Chapter Twenty Six

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Alex Lewis

It's been six months since Mom died. Whenever I think of her, I still get that awful feeling in my chest. Maybe that feeling will never go away. Maybe it's a pain you learn to get accustomed to but will never get over it.

It was Iris's birthday today. I had everything planned out. I just hope it works out seeing as things never really go my way.

I pulled out my textbooks out of my locker. I heard her laugh. I glanced up and saw her giggling about something with her friends. Her untamed curls were pulled back into a back braid. She was as beautiful as ever.

A year ago, I never would've thought that I'd be ever be able to be with her. When I first saw her during freshmen years, I thought she was one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen. Somehow, I thought that she never would've liked me back for who I really am. I'm not vain or anything. But that's what beauty does. It blinds you. It shades you from your true side. I know I'm good looking, as conceited as it sounds but that's why I feel like it was difficult to find someone who would truly love me for me and accept all my flaws. To look past through this temporary skin. To appreciate what was truly inside.

A hand slammed my back teasingly, I grunted and turned. Aaron grinned, "We're finally graduating, huh? Finally out of hell."

"You going for football scholarship, right?" I asked, my gaze flickering over to Iris's. She looked at me and gave a small smile.

"Yeah, my dad wants me to do business though." Aaron groaned. "What about you? Football or Law?"

I shrugged, "I haven't decided yet."

"But you sent out applications to Harvard haven't you? For Law?" He asked. I nodded, mom had always wanted me to go to Harvard. Mathew went to Yale, Thalia got into Princeton. It was my turn to join the ivy-league generation.

"And Yale and Princeton." I added.

"Does she know?" I knew instantly who he met by she.

I shook my head, "I'll tell her soon." Hopefully.

"What happens when you get into Harvard, then? It's miles away." Aaron asked but the bell rang, indicating it was time for class. I shrugged, "I haven't thought about it."

Aaron turned ready to leave, "Graduation's only a month away." He reminded before walking away.

Iris and I had AP Chemistry together. After the conversation I had with Aaron, guilt boiled inside of me. I couldn't face her. Not yet. Not now.

She sat next to me, her notes were a mess on her small desk. Some of her curls had managed to escape her braid, framing her small face. Even from a distance, I could see the prominence of her lashes.

"Mr. Lewis?" I jerked up, startled. Mrs. Morrison raised an eyebrow. "Please tell me what is so interesting about Miss Miller's face?"

I blinked, warmth flooding through my cheeks as I tried to remain cool, "I wasn't-" She cut me off. "Please answer the equation on the board." She held a chalk out.

I cleared my throat while getting up, taking the chalk from her while avoiding Iris's gaze. Within less than a minute I could solve the equation with no problem.

"Good." Mrs. Morrison smiled warningly.

"You okay?" Iris asked as soon as I sat down. I nodded, looking everywhere but at her.

After my football practice, I met up with Iris at her parents' place.

"Got all your stuff?" I asked. Her hair was as crazier as ever. She nodded, "I left some of my clothes." I raised my eyebrows, she just shrugged. "Okay." I said before helping her with the boxes.

She giggled, "Finally eighteen and free."

Her blue eyes twinkled.

God, I could fall in love with her all over again every single day.

I smirked, grabbing her small hands and pushed her body against my car gently, "There won't be a day that goes by will I ever stop loving you."

Her cheeks warmed up, making her eyes look bluer, "You're so cheesy."

Someone cleared their throat. "I feel my lunch rising up."

We broke away immediately. Aaron stood smirking, "Will you two ever get a room?"

I rolled my eyes.

"I got booze in my car. Ready to partaaaay?" He pointed towards his grey Volkswagen. Then he nudged Iris's arm, "Ready for your first drink, eh?" He teased.

I chuckled, "Ha, definitely not her first."

"What was that, Alex?" Aaron asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Oh, that one time she got drunk. I think we might have screwed I can't remember." I pretended to frown while scratching my head.

Iris gasped and glared at me. I shrugged and grinned boyishly at her.

Aaron made a vomiting sound, "Stop." He held his knees, "Lord, cleanse my soul."

"Do you guys need help?" Iris tensed.

I looked up to find Ella standing behind her, smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2015 ⏰

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