Chapter Twenty-Two

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If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world? - Chasing Cars, Snow Patrol

Alex Lewis

When we arrived at the airport we didn't even bother going back home. I told the driver to take us straight to the hospital.

I called my brother before getting on the flight. He told me that mom had collapsed while she was reading a book. She had knocked her head on the coffee table along the way. My heart was beating so hard for anxiety it felt like it was going to explode.

She's fine. She's going to be alright. I chanted over and over again as we rushed into the hospital building.

I stood at the reception. My mind was suddenly blank. What do I say? Shit. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out.

Iris spoke up, "We're here to see Annalisa Lewis." I looked at her and blinked. She gave me a small smile and squeezed my hand.

After searching for the names on the computer the nurse looked up, "Yup, she's here. And you are?"

Iris raised her eyebrows and said, "Oh, we're her children."

She blinked and nodded. "She's at the ICU, just turn left over here and then walk straight ahead, you'll find it."

Iris smiled, "Alright, thank you."

I felt numb and useless. I can't even speak for Gods sakes what is wrong with me? I can't even do a simple task.

"She's gonna be okay." Iris whispered, her hand's still in mine. I looked into her sapphire eyes letting my vulnerability break free. "I-I can't. I don't want to go-- I can't."

She held my face, her gentle eyes gazed into mine, "Alex, listen to me. We're going to go there. And we're going to go see your mom. Everything's going to be okay."

I blinked, "But what if it doesn't?"

She softened before embracing me, her small body wrapped around mine. Her head against my banging heart. "Just trust me, okay?"

I hugged her, "Okay." I whispered into her hair.

"There you are!" We pulled away immediately as Thalia approached us. I looked up at my sister. Her eyes bruised and swollen.

"Thalia," I spoke, "How's mom?" I asked as she hugged me. She sniffled and then started sobbing. "Thalia, is mom okay?" I pulled her off me and looked at her. I squeezed her shoulders. Why won't she answer me?

She continued sobbing, "Thalia-- Please answer me, Thal." My voice started cracking. I knew something was wrong.

The look in her eyes says it all.

"No." I stepped away from her. She looked up at me, still crying.

She opened her mouth and reached up to me. I pushed her away, "No," I pleaded, "No."

This can't be happening. It can't. She couldn't have.

"I want to see her." I pushed past her and walked into the ICU. I saw Matthew and Rhiannon, they were both in each other's arms as the doctors rushed in and out of the curtained space.

"Matt!" I called out. He looked up. His eyes looked at me with pity and sadness.

I hurried past the nurses. Nothing else but my mother was on my mind right now. God, please don't take her away. Not at this moment. Please.

"Alex, I'm so sorry--" Matt started but I ignored him and went inside.

I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. She laid on her deathbed. Her once glowing skin was now blue and pale. I walked to her, quietly, as if any noise would wake her up. Her eyes were shut.

"Mom," I croaked, my hands were shaking. I stroked her cheek. Her skin were ice cold. "Please come back." I whispered. All the memories we spent together flashed through my mind. No matter how tough I acted but with my mother. I am always her baby. It didn't matter how childish it sounded.

My mother was dead. It was too late. Everything is over. It's over.

"Mom, please come back. Please." I pleaded. I held her body, shaking it gently. "Mom, please." I sobbed.

It's unfair. Unfair how all the other assholes still had their mothers. Why did she have to go? Why did I have to lose her?

My sobs died down. I could barely breathe from my blocked nose. The nurses walked in, I heard them talk but I heard nothing. She's dead for goodness sakes, stop talking. Just shut up.

I shut my eyes, wishing that this was just a nightmare. I'll wake up and it will all go away.

A hand was suddenly on my shoulder. I didn't have to open my eyes to recognize the voice. "Alex." Her voice was soft and melodic.

"I trusted you." I muttered. "You said that she was going to be alright-" I cut myself off by standing up. "You knew all along that she was dead-- You lied to me." I spat. She looked at me, afraid. Her blue eyes were large. She looked so small and innocent.

Screw her.

"Get the hell away from me. This was all your fault, do you see what you've done, Miller? Do you see it?" I grabbed her shoulders and gripped it hard. She struggled but my grasp remained. "God, I just wish-"

A figure appeared out of nowhere. Shoving me aside. "Get of off her." I looked up. It was Matthew.

"If you're going to misbehave with mother's presence in this room. Then I want you to leave." Matthew spat. His eyes dark and cold.

I chuckled, "Are you kidding me?" My laughter grew, "She's dead, Matthew-- Can't you see?" I pointed to her lifeless pale body. "She's gone." My laughter slowly turned into sobs.

"She's never coming back."

Author's Note //




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