Chapter Fifteen

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HELLO! From now on this book will be told from the first person point of view so yeaaahh... I'm still in the process of re-editing the other chapters. I hope you don't mind or get angry. Anyways, enjoy :*

Alex Lewis

I could've sworn I saw her left eye twitching. I was walking into my room after having a jamming session with Matthew. We usually have jamming sessions on monday nights and thursday nights. I grabbed a towel to wipe my face.

"What?" I asked. Her gaze penetrated deep into my soul. Okay, that was way too deep. I narrowed my eyes. "Did I do something wrong?"

Her lip twitched. I swear to God this woman is crazy.

"Didn't your talked to you?" I shook my head. Then she narrowed her eyes.

"I'm just going to go for jog..." I trailed off as I slowly walked out of the room.

Then she snapped. "Oh, no, you're going nowhere, Lewis." She grabbed me by the collar of my shirt.

I yelped before pulling myself out of her grasp and regained my masculinity. Her blue eyes wide with rage.

"You did it on purpose didn't you?" She hissed through gritted teeth. Her untamed dark curls were as messier as ever.

I backed away from her. "Chill your ass, Medusa."

I watched her stomped her feet to my closet and then angrily pulled it open. She dragged her suitcase on the floor and threw it in front of me. It almost landed on my toes.

"My clothes-" She pointed, "In there, now." She was literally growling. I frowned and shook my head. Who the hell does this woman think she was?

She groaned, "I'll get you back for this, Alex. You'll see." She warned.

I sighed exasperatedly, "I don't fucking understand you at all." I threw my hands up. Just one day living with her and I already feel irritated as hell. I can't imagine a year living with her.

"Yeah, well, if you had told me before I unpacked all my damn clothes that we were going for some stupid honeymoon trip-"

"What?" I asked, befuddled. "What trip?"

She glowered at me, "Don't act dumb, Alex."

I shook my head. What the hell is she going on about? Jesus christ.

She huffed, "Well, I'll leave you with the packing." And walked out of the room leaving me irritation and confusion.

What in the world? Who does this woman think she is?

Iris Miller(Lewis)

How dare he act dumb? Well,whatever. Now he has to pack. Serves him right.

I wandered around the hallway. The house was huge. The upper floor had wooden floorboards instead of marble like how the downstairs level did. The walls were bluish grey with light blue embellishments.

I wondered if you could get lost in these hallways.

"Iris?" I turned, Thalia's head poked out of the door.

"Hey," I smiled shyly.

She furrowed her eyebrows, "Aren't you supposed to be packing right now?"

Jeez, why does everyone but me knows about the honeymoon trip?

"Oh, Alex is helping me with that." I told. She arched one blonde eyebrow. From a distance, she looked like she had no eyebrows because of how light it was. Her golden hair was pulled up into a bun. I don't understand how she could even look decent with her hair up like that. I suppose attractive genes ran in this family.

"He is?" I nodded. She stepped out of her room with a huge smile. "Weeeellll, I guess this is a good time for some girl talk."

"G-girl talk?" I stammered. She nodded excitedly.

"Me and Rhiannon did some girl talks the day after our wedding night--" She continued talking about how they both shared their feelings and experiences together.

I grimaced and internally screamed. I did rather be packing my clothes right now rather than hear any of this right now.

Lord, help me.

---- Author's Note ----

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