Chapter Seventy-Two: The Need For A Dragonlord

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The morning came and the dragon left but Camelot still burned. Black smoke was raising to the heavens from all over the castle and Lower Town. To say Camelot had taken a beaten was an understatement.

As had happened every morning since the dragon attacked, Arthur, a small group of knights, Gaius and Merlyn had all gathered in the King's chambers to discuss what had happened. The first morning the king had been more than furious demanding to know how Kilgharrah had escaped. Everyone had been scared that morning having never seen a dragon before never mind fought one of. However, by the third morning this was becoming an uncomfortable norm.

Everyone was tired, covered in dirt that none of them had had time to wash off. Arthur unfortunately had the job of telling his father the results of last night's attack, the consequences of a dragon raging against your kingdom.

"The dead number is 49 men, 27 women, a further 18 women and children are unaccounted for. Most of last night's fires are now out. The castle walls, in particular the Western section, are near to collapse" Arthur explained, listing all of the issues that were before them. "I could go on." He sighed heavily. Merlyn felt her heart sink as she saw the exhausted look in Arthur's stance and face, this disaster was taking its toll on many people.

"Any idea how the beast escaped?" Uther asked calmly, not needing to hear the rest.

"I regret to say sire that we don't" Leon said with a shake of his head. To everyone it was a complete mystery as to how the chains were broken. However, Merlyn did drop her head in shame at Leon's words.

"There must be come way to rid us of this aberration" Uther said in frustration meanwhile his son collapsed into a nearby empty chair. He looked so defeated, it tore at Merlyn's heart. The king looked at each of the people in the room. Not one had an answer and the king was desperate. Quickly his eyes landed on his most trusted servant. "Gaius?" The question was said with such a pleading tone it surprised Merlyn.

"We need a Dragonlord, Sire" Gaius answered after a few moments of silence. Merlyn frowned at Gaius' words. She had never heard of Dragonlords before, she did not know what they were or who they were.

"You know very well that is not an option" Uther replied turning away.

"Sire what if ... there was indeed one last Dragonlord left?" Gaius asked catching the king's attention.

"That's not possible" Uther pushed only for Gaius to push back.

"But if there was?" With a frown firmly in place, Uther moved around his table, around his son who was still seated, and stopped in front of his physician.

"What are you saying?" Uther asked. Merlyn had no idea why Uther was so adamant their couldn't be any Dragonlords that Merlyn had a feeling there was more to Dragonlords and their history than that met the eye.

"It may just be rumour" Gaius started with encouragement from his king. "I'm not exactly sure but I think his name is ... Balinor."

"Balinor." It wasn't a question. However, Uther's eyes flashed with recognition at the name much to Merlyn's interest. She had no idea who Balinor was but it was clear that Uther and Gaius did.

"Where does he live?" Arthur asked from his position at the table. Hope flickered in his eyes at the idea of being able to do something to save his kingdom, his people.

"He was last seen in Cenred's kingdom, in the border town of Engerd but that was many years ago" Gaius answered faithfully, turning his attention to the prince.

"If this man still exists, then it is our duty to find him" Arthur announced as he got back onto his feet and pulled his leather gloves back onto his hands.

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