1, old-new car

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Y/n pov~~~

I made my way down the hall to Sam's classroom. My 3rd class ends about 30 minutes before Sam's, so I made my way to his school to meet up and head home with dad.

I spotted him talking to the teacher about something so I approached.

"I'd say a solid B-." the teacher says, I'd go with a C+ based on what he showed me...

"A B-?" Sam asks dumbfounded,

"You were selling your great grandfather's crap in my classroom!" he shrugs. Whelp no car for Sam then... Damn now I gotta listen to him bitch about it for the next month.

"Can you do me a favour?" Sam asks, his teacher sighs. "What?"

"Look out the window for a second, you see my father? The one in the green car?"

"Yeah, I see."

"Okay I wanna tell you about a dream, he said, "Sam, I'm gonna buy you a car, I want you to bring me three As and $2000, (y/n) helped me get the $2000, here's the dream" he stops and makes a circle with his hands, "your B-," then makes an explosion sound and spreads his hands apart.

I look at the floor and roll my eyes. I have a feeling he's gonna bring the Jesus thing up.

"Sir," called it. "What would Jesus do?" Sam asked. The teacher rolled his eyes and agreed to make it an A-. Sam thanked him and we made our way out of the classroom.

"How did that work?" I ask, Sam was giddy. "I have no idea! But I get a car!" He claps.

We finally got outside to Dads car, well Sam was running ahead of me Quite a ways. Luckily I can still see him. This distance would trigger my separation anxiety if I couldn't see him. Something fell from Sam's bag, reaching down I open the small case, it's our grandfathers' glasses. Sam really shouldn't sell these. With a huff I shove them into my bag.
I finally caught up with Sam and dad.

"(y/n)! I'm getting the car! Oh my god yes!" Sam cheers, I feel happy for him. 

"Got a little surprise for ya, son." Dad glanced back at me, oh I see what's he's doing...

"What..." Sam trails off, we pulled into a Porsche dealership, Damn dad this is cruel.

"No. no, no, no, no Dad!" Sam look between me and dad. "You've got to be kidding me!"

"Yeah, I am," Dad laughs, I started laughing with him, Sam looked confused. "Your not getting a Porsche!" 

"You two think this is funny?" Sam asks we laugh.

"It's hilarious!" I laugh,

"What's wrong with you two?" Sam asks, pouting.

"You really think I'd get you a Porsche for your first car?" Dad while laughing at Sam's face of disappointment.  

"I don't want to talk to either of you." Sam crosses his arms. Dad and I continue to laugh as we pull into a rundown dealership, to be honest with a new paint job most of these would be really good looking.

"Here?" Sam asks, "You said half a car, not half a piece of crap."

"It's not that bad," I speak up.

"When I was your age id be happy with four wheels and an engine." 

"Let me ask you a question, Okay? you ever see a 40-year-old virgin?" Sam asks me and Dad chuckled lightly.


"Okay that's what this is." he points to a car, "and this is a 50-year-old virgin."

"Okay." Dad snickers, crossing his arms at Sam's point.

"You want me to live that life?" Sam asks,

"I mean, you'd probably live that life with or without the car." I cross my arms playfully.

"No sacrifice, no victory," Dad quotes.

"The Witwicky motto, I get it." Sam groans, a black man wearing a hat approaches us, I'm assuming he works here. He starts to speak to Sam and Dad but I just zone out and start looking around, but make sure I'm in earshot of Sam and Dad. The sound of an engine roaring draws my attention. I approach an old yellow Camaro, it doesn't look too bad compared to the other cars.

"Sam! What about this one?" I shout to them, they all look over and approach it.

"Man I don't know where that came from." the man looks confused. Sam runs his hand over the hood and smiles.

"I like this," Sam smiles, "It's nice." He hops in the driver's seat, I hope in the passengers.

"It is quite nice." I agree with Sam. The leather seats are relaxing.

"Well uh..." the man pauses, "Considering its classy look and custom design-"

"But It's faded." Sam cuts the man off. He has a point though.  

"Still custom."

"Custom faded? Really? That's what you're going for?" Sam asks,

"He has a point, sir," I back Sam up as kindly as possible.

"Look it's 5000, take it or leave it." The man argues.

"Sorry," dad speaks up, "Not going over four okay? Try looking for another one." Really dad? Jeez he really is cheap... I'm happy I declined a car now.

"But this is the only decent one here." I cross my arms at Dad.

"There's a fiesta with racing stripes if that what you're into." Dad compromises. Sam gets out of the car, I was about to grab the handle when the door flung open, hitting the other car that the dealer was in.

"H-huh?!" I blink in surprise. Sam quickly goes up to me. "Hey, (y/n) you okay?" he asks, I look between him and the door that flung open.

"I-I didn't even to-touch the handle yet!" I defend myself, quickly getting out of the car.

"Hey don't worry 'bout it girly, we'll get the dents out." the man smiles. Then he starts yelling at his employee to get a hammer or something. The radio in the car starts going haywire, then out of nowhere a high pitched sound rang out of the car. I stumbled back and covered my ears in panic. My heart was racing, all of the other car windows and windshields all shattered. Leaving glass all over the parking lot. What just happened?! Me and Sam looked at each other in confusion.

The dealer turned his head in shock towards us,

"F-Four thousand!"

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