Painful memories

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I was huddled in the corner of the cell, hugging my knees to my chest. Tears streaked freely from my eyes and my arms and legs were covered in my own dried blood. I looked absolutely disgusting. My hair was mussed and my eyes were permantely puffy and red. But I couldn't care about any of that at the moment, because they were going to come back soon. 

At the thought of it, several heavy footsteps echoed down the concrete floors and I let out a strangled sob as I realized the torture would be coming again. The smell of vervain instantly filled the air as the vent was opened and I gagged, my throat raw and scratchy from inhaling all the vervain. The men stepped in front of my cell and all I could do was stare back helplessly into their cold, malicious eyes. 

"Hello, vampire." One of them sneered at me. "Ready for today's experiments?" He asked cruelly and I couldn't hold back a whimper. Not again. The cell door was opened, my main tormentor walking inside. His heavy boot kicked and my head flew back and hit the wall painfully. I let out a strangled scream. He pulled his sword from his belt and the torturing began. Stabbed through the heart multiple times, the stomach, the back, the neck. Finally he put the sword away and pulled out a stake. He put it through my heart. I screamed. 

I woke up screaming, someone gently prodding me awake. I sat up straight, holding my head in my hand, trying to calm myself down. I wasn't in the cell, I wasn't there! It was just a nightmare. But I couldn't get rid of the feeling of that sword stabbing me, that stake going through my heart or his boot kicking me harshly. 

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" An accented voice asked me and I looked up to see a girl with brown hair and concerned eyes. Hayley. I just shook my head, burying my face into my hands. 

"What's wrong with her?" A hybrid demanded, walking into the room. 

"I think she had a  nightmare or something." Hayley responded. 

"Arielle." The hybrid addressed me and I looked over at him with terrified eyes. "I will report this to Klaus." He told me and then walked out of the room, already dialing the number on his phone. I let out a harsh, alost hysterical laugh.

"Great." I muttered sarcastically. "I do not need Klaus badgering me on this." I said, voice wobbly as I stood up.

"Are you sure  you're alright to stand up?" Hayley asked me and I nodded.

"Yes, i'm fine. Thank you. I'm Arielle, you are Hayley correct?" I asked, my voice still a little unstable but it was getting better. She nodded. 

"Yes. It's nice meeting you. Though i'm a little confused how you're so nice if you're Klaus' girlfriend." She asked me. I gave a weak smile.

"It's complicated. Just know that i'm not nearly as evil as him, though I can't claim to be a saint either." I murmured. She laughed.

"Yeah well neither can I. Scotch?" Hayley asked, holding up the bottle. I sighed. 

"Please." I said tiredly as she poured me a cup and I took it, instantly downing it. 

"Sooo...what was your nightmare about anyway?" She asked curiously. 

"It was...a memory. A very bad memory." I whispered painfully. She opened her mouth to respond but then the hybrid came back in the room.

"Klaus said for you to meet him at his house." He told me. I sighed.

"Why'd you have to go and tell Klaus something so trivial. I'm fine." I said tiredly. 

"Orders from Klaus that if you became the least bit worse he wanted to know. I'm to escort you over to the house." He said. 

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