9, Mourning

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So... Idk how long the next chapters gonna take for two reasons. I have SO much planned this summer, and I've procrastinated this... part of the story... because, uh, something I have planned... You'll see haha... So in the meantime, here's 2000+ words instead of just 1000+!!!

Everyone was quiet, the only exception being Tessa's soft sniffles. I wanted to comfort her, but I couldn't move. Mostly the pain, but I just... can't get the smell of his burning flesh and hair. The sound of the muscle and tendons contracting for just a second- then that sizzling. The urge to gag was strong and hard to contain. 

I firmly press my fingers to my temple. Groaning softly I try to ease my headache, but it didn't do much. At least I re-gained my lucidity after a while. Getting swatted by Lockdown wasn't on today's agenda... 

But then again, I definitely have a concussion, yet, I feel like I just have a regular headache. I've had more mild ones in the past and they hurt way worse than this. What is going on?

Shaking the thought away I carefully adjusted my sitting position on the bed, Northstar's plating no longer being pressed into my flesh made a good portion of the pain go away. All that remained was a dull ache. That, and a twisting anxiety.

But to be honest, my injuries weren't worrying me. What was worrying me, was Optimus. He's been super fucking quiet and I know it's not because of Lucas. No this isn't a mourning silence, this is anger. I swear I could feel it radiating off of him.

Now the next question is; Why is he mad?

Could it be from Lucas? Possibly. Though, I doubt it.

Eventually, we reached our destination. An abandoned little rest stop. Carefully we all get out of Optimus' cab, and moments later he hastily transformed, his usual grace gone. A pile of dust was disturbed as his fist collided with the ground, his version of a breakdown or a fit of rage.

But when he spoke, his voice did not reflect that. "My deepest sympathies for the loss of your friend. Stay here till I'm sure we weren't followed. We are all targets now." Optimus' gaze turned to me, but something was wrong. I can see his anger and disappointment...

"Y/n," His voice wasn't as gentle when addressing me as it usually is. "Come with me." Since I know better I hold back the urge to tell him I was gonna anyway.

Waving the others a quick goodbye I hop in and the door closes before I could even touch it. Wow.

Shifting in my seat uncomfortably as I tried to not touch anything. It felt odd. Being stuck with him when I was reason he's so... angry. I just wanted to help! But now's not the best time to explain my reasoning.

Being painfully reminded of my various injuries when Optimus hit a bump, I suppressed my groan of annoyance. I don't even have the motivation to do anything about them. But Northstar certainly wasn't helping as it dug into my shoulder blades from the position I was in.

With little to no grace I pull off Northstar and carefully move it to the back once again. I knew it was only a matter of time before-

Suddenly he spoke up "Clean and dress your wounds." it sounded more like an order, maybe it was. He found out faster than I expected by a longshot. Mere seconds? Damn.

"They're superficial, there's no need." I play with the hem of my shirt. To be honest I would rather just sit here in guilt and pain. Just, felt easier. But of course Optimus would never let such a thing happen, no matter how upset he was at me.

Northstar Optimus Prime x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now