Chapter 22: "The End of Sports Festival"

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The triumph of our shadow user was the only thing on people's lips, there were only repetitions and mentions of his name around the bleachers and halls. The other students spend their time discussing either his peculiar form of fighting his opponents, each in different ways than the last. With Mina, he was quiet yet fast... brutal, and ended his match with her at blinding speed.

With Bakugou, he decided not to approach with brute strength, it was a different path to defeat him. Because he knew that using just force with him would be a demanding task. Throwing away energy or worse risking a wound would bring him more problems. He needed to attack the source of Bakugou's real strength, his pride. Once his pride was damaged, his will to fight would have ceased. But for that to happen he needed to become something that he despised, and for once he stood in the same place as those that had tormented him in the past.

Use what he knew about Bakugou's past, his personality, to the point that he could see the way his brain ticked. And then put it against him, throwing all the mistakes of his life as a weapon. A rather cruel and cold approach, but he needed to take that risk not only for victory, most importantly to show the lesson that Bakugou so desperately needed. Although, his mind still slingers doubt as if he was the most appropriate to take such a role.

It would have been nice for things to be left at that, but as his last explosive opponent was escorted by the metal assistants to the inside of the building, emphasizing that they were trying, the blonde one didn't last long before regaining his consciousness. And fought off anyone or anything that tried to even assist him to the inside. Our young shadow user, on the other hand, stepped down the platform for a needed rest. Although, he was not the only one with a troubled mind.

Shoto was resting in one of the rooms, but having a rather rough time doing so.The words of his Class Rep still lingered. And why not say it, Midoriya's words as well. Sitting down with nothing more than his thoughts to make him company, there was something in Midoriya's words that made him react during the fight. And the cutting sentences of reality from (Y/N), that broke for a moment the stoic barrier that had been created to take on his vulnerabilities. There was truth in those intentions, it didn't matter how cruel or sugar coated it was, it appeared that the message was getting through.

Shoto (Mind): "Until I fought with Midoriya, I didn't even think about it."His feelings were in a deep hole, as he clutched his fingers, wondering what he needed to do. "(Y/N)..."



(Y/N): "Whether you like it or not, those flames are a part of you, accept them, accept your past, accept your power... If not, you will never accept yourself."

Shoto (Mind): "Accept what happened because of him? Accept that my childhood, my brothers, even my mother were stolen from me because of his stupid ambission? Accept him and his power? Something that I've been trying to negate all these years... The will that I had formed until now, let it fall apart?


(Y/N): "Suffering is only worth it, if you learn from it...Your fragility does not help you protect it, nor does it help you save it."

Shoto (Mind): "Fragile? Is that what I am?"


(Y/N): "And you will become what you fear, on the path you choose to avoid it."


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