Vampire logic

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"Oww." Kol whined, rubbing his nose as I stomped away from him, more frustrated then when I showed up. "You're the one who suggested I kiss you!" He yelled angrily.

"Yeah but I didn't mean it!" I huffed. 

"Then what did you mean, pray tell?" He asked, walking in stride beside me. 

"I was joking." I said with a roll of my eyes. 

"Women are still as confusing today as they were a thousand years ago." He muttered. I smacked his shoulder, making it bend in an unnatural position with a crack. He immediately put it back into place. "Seriously, stop that!" He yelled indignantly. I smirked to myself. 

"Can you not read sarcasm?" I asked, venom dripping from my voice.

"You were talking, not writing me notes!" He yells. I roll my eyes once more shake my head at his stupidity.

"Idiot." I grumbled and walked past him, heading towards town. 

"Whatever. So, why were you even joking?" He asked, obviously not upset anymore.

"I saw your bastard of a brother making out with Caroline. Whether he was acting because he was in Tyler's body or because he actually wanted too, doesn't change facts. I'm going to kick his ass the second I see him. But of course he ran for the hills, as always! I should've just buried him alive right then and there." I growled. 

"Wow, you're an angry little thing aren't you?" He asked, but his voice was casual. I just shrugged.

"I have a lot of built up rage." I admitted. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and my eyes widened in surprise. Shit, I was gonna miss the service! And I'd promised Elena i'd help out!

"Oops, i'm late. Sorry Kol, catch ya later! Oh yeah, by the way I need to know. Do you know where Klaus is?" I asked seriously.

"No." He said. 

"Well could you ask him? Make up some excuse as too why. He won't text me back. He's completely ignoring this!" I huffed.

"Overattached much?" He asked. That earned him another smack on the shoulder and I rolled my eyes.

"I may not be the most easygoing, but i'm not overly clingy either. However he knows we're going to have a little chat, and if he thinks i'm going to let this slide, then he's got another thing coming. Can you deliever my message for me please?" I asked sweetly with a pouting lip and puppy dog eyes. He caved easily and nodded, leaving with a few muttered grumbles. Seems ever psychopaths like Kol couldn't resist the puppy dog eyes. 

Ha, figures! I hurried over to the church where Elena and Matt were already placing out programs and the second she saw me I gave her an apologetic look and hurried over to where she stood. "Hey, sorry. Held up with matters. I'm ready to help." I said cheerfully. 

"Thanks, Ari, but I think we're fine here actually. However I do have a favor to ask for?" She asked hopefully. I nodded.

"Sure, shoot." I told her. I felt slightly responsible for Elena becoming a vampire and her car going off that bridge. If I hadn't been so focused on getting Klaus, who may or may not be a fiflthy lying scoundrel (more then usual), then I may've been able to do something ultimately. After all, I tend to be the cheating card. I mean who doesn't want a freaking witch vampire on their side? definitely don't want me as your enemy that's for sure. 

"Could you maybe use a sort of spell? I'm not...keeping down blood. Animal blood or even Damon's blood and-"

"Woah woah woah, you had Damon's blood?" I blurted out and then slapped a hand over my mouth. I said that really loud. I gave her a sheepish smile. "Sorry." I whispered but she just waved it off, obviously not too worried about it.

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