2, Sepsis

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"You have a fever." Optimus stated, pulling his hand off my forehead. Gently cupping my cheek instead.

"I noticed." I groaned as the migraine settled in. Fucking amazing.

Optimus got up from his spot next to me,

"I'm going to go get some supplies from the nearby store. Rest in the meantime, okay?" Optimus gave me a kiss on the cheek before quietly sneaking out of his alt form.

Groaning I roll over on my side. Absolute hell. Why am I sick? Is it the lack of sleep and food weakening my immune system? Optimus has been trying to get me to eat, but I just have no appetite.

I wrapped myself in a blanket to try to relax the shivers. I knew it wouldn't help that much but it's better then nothing. Thankfully I eventually drifted off to sleep.

Can I do it?

I can run.

I could do it.

I could run.

Should I do it?

I should run.

I should do it.

I should run.

And that's all I needed. I had been locked in my bedroom after she found me. Pill bottle in hand.

She was getting something. I don't want to know what. I went to my window and unlocked it. I climbed down the trellis mom had set up for her flowers underneath my window.

I grabbed Sam's bike from the rack and started petaling down the street. Only half a block away I heard her coming.

I wasn't paying attention. I hit uneven sidewalk, crashing to the ground. She was gaining fast. I ran down to a ditch and down into the woods.

As fast as I could I ran. Through the sharp breeze and sea of trees. But she was coming faster then I could run away.

She threw something. A rock. Hitting my ankle and causing me to crash against the forest floor, hard.

Eleanor stood tall, her face dark and angry. She was enraged. I knew what was coming.

First was the beating, my body was aching and there was nothing I could do about it.

"YOU IDIOT!" She screamed at me, "You think you can run away like that?"
Her hand flew towards my face, hitting it before I had time to react. The pain was instant.

"You know you will never amount to anything, don't you?" She spat at me, kicking my side as hard as she could.
Tears stung my eyes. She didn't care if she hurt me more than what I deserved.

This was not how things should be.
This wasn't how this was supposed to happen. I took the pills and locked the door. She wasn't supposed to come over today.

"You trying to fucking kill yourself?! That ain't sliding bitch!" She yelled, as if yelling at a disobedient child.

She turned me on my back and shoved her fingers down my throat, scratching the back of my throat till I threw up all the pills I took all over the ground. Turning into my hands and knees and heaving the pills back up.

That was a mistake.

Eleanor took this as an invitation. She took anything as an invitation. Just as I was catching my breath she grabbed my hips and made me sit. Then pulled my hair and made me fall in my back.

I was in too much pain to fight her.

I felt anxiety and sickness form in my stomach as she ripped my pants off and pushed my underwear to the side. And without warning- shoved two fingers inside me sharply. Her other arm held on tightly to my neck, choking me further.

"Now you're gonna stay here until I am done! I bet you like this huh? You little slut. You like being raped in the middle of nowhere. You disgusting whore." She laughed,

"No..please..." I whispered brokenly through a sob.
She didn't say anything else as she went on. She continued to push her fingers into me. Over and over.

And I cried out. And I begged.

But Eleanor wasn't done with me yet.
The pressure was still increasing. It felt almost impossible to breathe. Like someone was sitting on me.

My head was thrown back so my mouth could catch whatever little air left in my lungs as she let go.

Tears spilled down my cheeks as Eleanor moved her fingers faster.

Every movement felt like she was driving a knife deeper and deeper. It was unbearable. I couldn't take any more.
I let go of everything that kept holding onto me as everything came rushing forward.  The pain, the tears, the gasping. Everything. Until I was empty.
Eleanor was breathing heavily above me, her hands still buried inside me.

She didn't notice when I finally stopped crying. I lay there motionless under her, unable to move or speak.
I wanted to die.

She didn't stop until her fingers were covered in blood from her sharp nails.
She removed them from my body slowly, cleaning each one carefully with her handkerchief.
Once she was finished she turned her back to me, looking disgusted.
She looked down, her gaze meeting mine.
"How pathetic," she sneered,

"It's okay Y/n, just breathe. You got this."

Another voice spoke, it sounded so far away, but not unreachable.

"You don't deserve me. You ever try that shit again and I'll fucking beat you to death." Eleanor spat at me, walking away with an evil, deranged laugh.

My eyes shot wide open, I didn't even get to process what was happening when I was on my feet.

"Don't! Don't touch me!" I yell, gripping my throbbing head from the fever.

"Y/n you need to lay back down-" I felt a hand on my arm, making me jerk back.

"No! Don't fucking touch me! Don't rape me more!" I yelled again, trying to keep myself upright. Gripping the walls around me in rage.

Optimus' holoform froze, mostly in confusion. Then his face was grim. Saddened.

"I'm sorry, I won't touch you anymore. Can you sit back down for me? You are very sick." Optimus took a step back, giving me more space.

But I didn't listen. Adrenaline and fight or flight making me ready to fight back. But Optimus held no hostility. I could feel myself getting weaker quickly.

"My love, you are on the verge of fainting. Please sit down. I will leave you alone after if that is what you need to feel safe, but I don't want you to get hurt." Optimus offered calmly. With hesitation I did as told and sat back down on the bed.

"Thank you, Y/n. May I come closer?" Optimus asked softly, I nod. Still wary but remembering who it really is.

Optimus carefully crouched in front of me holding a bag of supplies he got.

"I got you some medicine." Optimus placed a pill in my palm with a bottle of juice to go with it.

I anxiously popped the pill in my mouth and washed it down.

"Can I check your wound?" Optimus asked for consent. I hesitated.

"..." I looked away from him.

"It's alright, we can check it later. What happened Y/n? You were thrashing out and crying." Optimus gaze went soft and calm.

"... Nothing." I mumble quietly, Optimus sighed softly.

Thank the stars for him.

Northstar Optimus Prime x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now