Chapter 14: "The Winner of the Race is..."

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Present Mic (TV Projection): "Obstacles have shown up suddenly! Starting with the first barrier! Robo Inferno!

Kaminari: "Aren't those the zero-point villains from the entrance exam?"

(R/S): "--Seriously? The hero course had to fight those?"

(R/S): "--This is what they meant by obstacle?!"

(R/S): "--There are too many! I can't get through!"

The Zero Pointer was preparing to attack, but everyone else seemed frozen in solid. In response I increased the strength in my wings, reaching rapidly a convenient height. When that happened I dropped backward, closing my wings to get a good vector strength. The moment I got close to the height level of the robot, I rotated with great force completely wrapping my body in the wings, heading towards the head of the zero pointers.

In this way I quickly crossed the robot's head, followed by a strong explosion, the shock wave of the destruction granted me more momentum to penetrate the frame of two more machines that were behind the first in just one go. Killing three birds with one stone.

Todoroki was the only one who seems to have had more capable reaction time, seeing that one of the robots stretched out his arm to grab him, concentrating his ice power, turned the all the 5-meter radius around him into a temperature zone less zero. Spreading on his circumference, attacking with a brutal blizzard from his right side. Freezing the giant robot in seconds as if were liquid nitrogen.

(R/S): "Those two stopped them!"

(R/S): "Between their legs! We can get through!"

However, the position that the frozen robot was in was one out of balance, only Todoroki pass through it before it began to decay. Landing with a giant boom on the ground as all the dirt of the place was picked up, making a huge earth curtain. Nonetheless, I continued to fly proceeding with the race, Todoroki was running not far from my position. It seems that with these movements it was enough for us to obtain good advantage.

Present Mic (TV Projection): "(Y/N) and Todoroki from Class 1-A! They destroyed the robots in a single move! How elegant! Amazing! Those two are the first through! It's you know, practically unfair!"

Aizawa (TV Projection): "Their actions are logical and strategic."

Present Mic (TV Projection): "As expected from someone admitted based on recommendation and the highest score of the entrance exam! Todoroki coming through showing off the caliver of his power and (Y/N) with a demonstration of accuracy and brutality! Those Robo Infernos couldn't get past their elites moves!"

Present - Third POV

After our loved protagonist, as well as Todoroki, were able to make their way masterfully through the massive hordes of giant robots, although the two elites of the race were dominating the field, all those behind them could say the opposite. The iced robot has fallen, possible the only through was blocked completely. Most of the students were stil in shock, having one zero-pointer on the entrance exam was enough trouble, how could they possibly compete against that many at the same time. And it didn't help the mood as it appears that the structure of the defeated machine had buried a couple of individuals, been under tons of steel and ice.

(R/S): Random Student

(R/S): "Hey! Someone's trapped underneath!"

(R/S): "Wouldn't that kill them?"

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