10, Megalophobia

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We finally managed to locate Optimus' trailer. He quickly got it set up and we headed back to the fight.

"I'm coming for you!" Optimus charged forward and attacked the driller, which groaned in pain. Optimus flew up, shot at the fallen over skyscraper to make a passageway to fly through, and destroy the main drill. Woah.

He landed a little wobbly on a construction scaffolding thing. Behind me I heard shockwave ready his gun up, oh shit.

"Optimus look out!" I tell in his direction as Shockwave shoots at Optimus. He tries to dodge but gets hit anyway, flying through more scaffolding and into a crane... getting stuck.

I held in a laugh as I made my way over to him while avoiding Shockwave.

"This is going in the scrapbook." I cock a brow as I admire the view of Optimus struggling to get out of the ropes.

Out of context that sentence sounds very sexual. Nice.

He gave me a soft glare that made me laugh harder, approaching I pull my sword out and start to saw at the thick ass wires. Not helping that my sword didn't really do much.

"We're gonna be here awhile." I huff as I continue to saw away at it.
Luckily I knew the wreckers were on their way.

As soon as I got one of them cut the wreckers arrived. Then a thought crossed my mind.

"You guys get Optimus down, I'm gonna go find Sam." And with that I scanned the surrounding area for Sam, and he was with a decepticon. Shit.

Getting closer I see it's Starscream. Great.

"Please, you've got to save Sam! You've got to save him!" Carly was screaming, begging Lennox to do something,

"What the hell is he doing?" He asked what I was thinking, I joined the two of them on the ground.

"Ow ow ow ow! I can't see! I can't see!" We watched as Sam jumped on starscream and stabbed him in the eye with something,

Starscream whipped around in pain, flinging Sam everywhere. Lennox and I jump up and grab whatever Sam's hand was in.

"Sam! It's on my hand! Grab the knife! Knife!" Lennox yelled as they both tried to get the knife,

"I'm trying! Knife, knife, knife, knife, knife!" Lennox finally got hold and started sawing away at the cord.

"The bomb's gonna blow! The bomb's gonna-" Sam yelled, what

"What what?!" I yell, Bomb?!

"You human scum!" Starscream crawled, dragging us on the ground.

"We got twenty seconds on that bomb!" Sam warned again,  

"What bomb?" Lennox was just as confused as me,

"Where did you get a bomb?!" I yell,

"You see that bomb? Cut it, cut it, cut it!" My question went unanswered as I got my knife and tried to cut it as well,

"I got it! How long do we have?"

"I'm gonna kick you!" Starscream started to kick around trying to hit us, cunt. I let go of the boys and start to shoot at Starscream.

"Cut, cut, cut cut cut!" Sam screams, and they fucking cut the cord

"I'm gonna kill y-" I shot the bomb, making it go off pre-maturity once they were cut, i gave him one extra shot to the spark just incase. Then remembered I had another issue. Lennox and Sam.
I tried to grab the boys and get us down safely but to no avail.

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