Best Friends Forever

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Nightfall had come.

And we had arrived at our destination.

Woodbury was before us.

I bit my lip hard, tasting the blood in my mouth as I crouched behind a car with the others, peering over at the wall, armed with men and lights.

Daryl was behind me, Michonne was in front. Both being protective,  but I was in no need of protection from anything.

I tried looking for even the slightest weak spot in the walls, but the place was a damn fortress with armed guards.

But Maggie and Glenn were in there. And there was no way I was leaving without them.

"We're gunna have to downsize" Rick said quietly as we prepared ourselves with specific weapons. I had my pistols on my hips, my swords on my back, knives strapped to my legs. I was set.

"Theres no way we can check all them buildins" Daryl said as he looked the place over

I looked around and Michonne followed my gaze "I remember a secret entry in...this way" she said.

We all followed her lead and I held my pistol in my hand for now, not having a need for two yet.

Once we were inside the walls we snuck into a building that seemed deserted at the moment. We still didn't lower our guard.

I noticed it was the same room that Michonne and I were held and questioned earlier.

"This is where you were held?" Rick asked in a hushed tone.

"Questioned" I corrected as I eyed the place to make sure no one was around.

"Any idea where else they could be?" Rick asked as he looked around cautiously.

Daryl hurried over to the nearest window when light flickered outside.

I pulled my second gun as I walked up next to him and peered out. 

People wandered the place and Daryl looked to me "I thought she said there was a curfew" he said looking to Michonne.

"there is....these are just stragglers" I said, moving some hair behind my ear.

Daryl stared at me for a moment as the others conversed quietly on a plan.

"I don't want ya gettin hurt" Daryl said, looking me in the eye with concern.

I chuckled under my breath and shook my head "I won't...I'm not that...scared, innocent, naive little girl you remember" I said, peering out the window once more "I can handle my shit"

He still didn't seem to like the idea of me being here with all this going down, and I slid my hand up his chest to his cheek "I'll be fine.....we lived alone in the woods for 8 months....seen worse then this....I will be fine"

He shook his head "still don't bring me comfort" he said.

"Then I probably can't provide you any" I added, biting my lip slightly.

We suddenly heard keys at the front door, unlocking it.

"Hide!" I hissed as we all scattered. I quickly hid behind some thick curtains and I held my guns to my chest, the rest scattered to different places.

The door opened, and then shut as a person took a few steps. As I peeked from the curtain, I saw it was a man.

"I know your in here" he said "saw ya moving from outside....ya not supposed to be in here and ya know it"

He walked towards the curtains that Rick hid behind and I took my chance and snuck out of the curtain, racing up behind the man and he spun around to greet me, but it was already to late. I sparta kicked him in the chest and he hit the wall, and Rick came forward and pinned him up against it.

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