Chapter Thirteen

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How was I to know?
You weren't the captain of my soul,
All this time,
You and I,
Could've been pulled apart,
And I have stayed alive - Late Night Alumni, Shine

Chapter Thirteen - This ain't Romeo and Juliet, you moron!

Sam laid down on her bed, staring at the glow-in-the-dark stickers on the ceiling. She sighed. She didn't know what time it was. Probably past midnight.

She'd lost her father before she was even born. He was rich as hell. Her mother was just his secretary back then. He used him then left her. She was pregnant with both Sam and Louise. He found out about it and only left few hundred thousand dollars before telling her to cut off all the connections they had together and to never find him again. He was English, or was it Russian? She couldn't even remember to care.

Sam's ex boyfriend, Charlie Sulewski, left her for a bimbo. All her life she had had a total of four boyfriends and they left her. Basically all the men in her life left her. Since then, she didn't even care anymore.

Her mom's older brother died in a car accident a year ago. He was the one who helped her mom raised both Louise and her. After his death, Louise turned into a total bitch. Sam can't exactly blame her uncle for leaving. It happened and nothing could've stopped it.

You can never run from fate, Sam thought.

The door flew open, "Someone threw stones on my window. I think he got the wrong room." Louise said, a smirk on her face.

Sam sat up immediately, "Who?"

Louise rolled her eyes, "He's climbing over to your window now."

"What!?" Sam got up and rushed to her window. Her eyes widened almost immediately as soon as it landed on the familiar figure. She pushed the window open, "What the hell!?"

"Hi." He greeted breathlessly.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing, Aaron?!" Sam hissed.

"Lower your voice. We'll get caught." He was half way up now.

"This ain't Romeo and Juliet, moron!" Sam growled, "Stupidhead, why do you think front doors are made for?!" He blinked.

"But your parents-"

"Away for a business meeting, now get off my window, idiot." She slammed the window shut.

"Well, that was amusing." Louise chuckled. "I didn't know you were the type to steal your best friend's ex, Sammy." She smirked.

"Don't start, Louise." Sam warned. "Get out of my room."

Louise smirked one last time before walking out and headed over to her room and slammed it shut. Sam let out a relieved breath.

Shit. Aaron. She thought before running down the stairs, almost tripping at the last one and threw the door open.

"Sam." Aaron mumbled.

"Are you drunk?" Sam asked as he stumbled into the house, she quickly caught him middair before he fell flat on the floor. She grunted, he weigh a ton. She felt as if her back was breaking as she steadied him.

Aaron laughed, "I'm such an idiot, you were right." He mumbled, "I stole your virginity and I didn't even deserve it."

Sam was silent. She let him continue. "I was just so fucking angry with Olivia. I thought that maybe if I screwed you, it could get her jealous, you know?" She let him down on her brown leather couch. "But then-then, I felt this.. this zinge... spark.. whatever you call it. I was looking into your eyes and I thought, wow, this girl is beautiful, why hadn't I noticed this before and then-"

"Aaron," Sam called out, "That's enough."

He shut his mouth. The silence was overwhelming. Sam swallowed every detail on his face. The crease of his forehead. His crooked nose. The scar underneath his left brow. The freckles splattered across his cheeks.

"Well, isn't this awkward." A voice broke them apart.

"Louise," Sam muttered in annoyance.

"Well, won't this be interesting on my feed." She snickered.

Sam rolled her eyes, "Don't you dare."

"What? I was just saying." She smirked.

"What do you want Louise?" Aaron spoke, he sounded annoyed.

"Oh, nothing. Just payback." She said.

Aaron groaned, "I was drunk!"

"What's she talking about?"


"The sun is up, time for you two love birds to get up!" Iris jolted awake at Lisa's startling cheery voice. Her eyes burned from the sunlight when she opened them.

Alex groaned and opened his eyes. His eyes widened as he realized that he had his arms around her. Iris blushed furiously as Lisa strutted in with a tray in her hand.

"Breakfast in bed." Lisa stated.

Alex pulled away from her immediately as Iris pulled the covers up tightly around her.

"Bacon, eggs, french-"

"Mom," Alex hissed, "What are you doing?"

Lisa narrowed her eyes at his son. "It's a family tradition for the mother to make breakfast for her newlywed child." She explained, "I did that to your brother and sister too. They all had the same reaction."

Iris held back a laugh, her cheeks warm and flustered.

"And where did our clothes go?" He asked.

His mother laughed, "That is tradition too." She grinned, "Enjoy your breakfast." And left, shutting the door behind her.

"God, that was embarrassing." Iris muttered.

"Tell me about it." Alex agreed.

"I need my clothes." She told. "I do not look decent enough to walk out of the room and I do not want to bump into any of your brothers."

"So you want me to go get it?" He tilted an eyebrow.

She nodded while smiling sheepishly.

"And why should I even help you?"

She was annoyed now. God damn this man, can't he just help her out.

Iris rolled her eyes, "If you can't help then fine I can do it myself."

"I never said I won't do it." He smiled smugly. "I would like something in return though."

She raised his eyebrows and narrowed her eyes curiously, "What exactly?"

"I'm still thinking." He said.

Iris rolled her eyes, feeling annoyed.

Then he snapped his fingers and smirked, "If I take your clothes for you then you'll have to give me a back massage in return." The smirk never leaving his face.

"You've got to be kidding me."

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