Chapter Nineteen

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Hey, okay so, I don't know anything about France or any French food or whatever. I'm just imagining this as I go so if I get something wrong then I apologize because I have never been to France.

Iris Lewis

"I think I'm under dressed." I said as we entered the restaurant.

It was probably one of the fanciest restaurant I've ever been to my whole life. Everything about Alex's life seemed to be very posh. I guess I should get used to this.

We were seated by the window. The restaurant was like what you'd see in romance movies. The lights were dimmed and there was classical instrumental music playing.

I read the menu and I felt clueless. I didn't understand anything because everything was in French.

I looked up from my menu and looked at Alex. "What are you ordering?"

He looked up, "Hachis Parmentier." I blinked.

He narrowed his eyes, "Have you ever had french cuisine before?"

Honestly, I usually just eat anything. I, sometimes don't even bother knowing what they are. "Maybe?"

He sighed, "What do you like?"

"As in what food or drinks-"


"I like.. anything?" I told him.

He smirked, "I guess you wouldn't mind if I order you snails then."

I looked at him, horrified. "What? No, no, anything beef would be fine."

He smiled smugly, "What about monkeys, would you like to have some monkeys for dinner?"

I looked at him, dumbfounded and disgusted, "They cook monkeys here?"

He chuckled, "No."

I rolled my eyes. I can't believe he tricked me. For a moment there I almost believe him. Ugh. Jerk.

"Good evening, Monsieur, Madame, would you like me to take your order?" A young redheaded waitress greeted us also with a thick french accent. She pronounced would with a 'v' instead of a 'w'. She was gorgeous. I suddenly felt insecure. Her hair was put together with perfect loose curls. Her lips were painted red which brought out the green in her eyes.

Unlike me. I can't even tame my hair and I have dark bags under my eyes. I dress like a boy. God, what was I thinking? I will never fit in the whole posh rich family. I'm an average ordinary girl who loves reading books and comics. I talk too much. I slouch. I don't walk with confidence. I'm probably a total no-no in the rich folks society.

"Iris?" I looked up. Alex and the waitress was now staring at me. "Earth to Iris. Helloo?"

I could feel my cheeks getting hot. I blinked, "What?"

"So, are you okay with Pot-au-feu
?" I blinked. He then explained that it was just beef and vegetable stew so I nodded.

He ordered my food and then a bottle of wine.

"You ordered wine?" I asked once the waitress left. He nodded.

"But we're underage?"

"I'm not. You are." He said, sounding serious. Then he smiled boyishly, "It's okay. They won't really care."

We ate dinner quietly. I would casually ask questions about his meal. He would answer it with a one word reply and then go back to ignoring me.

A waiter popped a wine bottle open and then poured some for us. "Oh, no, I don't drink." I smiled and quickly stopped him when he was about to poor some for me.

Alex shook his hand, "It's okay go ahead." The waiter poured the wine in anyway.

"Come on, Iris. It's just wine. " He dared me. Feeling challenged, I grabbed the glass and sniffed it. I looked up and found him smiling smugly. I rolled my eyes and started drinking.

He grinned, "So, what do you think?"

I blinked and suddenly I felt dizzy. "It was okay."

He raised an eyebrow, unconvinced. He downed his wine in one go. He grabbed the wine bottle and poured in more into his glass and into mine.

"Might as well finish what you started." He smirked.

After what felt like hours, I had around four glasses of wine and I've already felt tipsy. I looked at Alex and giggled. He gave me a look which made me giggle even more.

He narrowed his eyes and said, "Okay. No more wine."

I pouted, "But I want more." I whined.

He smiled and shook his head. "Let's get you back to the hotel."

I furrowed my brows and pouted. He was acting like an annoying adult. Then I giggled. He is an adult anyway.

He called up the waitress and paid with a card. Then she came back with the card and asked him to sign a paper. That's funny. Why is he signing the receipt? He held me by my arm tightly. I laid my head against his chest and inhaled his scent.

"You smell funny." I giggled. He sighed in annoyance as he dragged me out of the restaurant.

"Remind me to never let you have wine." He muttered under his breath.

I looked up into his eyes. It sparkled under the moonlight. "Your eyes are very pretty."

He looked down at me and gave me a look. He was so tall. He looked like a giant.

I looked into his eyes and smiled. I lifted my hand up and traced his jawline. He tensed up immediately. I giggled, he looks so funny when he's nervous.

I want to kiss him. So I did.

I tiptoed and placed a soft kiss against his lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. I felt his hands on my back as he kissed me back.

Then he pulled away. I grinned. My nose against his. It was like one of those cute scenes in movies. We were in Paris and it was snowing. And it's just us in the moonlit street. It was perfect.

"I think, I like you." I whispered. He froze. I frowned, "What? You don't like me back?"

He shook his head, "You're drunk, Iris. You don't know what you're talking about."

I giggled, "I'm not drunk. Pfftt.. You are!"

He shook his head again, "We should get back." He looked around. "Francis," He waved, "Help me get her in the car."

"What's the matter, Sir?" He asked. His accent was funny.

"She's drunk. I don't think she's used to drinking." The man, Francis helped me into a car. The car was huge. It looked like a limousine.

"Francis..." I muttered then it hit me, "Hey! I know you! You're that driver guy!"

Francis chuckled and I heard Alex sighing. "Just drive, Francis."

"Yes, Sir."

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