Chapter Seventeen

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Iris Lewis

Paris is beautiful.

The moment I stepped out of the airport I could literally breathe in the beauty. But of course Alex's presence has totally destroyed it. The whole plane ride with him literally just filled with him irritating the crap out of me. He has no life.

A man stood holding the car door open. "Mr. and Mrs. Lewis." He smiled, gesturing for us to get in.

I followed Alex into the car. "I'm Francis. I will be your driver while you are here in Paris." He had a tinge of french in his accent.

I smiled, "I'm Iris." Then I smiled sheepishly, "Which of course you already know."

Alex muttered something under his breath. I ignored him.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Paris Marriott Champs Elysees Hotel." Francis told. The hotel sounded fancy. I raised an eyebrow. "Did Lisa plan all this?" He nodded. Part of me was excited and giddy about this whole honeymoon trip while part of me dreaded this whole idea.

"Stop asking him questions. Let him drive." This man is why. Ugh.

"Woah." I gasped.

I looked around and admired the surroundings. The hotel was beautiful. I loved how the cool air wasn't the kind of cold that made you shiver it was the kind of cold that made you feel good.

"You're acting like a child." Alex muttered as we walked into the hotel.

I rolled my eyes. "It's not everyday that I get to go to a 5 star hotel in Paris." He ignored me. He walked up to the receptionist with no problem at old. He put on his cool demeanor. I don't understand how people can just walk up to some stranger and have a conversation with them. I can't even go pay the bill to a cashier. It freaks me out.

We were greeted by a tall slender blonde woman. She had the greenest eyes I've ever seen. "My mother made a reservation for me." Alex spoke smoothly. "Lisa Lewis." He told.

The receptionist started typing furiously before nodding. She smiled and gave us the cards to our room. "Enjoy your stay." She said with a really thick french accent.

"Can we order room servi-"


"Can we go swim-"

"Who the hell goes swimming in Winter?"

"Maybe we can have a dip in the hot tub-"


I groaned and rolled my eyes. "You're so boring." I muttered.

A cheesy instrumental was playing in the elevator. It was awkwardly silent.

Alex sighed, "We're having dinner outside." Then he said, "There's a hot tub in our room. You don't have to go skinny dipping in public."

I frowned, "I wasn't planning to go skinny di-"

"It doesn't matter, you can just use the hot tub there." He said, annoyed. I really don't understand this guy.

The elevator stopped with a ding. We walked out of the elevator and started searching for our room. "So, this restaurant we're going to later, what's it like?" I asked.

He ignored me. Again. Probably for the ten hundredth time.

"How far is it? If it's close I was thinking of walking-"

"Can you just shut up for a minute?" He snapped. I furrowed my eyebrows and glared at him. We both stopped in front of our room door. "Look, we're both going to be stuck together in the same bloody country this whole week and I'm just here trying to make this situation a little less awkwarder than it already is."

He ignored me as he slid the card in and opened the door. "And you keep ignoring me, it's not exactly helping."

He was still ignoring me. I sighed in annoyance and walked in. The room was amazing. It's like a dream come true to be able to spend time in Paris in a five star hotel. It was almost perfect. The only thing that's ruining it, is Alex.

The room was a suite. It was like an apartment with one room.

The bellboy came in with our bags. Alex gave him a little tip before he left. "We have about two hours left before dinner so you can go ahead and do whatever." He said.

I dragged my heavy suitcase into the room. "Maybe we can go have a walk somewhere near the restaurant area-"

"I have other things to do." He said simply.

I frowned, "Like what?"

Suddenly, he turned. His dark eyes on me with a serious facial expression. "Look, we can just act like how we would before all this happened. My mother isn't here. There's no reason for you to act so friendly."

He turned to walk out but I grabbed his shoulder. "I'm not acting friendly. God, no. I'm trying to make it easier for the both of us. We have to spend the rest of our life together might as well make the best out of it."

Then he started laughing, "You seriously think I'm going to fall for this?"

I frowned, "What?"

"Everyone knows you married me for my family's money." I looked at him with wide eyes. Before I even knew it, my palm landed swiftly on his cheek.

He looked at me with pure rage before turning and walking out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

"Ugh!" I screamed, "He's such a jerk!"

Meant To Be (Editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant