Chapter 7: "The Training Begins"

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I decided to ignore the temperamental actions of Kacchan and focus my attention on my friend who was starting his throw. But once he completed it, he had a distance of 46 meters, he looks desperate.

Izuku: "I was definitely trying to use it just now..." Looking into his hands.

Aizawa: "I erased your quirk. That entrance exam was not rational enough. Even a kid like you was accepted."

(Y/N): "Erased? I hear about that somewhere. A quirk that can negate other quirks, if I not mistaken it belongs to the hero Eraserhead. I now understand why I didn't recognize him at first, most of the time his out of the public's view."

Aizawa: "From what I can tell you can't control your quirk, can you? Do you intend to become incapacitated again and have someone save you?"

Izuku: "Th-that's not my intention--" He was interrupted as Mr. Aizawa uses the scarf that is made of capture tape to immobilize Izuku and pull him towards him.

Aizawa: "Whatever your intention. I'm saying that's what those around you will be forced to do. In the past, there was an oppressively passionate hero who saved over a thousand people by himself and created a legend. Even if you have the same reckless valor, you'll just be decked and turn into a useless doll after saving one person. Izuku Midoriya. With your power, you can't become a hero." He let him go. "I've returned your quirk. You have two turns for the ball throw. Hurry up and get it over with."

He returned to the center of the ring and sincerely I wanted to see the display. Knowing Izuku, he would do something to change the face of the game completely in his favor. Come on Izuku, you can do this.

Iida: "It looks like he received some advice."

Aoyama: "Are you worried for him?" He said at Uraraka.

Bakugou: "Probably just telling him he's expelled."

Izuku prepare to throw the ball once again. And as he proceeds it seem as he used One for All in the tip of his finger to blast off the ball in the last second in order for him to take advantage of the momentum. Resulting in the ball reaching a speed that broke the speed of sound a good round of times.

He put himself straight and look towards Mr. Aizawa. He just proves himself to him.

Izuku: "Mr. Aizawa, I can still move." He said as he closes his fist with a broken finger but with determination on his face.

Present - Training Field - (Y/N) POV

Kirishima: "He got over 700 meters?!"

Uraraka: "Finally, a hero-like record!" She raised her hands in the air, celebrating the success of our friend.

Iida: "His finger's swollen! There was the entrance exam, too. He has a strange Quirk.." His arm was at the top of his forehead to cover the light of the sun and then positioning his finger in his chin.

The reactions that most of the students had been rather normal in regard, some of them mentioning the strength of his quirk, the side effects that it has on his body, but the most remarkable reaction out of all, was Bakugou's. He had a face of pure shock, which is understandable, considering that he spends most of his childhood bullying Izuku about been quirkless.

Being honest I was kind of happy to see this reaction out of him, because understanding that the person he underestimates, now shows the real potential he was unable to understand.

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