18, cement breeze

820 21 5

"Y/n Witwicky we need you to step away from the dangerous entity." The guy with sunglasses spoke up.

"No!" I cross my arms,

"This is your last warning Y/n, come here." He ordered once again. Wait, last? ...Entity?



"Optimus... they're going to kill you." I whispered to him without turning away from cemetery wind.

Optimus froze for a moment, and he noticed something I didn't. Another Transfromer- Or Cybertronian- but he came out from behind a wall. One look at him and Optimus did a 180 and ran.

"What- Whats-" I was cut off by the sound of gunfire, aw shit. Optimus placed me in his subspace for an easier escape. As a result I spotted Northstar within reach.

Slipping it on as fast as I could, I made my way out of his subspace and into the open air. Even though I haven't trained in a long time my aim was decent.

Optimus shouted for me to stop and get away from them but I ignored his orders.

I had a feeling attacking the humans was a bad idea so I opted for the jet-black transformer with bright green eyes. I usually could get a few critical hits on a deception but this guy? Not at all. A few armour burns but I couldn't hit protoform.

This mysterious mech made me hover in disbelief as he face transformed into a... sniper? What the fuck?

A second too late my brain processed what was going to happen next. I yelled out to Optimus, warning him if the oncoming shot at him.

It still hit him. Just above his hip.

Optimus grunted in pain but kept going, trying to ignore the fact that my love just got shot, I attempted to fight back to form a sort of distraction so Optimus can get away.

I landed a few shots but the best one was next to his optic, that bought us some time.

"Urg- Stupid human girl." He growled, but was otherwise unfazed. Not good.

Optimus was hit again by his shoulder mounted gun, this time in the shoulder. Wasn't as bad as the last one.

Optimus was getting closer to an escape by the second, I just needed to buy him more time. I stupidly decided to fly in front of the transformers face to distract him longer.

But I got swatted away like a fly.

Normally this wouldn't be an issue, but since I rushed to put Northstar on, it wasn't put in properly.

An excruciating pain from my middle arm to my finger tips ached like hell. I yelled out in pain and cradled my arm. Tears were pooling in my eyes, not even registering the continuous attacks.

The only thing left in my mind was my love. I had to protect him no matter what, even at the cost of myself. So sucking up the pain the best I could, I made my way to Optimus and attempted to deflect the shots heading towards him with my shield.

"Y/n! I need to scan a new alt mode, I am too injured to use my current one. Keep Lockdown at bay as long as you can." Optimus explained through our comms,

Understanding my assignment I attempted to distract the cybertronian known as Lockdown.

"Get out of my way!" Lockdown growled as he attempted to swat me away again but failed. I saw Optimus make a sharp right turn towards a bunch of abandoned construction.

But Lockdown didn't see, neither did Cemetery wind.

The pain in my arm got worse by the minute but I forced myself to ignore it when I got another comm from Optimus, informing me to ronuevuez to his location.

I zipped past the gunfire the best I could and to and Optimus with a beater down alt form, but it works.

I got in as fast I could and he drove off, attempting to go out the way we came and  drive the way they're not facing.

It proved mostly successful as they didn't notice us until we were just about to round a corner.

But that was a moment too soon.

Lockdown ended up shooting something- it looked like a missile- right at Optimus. And it him him.

He jerked in pain but didn't faulted his speed. I couldn't even tell where it him him as he took such a sharp turn he drifted, causing me to slam into the other seat.

We continued to dive hella fast for hours. Not stopping. Neither of us speaking either. Not even moving. I didn't even take Northstar off. Insanity tense.

I ended up nodding off a few times but not for long.


We eventually decided to hide somewhere no one would look until the everything blew over. And that's how we ended up hiding in some old theatre that's now some strange antique store? Kinda cozy.

But nice things don't last forever.

Northstar Optimus Prime x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now