast for a couple of months and I feel apart of the family. One of the directors, Dylan Brown, he is like the father of the cast. He keeps track of us, he makes sure that we have fun but also makes sure that we focus on our job. I've noticed that Noah, Caleb, Maddie and Hunter are always pulling pranks and causing trouble on set.

"Cut! Good job guys! Be here at nine tomorrow to shoot the return of the monster," Dylan yelled as I sigh and walk to my trailer after a long day of filming. I am attending the Oscars with Alex tonight. Alex is up for Best Actor and I am up for Best Breakthrough Actress. The movie is up for the best movie based on a book.

I've been so busy filming Into the Unknown that I haven't talked to Alex. Our 4 month anniversary is tomorrow so I am spending the day with him to make it up to him, even though I don't want to.

Noah, Maddie and Caleb have quickly became my best friends. Season 2 of Into the Unknown takes place in grade 12 and my character and Noah's, Troy, date. Noah knows that Alex and I are dating and respects it. He knows that I have a boyfriend and that what we are is for the show. But sometimes I see him look at me when he thinks I don't see him.

Sometimes, I see him, Caleb and Dylan discuss a lot of random things when we aren't filming. Once I overheard their conversation without meaning to. They were talking about me, about my relationship with Alex and how they think its toxic. As I thought about the conversation, I realised that they were right. Our relationship is toxic. We don't talk anymore and when we do, it ends up with me in tears, us having a massive fight and him leaving me until about two am. Until he stumbles in so drunk that I think he does't even know where he is.

Our characters are in love so it's hard for us to show it when we aren't in love for real. "Hey Millie, wait up!" I hear someone yell. I turn around and see Noah jogging towards me. He is wearing a pair of jeans and a tight shirt that has Harry Potter on it. "Hey Noah," I say. "I can't talk right now. I have it get ready for the Oscars tonight."

"Can I walk you to your trailer at least?" asks Noah smiling. I hesitate before giving in. "Sure, why not?" I say as we walk out of the studio and to where all the trailers are parked. The sun is shining and I look at my watch to see that it is five o'clock.

"Are you excited about tonight?" Noah asks. "Yes and no," I say. "It's my first Oscars and I have a chance of winning but it's unlikely."

"So why are you not excited?" asks Noah, who is confused.

"Alex and I are in a complicated situation," I explain. "We haven't talked for at least a month and now we're supposed to act like the perfect couple and in love."

"Are you in love with him?" asks Noah as we turn right where the trailers are parked.

"I-I don't know," I say. "At first our relationship was a publicity stunt then we went on one date and he says that he's in love with me. I guess, being away from him for so long, my feelings for him have changed."

"When you're with him, what do you feel?" asks Noah. I look at him and think about his question. The thing about Noah that I love is that he listens and offers great advice and doesn't judge people without hearing what they have to say. He's the one that I turn to when I want to talk to someone about my life's problems which are mostly about Alex. Over the past couple of days, I found myself falling out of love with Alex and romantically liking Noah.

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