May The Dead Be Dead Forever

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I could hardly sleep. The night plagued me with nightmares of the school. Everyone being torn apart by the walkers. And then a thunderstorm hit around 3 am and I couldn't go back to sleep since then.

I got up around 5 and took a nice hour long hot shower and shaved my body hair, blow dried my hair and pampered myself with lotions and moisturizers and hair products and all that girly perfumes .

I might as well if I had the time.

I hurriedly got dressed for the day

I chose a simple gray t shirt and daisy dukes for the day

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I chose a simple gray t shirt and daisy dukes for the day. It wasn't horribly cold anymore, the rain clouds looked ahead in the distance so I was sure the storm had simply moved on.

I read my books for a good hour and wrote in my journal, sighing when I heard people stirring outside, cooking at the camp fire in the shade.

I tore myself away from my book and walked downstairs Where leftovers sat on the counter covered in plastic wrap.

I dished myself some warm eggs and bacon and ate it up in silence. The household must've busied themselves with something already today because the house was dead silent.

I washed my dish off after eating and walked outside, seeing Maggie standing on the porch. She didn't look at me and I didn't look at her as I walked down the steps.

"Hey wait" she said to me, voice stern yet gentle at the same exact time.

I stopped and turned around and looked at her , waiting for her to say something because I didn't even know where to start.

"I'm sorry" she said "I know what you and Beth saw at the school that day was horrible...but I can't find it in myself to truly believe they are all dead" she explained to me.

I bit my lip and looked around for a moment "They are Maggie, they are nothing but dead" I said to her "I wish you could understand that" I told her.

She nodded her head "just give me time..." she said "and forgive me?" She asked me as if it was even a question.

I smiled at her and nodded my head "forgiven" I stated as I ran my hand through my large curls and turned around.

I walked towards the camp , seeing as everyone was eating breakfast . I had a smile on my face until I saw Glenn's facial expression. He stood up and walked up to the head of the group "um, guys, so..." he trailed off a little and I felt my body shiver, knowing what was coming next.

"The barns full of walkers" he spat out. He looked guilty and I felt so bad. Everyone stared at him like he was a ghost until all eyes were on me.

Now I was the bad guy. I shook my head "l know their  dead, it's not me you have to convince of that, so don't be looking at me like I'm the one at fault here" I said defensively.

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