Chapter Sixty-Three: The Fall of Lady Morgana

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The journey back to Camelot was quick for some and tortuous for others. Merlyn was plagued by the Crystal's images and Alvarr was plagued by what waited for him in Camelot whilst Arthur and his knights were celebrating their victory.

Once they had arrived back in the castle, Arthur and the knights had immediately took the criminal to the council chambers where the king was awaiting their presence. Alvarr was shackled and restrained as he was taken to the room and forced to his knees before his king and the council.

Arthur had taken his place to the right of the king while Morgana stood occupying the space to his left. Merlyn could see the effect this was having on Morgana, her distressed and heartbroken expression told Merlyn just how much impact Alvarr had had on the Lady.

"So, you admit to stealing the Crystal of Neahtid?" Uther asked from his place stood in front of Alvarr. He wore his everyday crown that was a band around his head as a way of telling everyone who he was, in wearing it Alvarr knew who was speaking to him ... and ultimately who would be sentencing him. However, Alvarr was not a man to be easily intimidated.

"I do" Alvarr calmly replied, his gaze locked on his king.

"You admit to plotting against your king?" the king continued his voice calm but strong.

"I do" Alvarr replied once more, his voice just as calm, just as strong.

"And you did it alone?" Uther finished, moving closer to the criminal, his gaze not blinking. He did not want to miss any sign off of Alvarr as to the traitor in Camelot. "You were not aided or abetted by any citizen of Camelot?"

Alvarr did not flinch, did not panic, did not move his eyesight from Uther. Merlyn stood with bated breath, waiting for Alvarr to speak. She wasn't sure whether or not Alvarr would give up Morgana or not. Would he throw her to the wolves? And how would everyone else act? Merlyn just did not know. So she waited with her eyes darting between the criminal and his accomplice who looked ready to be sick - Morgana clearly did not know what Alvarr was to do. Finally the man answered.

"I acted ... alone"

Merlyn was shocked by that. It seemed that Morgana had had an impact upon the renegade as much as he had had on her. Telling Uther that Morgana had betrayed him would have been a perfect weapon against the king to deliver a mortal blow and yet ... he hadn't done it; he had protected the Lady instead.

Clearly the king was disappointed by the man's answers, after all it seemed highly unlikely that there wasn't someone who had helped him retrieve the Crystal. But with that answer, Uther had no more use of the man.

"Then I find you guilty of treason" Uther announced simply as he walked back to his throne. He sat down as if he had just given the world's most simplest instruction. "You are an enemy of Camelot, Alvarr. You are sentenced to death." Merlyn couldn't help but feel disgusted at the way Uther just gave the sentence without hesitation, without any form of guilt. Whilst the law was the law, Uther almost seemed to take pride and pleasure out of giving Alvarr's sentence.

"Then I die with honour. To be an enemy of Camelot is no crime" Alvarr replied, any hope he had had of survival disappeared to nothing. However, his reaction and acceptance, continued defiance was not unexpected.

"Take him away" Uther said with a wave of his hand. He clearly had had enough of the renegade. He dismissed taking his life too easily in Merlyn's eyes, to Uther all those who used magic deserved to die. She feared one day she would be on the receiving end of Uther's blind and single-minded law.

Two guards came forward to collect the criminal and take him to his cell. They helped him to his feet and began forcing him out of the room at the king's demand.

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