Oh So Quiet

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"We'll be back by noon at most" Michonne said as she held a few bags in her hands. Her and Carl had decided to go scavenge the neighborhood for some more supplies and food. Lord knows we were going to need it when we found the others.

"I need to go with you" Rick said hoarsly. I shook my head and rose an eyebrow "your staying here with me, Michonne will take care of this and Carl's a big boy, he can handle it" I said bossily.

Rick gave me a look of defiance and I rose my eyebrows at him challengingly. He didn't say anything, he just simply nodded his head to Carl and Michonne . He hugged Carl in a tight embrace "be careful" he said.

Carl nodded confidently "I will" he said. Michonne looked over at me and nodded her head . I knew she would come back , no issues . I wasn't even worried.

Rick an I went back inside, shutting the door behind us and I sighed softly as I walked upstairs and started browsing around. There was a little boys room, or a teenage boys room I should say. The next room looked like it belonged to a collage girl. A more relatable age for me.

I browsed around at some of the things she had. She had clothes that were all around the same size that I wore and she had a lovely sense of fashion. That was good news for me. She had perfume and makeup and plenty of body care items. I grabbed one if her backpacks from her closet and started going through some of the clothes I knew would fit me that I liked. Some of the items would better fit Michonne, so I grabbed those to. I snatched a perfume just because I could. I mean what the hell. It's the end of the world, but a girl could still smell good right.

I looked at some of her pictures she had on the wall. She was a beautiful girl. A cheerleader for her collage. She had photos of friends and family and I smiled at the thought. She must've been away from home when shit hit the fan because her room was spotless.

Rick came in and peered around the room and I set her photos down on her desk as I looked over at him. "I'm gunna go lay down in the other room" he said . I nodded my head "good, you need to heal up" I said.

He nodded his head and turned and left and I sighed softly as I peered out the windows of the room to the surrounding neighborhood.

I wondered if Daryl was ok. And Beth. I knew he would keep her safe.
I prayed that Maggie got out, and Glenn. I know he was sick and weak, but Glenn was as much a fighter as any of us.

Carol was lucky she was outside of the walls when this all happened.

I looked down at my ring as I flipped down on the bed, sinking into it and curling up against one of the many soft pillows in teal blue cases .

I sighed softly, letting my mind think over all the things I've already thought about 10 times over already. Eventually it would tire me out. And it did.

1 hour later

Voices, and a thud .

I knew it wasn't Rick.

I shot up out of bed and was horrified to hear the voices of at least 3 to 4 other men downstairs. And not the good kind.

These were the type of people you wanted to avoid in today's world. Specially if you were a small woman like I was.

Bad things happened to any woman who was caught by the bad men.

I scurried over to the door and peeked around the upstairs. No one had come up yet, so I hurriedly sneaked over to Rick's room . He was still passed out asleep and I shook him awake and put my hand over my mouth "bad men Rick bad men, hide now" I whispered as I let him go. He rolled off the bed to the floor and snuck underneath the bed and I followed suite on the other side so not to be caught. Footsteps echoed up the stairway as a man's legs came into vision. Rick was shaking with anxiety and I felt it with him. I grabbed his shaking hand and comfortingly squeezed as I looked ahead , silently. A man walked into the room and then walked out, only to come back in a moment later. The bed sank down with a creak of the wood as the man laid down on the bed.

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