Mine, Just Once

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I was sleepless that night

I was thinking about my now inevitable death that no one knew about except Hershel.

And I've avoided him since then.

I had dressed in a long sleeved gray form fitting shirt and some high waisted skinny jeans.

I planned on staying distant from everyone until it was absolutely necessary I tell them.

Once the fever hits...and the pain....the agony.

I walked into the cafeteria where everyone stop, talking about what we should do.

Hershel stood next to Maggie, staring at me with this concerned eyes. I averted my gaze from him. Making eye contact with Daryl as he stood across the room, arms crossed, crossbow near by. He watched me just as Hershal did. But he had no idea.

No one did.

"We aren't leaving" Rick said sternly to everyone who had doubt.

"We can't stay here" Hershel said

"What if theres another sniper? One of those wood pallets ain't gonna stop one of thise rounds"Maggie added

"We can't even go outside" Beth said, sounding as delicate as the last time I saw her.

"If Rick says were not running then were not running" Glenn said

"I agree. There's no way we will survive out there with Hershel having a missing leg and a baby crying at the drop of a hat...no way" I said, sitting down on the steps.

"We should've slid outta here last night and lived to fight another day" Merle said from the other side of the locked gate.

My eyes darted to him and I felt the anger bubling up in my chest as he made direct eye contact with me. He smirked at my obvious mood and it made me want ro throw my knife into his skull even more.

"We ain't scard of that prick" Daryl said to his brother.

"Well y'all should be...that truck through the fence thing...that's just him ringing the damn doorbell. We might have the thick walls to hide behind, but he has the guns, the men, and if he takes the high ground around this place...shoot...we're all done for" he said "he could just starve us out if he wanted to"

I stood up and started walking over to him and Michonne moved in my way "Your the fucking reason were in this mess anyways you lowlife peice of shit" I spat as Michonne held my arm.

"Put him in the other cellblock" Maggie said in disgust.

"He has a point" Daryl said, yet again making eye contact with me for a long moment. The tension was back like a bad dream. But damn did it feel good to be angry.

"Liv is right! This is all him!" Maggie yelled in anger.

"What difference does it make whose fault it is?" Beth said, coming down the stairs to the ground floor "what are we going to do?"

"I say we should leave. Axel is dead, we can't just sit here" Hershel said.

Rick turned around to walk out and Hershel stood up "GET BACK HERE!" He said.

Rick stopped in his tracks as we all walked a little closer "Your slipping Rick, we've all seen it, and we understand why, but now is not the time! You once said this wasn't a democracy, well you have to own up to that now...I put my families life in your hands...so get your head clear and do something"

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