Chapter Eighteen

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Alex Lewis

That girl was unbelievable. She talked too much. Dressed like a hobo. She was also so immature. Did she think I was that stupid to believe that she literally married me to fulfill my mother's wish? God. No. They're all the same. Gold diggers.

"Shit." I muttered, gritting my teeth. I should've brought my coat along with me. It was freezing.

"Sir?" It was Francis. I smiled, "Hey." I greeted.

"Are you going somewhere? Do you want me to drive?" I shook my head, still smiling. Francis has been my family's driver since I was four. We were kinda close. I would only see him whenever we visited Paris, which was once every year.

"Nah, Iris might want to go somewhere. I'll just walk. I know my way around." He nodded. "Mrs. Lewis isn't going to go with you?"

'Mrs. Lewis' sounded really weird. The thought of me married really freaked me out. I still haven't digested the whole idea yet. I just couldn't. It felt unreal.

"No, she isn't." I slipped my hands into my pocket.

"She seems like a very lovely girl." Francis smiled. The corners of his eyes crinkled.

I shrugged, "I guess so." I turned around and started walking. I headed towards the direction of the restaurant we were supposed to have dinner at. I guess it wouldn't hurt to walk around there.

I walked down the icy pavement. It was the beginning of winter. I had to admit, it was indeed beautiful.

There was an antique bookshop a few blocks away. Mother and Thalia had a collection of books back at home. Mom turned her study into a mini home library.

I walked into the bookshop and the scent of old books and dust overwhelmed me. I wasn't the reading type. Although, I do enjoy reading historical books for some reason. It was probably because of the secret nerd deep down in me.

I headed towards the history section, some books were in French and some were in English. There were even Italian books. I wasn't fluent in Italian but I do quite well in French. In a few minutes, I already had three books in my hands.

"Bonjour." I looked up. I smiled at the old woman, who I assume was most probably the owner of the bookshop. "Bonjour."

The bell on the door rang and we both looked up.

What the hell was she doing here?

"Iris?" I called out. She looked up. Her hair was a mess of untamed curls. Her cheeks were flushed from the cold air making her eyes bluer.

She looked up with her large blue eyes. "Alex?" Then she frowned, "What are you doing here?"

I stood up straighter. "I was just leaving." I said and put the books down. I'll come back later. Right now, I had to get away from her. I had no idea why but her presence made something in me grew. A feeling I couldn't quite comprehend.

"Monsieur, your books?" The book owner asked. I shook my head and spoke quietly, "I'll be back later." She nodded and smiled kindly.

I walked past Iris, my shoulders brushed hers roughly before I stormed out of the shop.

"What is your problem?" It was her again. God, damn, what does this woman want honestly?

I turned, "My problem? You want to know what my problem is?"

She frowned and nodded vigorously. Her blue eyes wide with anger. "Yes, I do want to know what your problem is. I don't understand why you're so angry with me when all I'm doing is trying to be as nice and friendly as I possibly can-"

I waved my hand in the air and cut her off, "Shut up. Can you just shut up and stop talking? God, you talk so much it's making my ears bleed."

She muttered something under her breath. And then her eyes twitched. God, this woman is crazy. She looked like a mad woman. Her hair was wild and her eyes were large as if she was about to pound me. She clenched her fists and her right eye twitched again.

I started laughing.

She glared at me, "What. the. hell?" She gritted her teeth. Then, she bent down and before I knew it I felt something cold and hard hitting my cheek.

I held my cheek, this time it was me who muttered, "What the hell?"

She grinned, "Asshole." She spat before throwing another snowball at me. I held my hands up to shield my face. God damn, she's so childish.

I bent down and grabbed a handful of snow and threw it at her. She shrieked and ran the opposite way.

"Hah! Didn't get me!" She grinned playfully. I used both hands and grabbed a handful and snow and suddenly I was hit in the head. I looked up and saw her clutching her stomach, laughing.

"I'll get you back." I said loud enough for her to hear.

"You can try-" I threw the snowball and her and some got caught in her hair.

She shrieked and started laughing. "Jerk!"

A hand tapped my shoulder, "Sir, your reservation is at seven."

I raised an eyebrow, "I know that."

He smiled, "Well, your mother told me to remind you."

I nodded, annoyed at this point. "What else did she tell you to do?"

Before he could answer, Iris walked beside me. "What's up?" She asked.

Francis shook his head, "Just wanted to remind you about the reservations. Mr. Lewis tends to forget." I raised an eyebrow.

What in the world was my mother planning?

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